Google Authorship - They've Changed The Rules a Bit
Sometimes I think I'm awfully slow getting through the training and incorporating it into my website. My latest hurdle was Course 2 Lesson 9, Google Authorship. I found out that the rules have changed a bit since the lesson was created.
At present, Kyle has updated the training to cover one of the changes. That is, Google no longer puts your profile picture next to your listing in the search results when you have implemented Google Authorship. Ok, I get that.
Next, though, is a struggle I had with getting authorship to work at all, due to another change that Google has made. They now require that your Wordpress profile have an email address hosted on your domain, associated with your Wordpress profile, that Google can verify. It isn't very clear what it is that they are asking for, but I got the impression that somehow your Google + account should have some way to identifiy that the email address listed in your Wordpress profile actually associates to your Google + profile.
I struggled with that for awhile, and finally gave up thinking that I hadn't figured it out correctly. Yesterday when I was puzzling over it, I tried the rich snippet tool only to have it tell me that authorship wasn't set up for my website.
But today after work, I tried rich snippet again, and lo and behold, it now recognizes my authorship. I guess it needed time to digest my Wordpress profile updates. I don't know how Google figured out that the email address I added to my Wordpress profile actually matches me in my Google + profile, since there is no place in the Google + profile to list it. But it seemed to work.
It isn't perfect, though. Rich snippet reports errors for each person's comments that are associated with my blog posts, and another "error: required field missing 'updated'". I don't know how to fix those yet.
But even with the errors, the results have been phenomenal. Before, my website and all my posts were totally invisible to google searches. Now, I have two keyword specific posts that show up, one on the third page and the other on the fourth page of Google keyword search results. And that is with pretty thin content so far; I only have five posts total and a few pages with just a few lines each.
That isn't money in the bank yet, but it's gratifying progress! It just goes to show that following the training, building your website as explained, and writing good content, will eventually lead to success!
I'm pumped!
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that website is awesome! very informative! I checked it as my favorite!!! these days, I don't go out just look around website here community fork's build.,, EVERYTHING So nice and I learn FROM HERE alot better then korean people KOREAN community!! :) THANKS , JOHN!! Can you come here on my website and leave a comments, plz.... I need your comment...
Have a great day! :)
Hi Karel, I visited your web site and left a comment on one of your posts.
Your web site is attractive and informative, and is coming together very nicely. There are a few minor things that I'm sure you will be able to improve as you continue to work on it.
One thing about the appearance of your web site is that it needs some pictures and text other than the most recent blog posts where a visitor lands. The title of the most recent blog post shows up as the main feature that a visitor sees, and at first glance he or she may think the entire web site is about the title of that blog post, like the cosmetic surgery post for example. The large size of the blog post title also affects this.
On the post about plastic surgery, the box for leaving a comment appears above the text of the post, which is a little confusing at first. It should appear below the post instead. Also, in that post there is a caption for a picture that has no picture associated with it.
On your society page, the icons for linking to social media appear twice. Once would be enough I think.
Your page about Seol's top mountains needs some pictures of those mountains. That would add some interest.
Keep up the good work. The concept of your web site is great, and it has a lot of good content. I hope that these suggestions may help make it even better!
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Read this :) greetings Loes
Thanks for the info, Loes. Just when I got it working, it's going bye-bye. Well, I guess I'll just have to work harder on good content.
Have you seen the SEO plugin? I posted it on my blog, that one is truly fantastic!