Using AI to create images

blog cover image

I have been using DALL-E to create some images for me lately that have been getting good engagement on my Facebook pages.

I have been telling it to create Mad magazine type comedic images to go with coffee use. I have been staying up late and getting up early for the past couple of weeks because I have to in order to get everything done that I want to get done in 24 hours.

These three images have been the ones with the most engagement and I am hoping that they will lead to more engagement on my other posts, as well.

This one is the top photo in full. Here are the other two that have received high engagement.

This one was the first one I did. It was very well received. The message I put with it was simple, as well, something along the lines of "I'm tired but I want to stay up and write. Coffee is my friend."

They are all a little different with coffee and being tired the theme of the crazy pix. I think it is probably the bright, vivid colors that are attracting people to the posts and commenting or reacting to the pix.

It is now 1:36 a.m. and I am just about to wind down for the day. I will need to be back up around 9 a.m. so If I can sleep when I go to bed, I should do okay.

The point of this post is that I believe you can post different sorts of images and messages to your audience to get better social media engagement! With these three pix along with consistent every other day posts my engagement went up from 295 about a week ago to 682 now. I also added several new followers.

But it takes effort. These numbers didn't magically happen. It would be great if they did because then I could go to bed before midnight! But if I want to really make my way and not have to work at the day job all the time, I have to put in the time here!

That is also part of the reason that I post blogs on WA. Not only do I want to hopefully encourage all of you who read my posts, but I also know that if I am consistent in writing posts here, I will be on the platform and in my Hubs and creating my content there, as well. So far so good.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


P.S. I am up to 9 books sold. I am not breaking any records by any means, but it certainly does show that anything is possible if you work at it!

Karin 😎

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Well Karin I just loved the article "Using AI to create images" and its got me motivated to do something similar myself. The images are just great. You bring such fun into your content and its very interesting how these images got you more engagement. I have an Open AI account and have been using it to help create content and also videos with the addition of the Visla plug-in too. Now that you have mentioned it I also must put a link to my posts and have ChatGPT create images based on the post. Good Luck for the future
Kind regards Mike ; )

I find it easier and more fun to create images with AI then to write with it I have been using dall e for a while. It’s a lot of fun. I haven’t used any images on my site yet, but I enjoy creating them. I like the ones you have done.

Yes, the image creation can be a lot of fun. I am typically using the AI images over stock images these days simply because I can get a lot closer to what I want in the image.

Hope all is well!


I love your images, Karin. I have found that the images I do with AI get better attention on Facebook than stock photos do. I still have a long way to go to perfect them, but they are improving. My last design was well received. Plus, as I have said before, I love playing with AI and tomorrow is my play day!


Yes, the photos I use created by AI do seem to get more engagement than stock photos. I just keep telling DALL-E to work on the photo until I get what I want. Yeah, sometimes it takes quite a few tries and sometimes it just seems to get worse and worse! But inevitably, unless I give up, I get the image I want!

Have fun with your AI play day tomorrow!

Karin 😎

I have started using a prompt that I created to get a prompt for Dall-e. Welcome to 2024! Using a prompt to create a prompt...

I put this into BARD for an Image. - "I am looking to create an image prompt of a photo that instills this thought. include the camera, lens, aperture, and lighting that you would need to create the perfect shot. ADD YOUR INTRO

I include my opening Post Introduction in the prompt for BARD. Bard then gives me back a prompt that I can put into Microsoft Image Creator. M$ Image = Dall-e3.

The never-ending spiral... Based on my comment above

I could totally live there!


Hi Karin!

Thanks for sharing! I was just thinking this morning about using AI to create some images to place in posts. I have used, but DALL-E sounds interesting.

I just checked it out after reading your post. It looks like more learning will be required. LOL. Perhaps an association with ChatGPT Plus?

I'll check it out. Congrats on the book sales!

I have tried different ones like and adobe firefly. They were not producing the images I wanted. I did move up to the pay version of ChatGPT but for me it has been worth it because I use it every day either for the creation of pictures to go with my posts or to come up with blogging schedules or a daily list for me of what I need to get done or even a menu plan for the week (complete with shopping list!). The main thing is the images right now. But ChatGPT has turned out to be quite a useful assistant.


Awesome! Thanks for that. I am trying it out right now.

Yes. Give it a try. I am not a big advocate of spending money, but this has been so worth it to me. I hope it works well for you, as well!


Awesome book achievement Karin,

Thank you, Catherine!


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