Pinterest traffic and engagement are picking up

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Hey everyone!

Just a quick post about Pinterest and the increase in engagement and views. I now have an overall audience of 540. It's been about a month, so that seems like positive organic growth. The main clicks are for pins about horses!

It is rather interesting that it is for the horses website since that is the topic area I know the least about! But it is also where I got my most recent Amazon sale, so I guess it makes sense. I can tell you this much, I have learned far more about these magnificent animals in the past three months than I knew there was to know about them!

Anyway, back to Pinterest. I've only been using Pinterest for about a month now and am at nearly 1000 impressions. But it is the audience, their engagement and the pin clicks that are of more interest to me. I have seen the engagement rising steadily as well as the pin clicks. The outbound clicks (ones that actually go to my website) is still low, but I do feel that will increase, as well.

Here is what I found interesting this morning:

As you can see, since I began using Pinterest on July 31 the total audience numbers have increased. But in the last week since I have been posting a lot more my audience grew really fast!

This leads me to believe that audience growth can happen organically and it has. I need to keep up on this part because currently I am broke and have no advertising budget.

My Facebook metrics are running about the same with slight increases in the audience levels. Happily, a couple of my Facebook pages are gaining followers (outside of my friends group) so that helps, too! The growth there has not been as rapid but I don't post on every site every day. Perhaps that will be the next task that I have my Virtual Assistant (AV Buddy) take on. I think ChatGPT my VA could easily write me Facebook posts for every day for all of my website/Facebook pages. That might be a way to see more growth and action.

Just thinking aloud on virtual paper there!

Anyway, I intend to keep upping the number of pins I produce as well as adding in the daily posts on Facebook (because I like the idea of more engagement with my followers).

I am liking my day job a little more this week, but I still struggle with the fact that I have to go there! LOL

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. I get Monday off from the day job and for that I am extremely thankful!

Karin 😎

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Recent Comments


Awesome Karin, nice work on your traffic increase. Love the look of your Total Audience chart, that is definitely in an upward trend. Keep at it and I know you are only going to see this continue to increase!

Thanks, Kyle. I learn something new every day. Learning more about creating decent pins is something I learned here at WA. This is also where I get a lot of my Facebook knowledge. I am excited to see that these things are working and are bringing in some traffic (over half of the traffic on my sites is from social media links).

Take care.


Hey Karin, those stats are pretty impressive for a short time, but it shows the traffic is there, for sure. As an example of how good Pinterest is, my wife has an account which she hardly touches, has had for a few years now and still gets notifications that people are looking at her Pins, as in piccies, not legs!!!!


I am finding that Pinterest is becoming an excellent tool. What a great example about your wife's account!


For turnkey traffic not many better in my view

Great job, Karin! πŸ‘

Have an excellent Labor Day weekend! πŸ₯³

Frank 🎸

Thanks, Frank. I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend, as well. I am hopeful that I will be able to do more of the lessons here on WA as well as work on a few other writing projects I have going. My granddaughter is away for the weekend, so I should have plenty of uninterrupted time!


Remember to take a little of that time for yourself, too, Karin! 😎

Frank 🎸

When I write my books and Vella stories I am happiest, so I do consider that "me time." πŸ₯°

Thanks, Frank. By the way, did you make it to a drive in this summer? If not, you'll have to make a trip to Minnesota next summer and check out our drive in. It looks a lot like it did when it was made in the 1950s. We even have some rows that have the original speakers (the ones that you put in your car window)! They almost always have a double feature and it costs about $8 for the whole night (excluding snacks).

When they were showing the double feature of the original Twister and the new one Twisters, they even had some real storm chasers on hand to answer questions, etc. It was awesome! (And thankfully we had no twisters to contend with!)

That's not too bad for a town of around 3000!


Hi Karin

No, we haven't been to the drive-in yet, but it's on our schedule of things to do, hopefully this fall!

Wow, your drive-in sounds really great! I would definitely use one of the original speakers; what nostalgia! Lol 😎

We haven't seen the new "Twisters" movie yet. How was it compared to the original, which I think is great!?

I'm waiting for Twisters to be released on 4K (ultra-high-def) disk.

Frank 🎸

I really loved the original, but Twisters is pretty good on its own. You could easily see one without the other. Different characters, different ways they are dealing with tornados. Yes, seeing Twisters in 4K would be an amazing experience!

Our drive in was voted the best in Minnesota! They pack the place every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night during the summer!

Karin 😎

Hi Karin

Looking forward to seeing Twisters.

It sounds like you live in a great little town! πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🎸

It is a pretty nice place. I actually live a couple of towns over from where the drive in is located but only about 13 miles so an easy trip!

I think you will enjoy Twisters! After you see it, let me know what you think. I've seen it a couple of times now and enjoyed it both times!


Yeah, I'll definitely let you know about Twisters, Karin. It usually takes about 3 to 6 months after it leaves the movies to become available on 4K disk.

Happy Saturday! πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

Hi Karin!

I also have a Pinterest account but have not spent much time on it recently.

If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing on Pinterest that is increasing your traffic?

Good job, thank you!

I had not spent any time on mine for years. Then I saw some training here, it was either from Vitaily (spelling?) or Eric Cantu or maybe Jay that talked about doing more Pinterest posts, so I started doing that. I post at least every other day and often every day. They might be random or fun or encouraging pins or they might be from one of my blog posts. In whatever way I do a pin, I have a link back to one of my sites. Usually my "umbrella" site, but a lot more to the horses posts simply because those are producing the most response currently. I guess a lot of people like horses!

So the increase in my traffic I attribute to posting more often. I attempt once a day, sometimes more often. If I have two blog posts scheduled, then I would have two Pinterest posts for that day and maybe throw in a random one just for fun!

Oh, I also made my Pinterest account into a business account. It doesn't cost anything to do so.


Hi - what Karin has said is correct, it's all about posting pins consistently, preferably daily.

You can use Pinterest's own scheduler, so essentially, you could spend one day per month, creating and scheduling all your pins for that month, and then it's job done!

As soon as you stop pinning regularly, your views will drop.

You also need to claim your website on Pinterest, so that it is verified.

Awesome, Karin!

You have inspired me to return to my Pinterest account, mostly because I want to rely less on SEO and more on referral traffic.

Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks. Diane! I think I'll pay more attention to my Pinterest biz account.

Yes. Diane. I haven't started using the scheduler yet. Thanks for the reminder, too, about claiming my website. I keep forgetting to do it!


I think over half of my traffic my blog sites is from social media posts either Facebook or Pinterest.


That's the way to go, Karin!

From what I can see in the past year with Google, we need to develop other ways to gain traffic besides our SEO efforts.

Press on, Karin!

For sure, Howard. I do get a few organic traffic visits through search but the majority are through social media. Good luck with it. It is extra things to think about, but it is proving worthwhile.


Superb. Thank you.


Thanks, Abbie. Hope all is going well with you! Did you ever get to see Cyndi Lauper concert?


TOPS, lol.


Nope. I had other plans, and there was only 1 show.


Howdy! AbieOi.

What's up, #Lola? Do you like the horse in the above image?


It is terrific, AbieOi.

Well, girls do just want to have fun... so! πŸ˜ƒ


Howdy! Karin.

Howdy! Hope you are doing well~!


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