Worrisome Wednesday Went Wonderfully Wonderful!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

I was exhausted when I went to bed last night, and I ended up sleeping very well, though I still did not want to get up this morning, and I snoozed the clock for another hour.

There were bills to pay on the computer, as well as a late tax return to the State. A lot of things on the plate for sure. I've been busier doing those thankless tasks than I wanted to be.

Of course, I had already started my usual morning foray in the Wealthy Affiliate Community!

Even if this day started a little more lack luster than I wanted it to be, this habitual morning routine usually makes it much better.

Kitty decided to remain in bed this morning. She might come out later. We'll just wait and see.

When I finished the initial foray into the WAC, I ventured outside and captured some images of the new day, including the title image.

At the time these were taken it as 42 degrees, so not so bad, but it still felt chilly to me.

It wasn't very long after this, that I had to go pick up a mailbox lock from a Realty Company not too far from here.

The day had gotten much nicer since the morning, so the drive was pleasant!

I picked up the lock and information, and after that I headed to the bank,

The drive to the bank didn't take that long. I needed to deposit a couple of checks that I had. Then it was only about ten blocks to my jobsite.

Everything seemed to work out very well, and for that, I was glad. For the most part, we have been in the mid-50s for the rest of the day, and it is just starting to drop again for right now.

Anyway, since the Locksmith Shop house was only four blocks away, I headed over there too, so I could check on the mail and other things.

It was nice to be over there for a while. It wasn't too long since I was there when my buddy, Kevin up in Nebraska called me on his way to work at the railroad. We chatted for about 30 minutes, and right after we got off the phone. Another guy that I know called me about a locksmith job for tomorrow.

This building had not been serviced by me for over seven years, and I knew it had been remodeled, so I told him I would head over and do a cursory inspection of the outside of it, though there might be some doors inside too.

On the way to drop off the new mailbox keys for the tenant at the Realty company, I stopped by and took a survey of the outer doors. It is the Community Theater where plays are performed at.

The gentleman and I will meet over there tomorrow at noon. I'm not guaranteed the job, and I don't want to bid it until I can see the interior locks.

After I finished with the inspection, I dropped off the keys and bill at the Realty company, and then headed back to the eBay house.

There, I added some oil to the truck and started carrying some more firewood inside for the coming evening.

The fire still seemed to be going pretty good. I will still stock a little more wood in the house.

Above is an image of the evening street as dusk approaches.

Monica might call when she gets off her second job, and I also might reach out to my mother again later in the evening.

I might also explore a few of the new things on WA this evening as well, if I am not too tired, Kitty remained in bed when I was here. She might have explored a while while I was gone. Oh well, maybe we'll see her tomorrow.

WHOOPS! Look! IO captured an image of her on top of the bed for a change!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty!

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Sounds like an interesting and eventful HUMP day Jeff!

Hope you get the job my friend and enjoy a wonderful Frisatsu eve!!


It was, Nick! We shall see! I put in the estimate today!

Hope your Frisatsu's eve went well! Mine was very tiring!


Fingers and toes crossed for you Jeff!

Mine was normal here my friend and it sounds like you need a quick (4 hour) nap!!!


All is better now, Nick! We still have to do more on the truck, but it is good right now.

Happy Frisatsu!


Excellent news Jeffrey!

Any news on the estimate you put in though??

Happy to hear that your only working member of the fleet hasn't given up the fight yet!!!

Happy Frisatsu buddy!


I got the job, Nick. It will happen Monday afternoon.

Happy Frisatsu!


Fantastic Jeff and happy Frisatsu!!


Same to you, Nick!



This is my only WA stuff today. My pneumonia came back double force and the doctor said i had been doing too much... so now I am bed bound and checking out the latest WA stuff.
Was pretty surprised when I logged in and "hub" and "activity'. Still haven't looked properly but will tomorrow.
Anyway, you won't see me around for a week but I hope Kitty keeps you on the straight and narrow. Hope this all makes sense but the old brain is a bit foggy at the moment, catch you later.

Wow, Stevoi! Get some rest and get better soon, my friend!

Kitty will keep me going in the interim!

Jeffoi 😹

I know exactly how you feel Steve. I had Pneumonia this time last year, house full of paramedics. It cleared up, but then came back 10 weeks later, so be aware of that.
Cleared up now but it takes months and months for your breathing to sort itself out again.
Thinking about you buddy, you can beat it. Fight it.

Thanks buddy

Thanks buddy

You're very welcome, Stevoi!

You WILL get better.

Sleep/rest is my priority as I try to recover Jeff. I still have a low energy level. Yesterday, I did go buy OTC Decongestant and about 12 hours later that kicked in to clear up most of my sinuses, but my sore throat remains so I am doing my best not to talk. I know, I know, a major undertaking that is. haha

I did take a short walk today. Cloudy, but the sun is trying get its light through.

Hope that card shows up in your mail soon. :-)

Ok, back to chillaxing!


Keep taking it easy, Mel! I'll text you when I get it.


Hope you're feeling better, but know how you feel. I've been in bed the last 2 days. Just when I started feeling better, the pneumonia I have been battling came and hit me around the head with what felt like a bloody big mallet. Now I have been told NO WORK for 1 week.. Not happy...
But take that rest buddy,

Hoping to avoid this turning into pneumonia. Got some new meds today to add to my arsenal. Still low batt.


Nice to see that beautiful blue sky. Makes the errands go much smoother, I think. Your evening fire looks nice, too. Actually, we started with morning rain, but then our sky also turned blue. Mocha was very glad, as he got to go outside. He's got a little sense, though...it was rather chlly, and he came in regularly to warm his toes. He's now sleeping in his "loft" spot that only he can reach. It's probably the warmest place in the house.

Glad you had lockwork. Always good to have a new job, and you seem to be pretty consistent with those.

Got my post published; took the "tank" to run some errands. Car is stil in shop getting new radiator installed. The process is being held up because some necessary hoses the mechanic ordered have not yet arrived. That's Alaska for you!

Hope your evening goes well.

It was, indeed, Fran. I'll bet that Mocha was ecstatic to romp around outside.

Glad that he has a nice warm spot to take breaks in.

I was happy to have some work. Not sure the one tomorrow will go as planned, but we'll see.

Glad your post was published. I have to play catchup in that department soon.

What is the "tank"? I hope your car is fixed soon, when the parts come in.

The evening was spent with an associate of mine tarring around my chimney which had developed some leaks. I can't climb up there easily anymore.

That's what I call the "loaner" car...it's so big and hard to get into...

Ah, I see, Fran.

I love that pic of Kitty! She looks so snuggly. Sounds like you had a busy day, Jeff...always so much to do. But I'm happy for you about the lock work. Well done! Maybe you could send me a little of that sun of yours. It looks wonderful. Hope you have a great evening!

Susan πŸ«πŸΆπŸ˜ΉπŸΆπŸ™

Thanks, Susan. I took that at the last minute before I posted! It really got to be a busy day after all, but it started out slow!

I was happy to land one, and we shall see about tomorrow on the other one. That will be a lot of work involved on short notice.

I just sent you some sun, so I hope you get it! 🌞 I will have a very sleepy evening! Hope yours is GREAT too!


Hopefully all goes well for you tomorrow. πŸ™

Thank you, Jeff. Most appreciated. I’m enjoying the same. Have a GREAT one!

Susan 🐢😹🐢🐫🌞

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