About jojoleong
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1,457 followers Joined November 2014
I am business owner, entrepreneur, telecommunication expert, internet marketer, speaker, motivator, basketball player, swimmer and grace evangelist. I live in Johor Bahru( Malaysia ) and Taipei





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I received this mail from Google.

Malware infection detected:http://www.gracester.org/

Unfortunately, it ap

Thanks for your feedback. I host my sites at bluehost.com . look like all wordpress blog got same issue now.

Really headache a bit with this malware issue.

I'd try a support ticket here first, if that doesn't work, then pay for outside help with a company like OmniTech

Of course you could always try Fiver.

If your websites are hosted at WA then put in a support ticket.

If you're not hosted with WA then install Wordfence plugin and run a scan including:
1) Scan for unauthorized DNS changes
2) Scan files outside your WordPress installation
3) Scan image files as if they were executable

This should fix the problem. If not contact support at your hosting company. ~Marion

I don't really want to tell you this since this can cost you money and it gives the appearance that I may be profiting. Be assured I get nothing out of this. I've had websites running for years. I use my computers a lot. I use a service that takes care of every computer issue that could possibly come up, online and immediately. They simply access my computer with permission and deal with any problems, including those originating off site. The service costs. About $300.00 per year for each computer. It's worth it and I wouldn't be without them. I use them at least twice a month.
Last year I shipped them a computer they could not repair online. They installed a new drive at no extra cost. You can call them for information: If you want. OmniTech: 1-800-966-9940

If you host here make out a support ticket, if you host elsewhere make a report there. :)

I would contact the hosting company and once you do that get some security plugins for WordPress


If you host your site on WA I don't think you have to worry about these issues. I may be wrong on this, but I am pretty sure I have heard Kyle talk about all the security and backups for sites on WA servers as some of the best in the industry.

Are you sites on WA servers? If something did get through then your help should come from tech support.

Contact your hosting company. Nothing you can really do about it. Needs someone with access to server logs and who can run checks on the server & files on your site.

Use managed hosting for important sites, do you don't have to worry about this sort of thing.

Will be following this thread closely to hear the responses.

Wishing you MASSIVE success!

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My site is infected by malware and need help from expert?

My site is infected by malware and need help from expert?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I received this mail from Google.

Malware infection detected:http://www.gracester.org/

Unfortunately, it ap

Thanks for your feedback. I host my sites at bluehost.com . look like all wordpress blog got same issue now.

Really headache a bit with this malware issue.

I'd try a support ticket here first, if that doesn't work, then pay for outside help with a company like OmniTech

Of course you could always try Fiver.

If your websites are hosted at WA then put in a support ticket.

If you're not hosted with WA then install Wordfence plugin and run a scan including:
1) Scan for unauthorized DNS changes
2) Scan files outside your WordPress installation
3) Scan image files as if they were executable

This should fix the problem. If not contact support at your hosting company. ~Marion

I don't really want to tell you this since this can cost you money and it gives the appearance that I may be profiting. Be assured I get nothing out of this. I've had websites running for years. I use my computers a lot. I use a service that takes care of every computer issue that could possibly come up, online and immediately. They simply access my computer with permission and deal with any problems, including those originating off site. The service costs. About $300.00 per year for each computer. It's worth it and I wouldn't be without them. I use them at least twice a month.
Last year I shipped them a computer they could not repair online. They installed a new drive at no extra cost. You can call them for information: If you want. OmniTech: 1-800-966-9940

If you host here make out a support ticket, if you host elsewhere make a report there. :)

I would contact the hosting company and once you do that get some security plugins for WordPress


If you host your site on WA I don't think you have to worry about these issues. I may be wrong on this, but I am pretty sure I have heard Kyle talk about all the security and backups for sites on WA servers as some of the best in the industry.

Are you sites on WA servers? If something did get through then your help should come from tech support.

Contact your hosting company. Nothing you can really do about it. Needs someone with access to server logs and who can run checks on the server & files on your site.

Use managed hosting for important sites, do you don't have to worry about this sort of thing.

Will be following this thread closely to hear the responses.

Wishing you MASSIVE success!

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