Stop asking for permission
If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission. ~Anonymous
Do you ever find yourself stopping your own progress because you feel like you need to ask permission to succeed or to find greatness?
I don't know who you are hoping to get permission from. I don't know who I am looking for permission from either.
But it can become a habit—stepping into our own way. It can become such a bad habit that some never get over it.
We maybe don't think about it as being an issue of asking for permission, but it is.
"Can I please have more sir?"I learned this saying when I was making an attempt at network marketing, "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission."
My thought on why is because people don't want to be told "no." If we are told "no" enough times, eventually we stop asking and we stop doing.
The thought above though, that if we want to achieve greatness we have to stop asking for permission, that's profound!
Just start doing it! Achieve greatness!
Why I post and spend time at WAI post and spend time in the forums and in learning is because I know that when I am doing these things I am constantly reminded to work on my website posts, as well. Sure, all the activity caused me to become an ambassador, but it also caused me to post 7 good posts to my WA promotion site and to get about 15 more in various states of completion. I know that without doing that, I would not have spent time in the Hubs, I would not have spent time writing posts.
I hope you all have a great weekend! And stop asking for permission to do great things! To quote Nike, "Just do it!"
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LOL... I get really bored on weekends because my granddaughter goes and spends the weekend with my ex. It's okay, I just get bored and lonely!
But it does give me plenty of time to work on my websites!
Take care!
You, too, Jeff. I actually think I will work on my book a little tonight. It is a lot easier to do that when I don't have distractions. My cat is just staring out the window, so not much action there! The dog is laying on the back of the couch and the other cat is just gone. She disappears usually all afternoon every day. I don't know where she goes or what she does, she's just gone!
I actually was able to get a lot of it into my pages iCloud so I can work on it no matter where I am. It is nice to have that flexibility because I can even work on it with my computer that isn't a Mac.
My son who was visiting today for my daughter's wedding gave me a little talking to. He wants to see me finish what I start! I have so many books out there that are in various states of completion. He wants me to finish one that I started writing when he was in high school—12 years ago! I still think about the characters in that book quite a lot. I worked with them every day for almost a year, got to page 350 and called it quits.
Ugh.... sorry. I don't mean to go on like this!
Hope you have a super Sunday!
Little by little on all of them, Karin! One day at a time!
Happy Sunday! We might be getting a little rain soon today!
Have a lovely weekend ahead, Karin!
Yes sometimes it's good to move forward in life without asking for permission.
Myra ♥️
Yes, who are we asking permission from?
Most of the time I have no fear, but then occasionally I have
a block in my road for a while.
Thanks for reminding me that I can move forward without asking permission.
I used to let every situation rule me with fear of the unknown. Now I do take many more chances and risks and so far most of them are paying off!
Always forward and ever onward!
Hi Karin,
Yes, I live by the motto “ It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission."
Even so, I find myself hesitating for some reason, waiting for a “go ahead” indication. Some of this is cause I’m treading lightly w all the SEO stipulations and wanting things to be perfect.
I am learning to “just do it” and to put myself out there and be proactive
That's the way to go, I am finding more and more, just move forward and be proactive. Nothing in our lives or businesses moves forward unless we do.
Hope all is going well for you!
I am in the same boat and I live by the expression....It's easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission....just ask my
Thanks and Have a Great Weekend!
Chuck, I still remember the first time I just went ahead and did something without asking permission. It was relieving and I didn't die or get a spanking (which when I was a little kid were my two worst fears).
I do start a lot of things now without asking because if I waited to get the answer I might be retired already! LOL
Take care and hope the rest of your weekend is amazing!
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It is a great idea to do what you feel inspired towards. When we use our own intuition we can see opportunities that others may not see at first.
I still like pondering ideas with my partner for his perspective and experience, and I love listening to ideas of others, but ultimately I decide on my next moves in life.
Thanks for sharing Karin, have a lovely Sunday!
Kind regards
Thank you, Erica. It is good to bounce ideas off of other people. I try that with my granddaughter and she rolls her eyes at me!~ LOL... I guess it makes a difference who you discuss ideas with...
I love some of the ideas that others share here at WA. I have gotten many positive ideas and growth in my thinking for the thoughts of others, but yes, ultimately it is up to us to decide.
so far it has been a Super Sunday! Four of my granddaughters and my ex are coming over for the afternoon and I always look forward to seeing all of them!
Maybe I will bounce some ideas off my four year old granddaughter. I bet she would have some interesting comments! LOL
Thanks Karin, I am glad you had your granddaughters visiting, that must be so much fun.
I am sure your granddaughter would have some interesting comments.
I know when my son was a toddler, he actually gave a lot thoughts to different topics.
Wishing you a wonderful new week.