Is your subconscious your worst enemy?
Hello my fellow WA team.
I cam across this video "How to program your subconscious mind to get what you want" and I had to share this.
They mentioned that we only use about 5% of our conscious mind and the rest is all in our subconscious. So many of us have a hard time believing in our self - I'll never be successful, I'm going to fail, This will never happen for me. All of these thoughts are programmed in our subconscious and just like computers we need a reboot every now and then. We need to tell our subconscious - I will be successful, I am not going to fail, This will happen for me!!
We all deserve success and something brought us all here for a reason so we have each other for support but sometimes instead of looking for support from others we need to find that support within ourselves.
So I highly recommended watching this video. It is about 15 mins long but it definitely opened my eyes and is something that I will start doing for myself. It teaches you how to make friends with your subconscious rather than enemies.
To everyone's success!!
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Your subconscious mind is more powerful than you think. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Meditating helps.
You are so right Sui! In the video I posted they were saying your sub conscience makes up for about 90%!! Meditation definitely helps as well as yoga helps too :) I sometimes meditate while doing yoga, kill two birds with one stone :)
Great post. Very inspirational! I read the book "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy a few years ago and your post has prompted me to re-read it again. I like the 5 steps to reprogram your mind in the video. 1. Be humble 2. Get specific 3. Make a commitment to yourself 4. Find exemplary examples 5. Solidify and affirm.
You are right because it is so easy to get discouraged before you reach your goal, so this is some good stuff to get into, it helps you understand yourself better without everyone else's opinion.
This is so true. No one's opinion should matter except your own and sometimes we tend to be our own worst critics! Glad you enjoy!
I am a fan of this kind of thing, I am presently doing guided visualisations on what I see in my future, and it is just so restful and helpful. Good stuff- Andy
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Interesting post!