The Three C's of Life


'What are the 3 C's of life?' I hear you cry! Take a look...


We all have many choices in life but it's what we do with them that counts. We can choose whether to stay stuck in the rut in which we've become comfortable or we can choose a different path to get us to where we want to be.


If you never take a chance on something you will always be left wondering 'what if?' So what if it doesn't work out? If you don't try, then you'll never know. Pick yourself up and take a chance on something else instead!


If nothing changes, then nothing changes. YOU are the only one with the power to change your mindset. Are you happy with life the way it is, right now? If not, then ask yourself, 'what small thing is it possible for me to change, right here, right now?'

Start with something small which won't feel too scary and work your way up. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day - it's taken you 'x' amount of years to get to where you are now, and change doesn't come easily to some people.

If the thought of change is scary to you, just give it a go. What do you have to lose? After all, if your life was perfect you wouldn't be here at WA, trying to improve things would you?

Have a great weekend fellow entrepreneurs.


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Recent Comments


Hey Jude,
So true! Funny I used a similar image with quote on Facebook yesterday. How cool is that!

H Jude nice one but what about bieng consistant in what we do as well ????

Consistency is of course important, but never be afraid to try something new also! :)

HI again and I am happy to try anything new as that is the fun of living

Truer words were never spoken. A great post, Jude; happy to be following you. you're an inspiration.

Continued success to you.

Thanks for post. Simple and truthful wisdom.

You are my inspiration today......thank you!

Thank you Jude for this very encouraging message especially at this time when most of us are busy putting down our 2016 resolutions. It goes further to give us courage to change what we do not like in our lives. I like what someone once said, that we are the ''change we want to see in the world we live in''! Wish you a bountiful year end; Happy Holidays!

Here are other big C's. (True C's yours are Ch's;-) A quote from Scott Dinsmore, who passed away in October, while living his dream climbing the Kilimanjaro. He was 33. He remains a legend in the internet business world. Let's honour him with living this C's.

"1. Consume. Consume new ideas through books, talks, courses, podcasts, anything – and ideally everything. If we aren’t exposing ourselves to new ideas, the spark has no chance.

2. Connect. Connect with people doing inspiring things. Connect with businesses you admire. Spend time with people who support and encourage your ideas.

3. Create. Get it out of your head. Write ideas down. Craft stories. Play your music. Create your art. Practice your craft. Test out what’s interesting. Put it out for the world to experience."

Hi Dirk.....pls try and blog this as be able to reach more people....thanks for sharing ...see u around?

Fabulous - thank you :)

I just did it! Thanks Arlette for your inspiration.

Ya what Loes said lol

Thanks Jude

It's great to get reminders on what you need to do to get to where you want to be, thank you :-)

Hi Jude, you are so right, If you do what you always have done, you get what you always have gotten, don't expect changes when you keep doing the same things over and over again:)

this is soooo true Loes

Thanks! Oeps, I saw a writing error, chances should be changes, I corrected it Arlette:)

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