What You Can Learn From Black Friday.

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Just had a quick thought that I want to share with you.

Right now, we're starting to receive an increasing number of promotional Emails regarding all sorts of Black Friday Offer, right?

My question to you is...

What's your reaction when you get all these Emails?

Ignore them? Check out their latest deal?

Here's what I think you should do...

Many people are constantly complaining that they suck at writing or they don't know how to do Email marketing, what to write in Emails, etc...

Instead of whining about it, why not learn from what other people are already doing?

All these pormotional Emails are great learning resources if you look from another perspective.

Look at what are the Email titles people are using to capture your attention, how they hook you in the beginning of the Email, how they introduce their offer, how they promote their products, or how they're even doing certain things wrongly.

If you always ignore such Emails, you're missing a lot of learning opportunities.

I'm not saying you must open every single Email you receive. That's not a wise way to spend your time.

But what if you can just do this ONE THING...

When you skim through your inbox, take note of the titles that captures your attention.

Ask yourself: Why were you interested? What's the specific reason that you pay attention to this particular Email? What technique is this person using?

And then open the Email to read the content.

Jot down anything that you like and dislike about their Email so that you can use those strategies in your own Emails or prevent you from making the same mistake.

It's all about asking yourself about your FEELINGS toward these Emails.

Even if you can just learn/capture one or two key phrases they're using to sell their product, it's still better than nothing, right? Now you're slowly gathering more and more ideas. And such things can benefit you for a lifetime if you put them into practice.

I'm not saying you'll become an expert right away just by reading other people's Email. All I'm saying is that you're slowly gaining more and more knowledge day by day which will definitely benefit yourself and your business one way or another down the road.

So, it's all about being observant and paying attention to details.

I hope this quick post helps. Just a thought that popped up in my mind just now.

All the best!

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Recent Comments


Good stuff Jerry!
And I agree, don’t delete... learn from them! (Even if it’s learning what NOT to do). ;)

Since I’ve been here at wealthy affiliate, I notice more... Not only what techniques online marketers are using, but also what tactics brick and mortar stores are using as well.

It’s like many have said. No need to reinvent the wheel. If it’s working for someone else, it can work for you.

Thanks for the insight Jerry.


That's right! All the wheels have already been invented. All we need to do is to find the one that works for us :)

All the best!

Thanks Jerry,
I used to ignore a lot of these emails before I came here. Lately, I have been paying a little more attention to them. They can be a valuable learning tool.

That's great!

Thank you, this is really great advice. I'm actually in the process of watching I've been seeing a lot about email marketing and yes, I'm one of those that's really nervous about it and don't even know how to get started.

But, I started looking at the emails that I've subscribed to and are sent to my email. Not just looking at them and eventually deleting them... I'm really studying them to see what I can use from them. Just like you explained here. I want to learn from them so that I can achieve good emails when I do get started in it.

I am also going to start really taking notes as I read them - that's a great idea.

Thank you so much for this! I needed to know I was doing the right thing :)

That's right! Wish you all the best :)

Thanks Jerry. A swipe file is a great way to learn direct marketing quickly.


Such a good point and outside the box thinking like it.

Thank you!

Thank you Jerry. Great advice, of course.

I have to admit, I am one of those people that typically ignore then.

Never really have it much thought until now.

This will definitely come in handy when I got to set up an autoresponder and email list.

Thank you again and have a blessed Thanksgiving my friend.

Wishing you the best in all you do
Lee Ann

Awesome. My pleasure Lee Ann!

Thank you. These are good tips to know and use to help you on your journey.

My pleasure Delores!

Thank you I have not gotten into the email stuff yet but
sure I will eventually, thank you for this advise good
points to use now for later :)

My pleasure Susan!

hey hi Jerry! ... ⭐️ excellent suggestions ! ...

... an innovative way to consider things just a wee bit differently for 'success'!

... appreciate your sharing -- thanks kindly, cheerio ... 🧡

My pleasure Keisha!

... super! ... 😊

Hi Jerry. I think this is excellent advice and not something I would have thought of. Thanks for sharing.

Mary Ann

My pleasure Mary!

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