Wintery Wednesday Was Winter Work & Worries!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

I never got the wood load....yet, but I managed to find some other logs out back, so that is keeping me going somewhat! I cannot complain, sometimes we have to improvise! I was in the Army, so I know how to do just that!

I lit the last fire of yesterday evening with some logs I managed to get to that were not soaked. God always provides! If my guy does not show today, then I might have to do that again! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!

After several conversations with several friends and associates, I decided to head to bed early again. Kitty and I slept very well, and then I was up at 6 am and ready to reignite a fire in the fireplace again.

That took a little more doing, but it seemed to finally get going. It kept going out, but eventually it will take off, I am sure! We might top 40 degrees today too, so that will truly help, as well.

Kitty ventured out to eat, but after that, she retreated back to the bedroom. Maybe she will come out later.

I, of course, got on the computer and jumped right into the vibrant Wealthy Affiliate Community!

It took a bit more time, but I got it completed.

When I finished with that, I ventured outside and captured images of the new day, including the title image.

We were just over 30 degrees at the time. Then I went back inside to coax the fire some, and then get back on the computer, as well.

Aside from getting caught back up there, I also took the time to make a contribution to the new Frisatsu website with Mel Waller!

I was essentially pleased with the result since the website is still in its infancy!

There are plans to visit my book promotion website, as well, perhaps later today, but I have also been outlining my planned book for this fall too, about my DL suspension over the summer! Time just seems to slip away too fast.

Since Monica worked some more overtime today, our Freddy's trip has been postponed until after 4 pm. I took advantage of that time to go pick up a check from the job yesterday, and then was able to deposit an amount over $500! That helped out a lot with property tax rearing its ugly head!

Before I left, this was an image of the afternoon sun (above)

I captured the following images on that foray:

All in all, it was a productive run on essential errands! After that, Monica and I will go eat at Freddy's Steakburgers!

My buddy Kevin called, and we chatted for over half an hour. so that was a Great conversation too! After we got off the phone, I went back outside and gathered more firewood, just in case my guy does not deliver any today!

I then was talking to my mom for a little while, and then Monica showed up early to get me so we could go enjoy Freddy's!

We also went somewhere else she needed to go about her tire, and when she dropped me off, I loaded her down with a few bags of meat that I had from Ron! I paid some of his generosity forward, since she has more mouths to feed. I would do it all again too!

I'll cut this off for now! I'll post this now, and the evening with Monica will be the start to tomorrow's blog post!

Today has been a very good day. although there will be no firewood again today, since my firewood hauler's truck broke down. No matter, I'll figure something else out until he is able to get here.

There might be a bit warmer weather coming too, although it is supposed to be rainy tomorrow!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Hang in there, Jeff! I pray your friend shows up with more firewood soon!

I remember asking in the past if you had a heater, but I think you mentioned that it doesn't heat that house very well.

In the meantime, bundle up and stay warm! 😎🐶😹🐶

Isaiah 😊

I will, Isaiah! I don't ever give up, my friend!

It didn't heat the house very well and ran my electric bill up $90 for little or nothing!

I'm always bundled up here! 🥶🐶😹🐶

Happy Thursday!


Is this what you call OMW.
Cold here in the UK, woolly jumper weather.
I'm pleased to see the website is shaping up Jeff. Stick with it, you know better than me that it takes time.
I got a shot across the bows from WA yesterday. I forgot to update my credit card details and they couldn't take my annual subscription. Panic, panic, panic.
All sorted now, my fault.
Lots to do and behind again this week. Funny how a simple cough and cold slows you down.
And I'm glad that Miss M showed up. I was beginning to wonder. I don't know what Freddy's is, but I guess it's a food house. Hope you enjoyed it, and you with all that steak in the freezer. You should have made her a romantic dinner at your gaff.
Good luck with the day, fingers crossed for lots of breaking and entering work for you.

Yes, indeed, Bux! The website is started, and Mel and I will ramp it up at some point. I have also worked some on the book promotion site too!

I'm hoping that my CC info is up to date too, Bux. We shall soon see! Glad you got yours sorted in short order!

I know how you feel--I'm perpetually behind, but at least it let's me know that I have things to do!

I'll post about Freddy's today, I have posted about it before too though! Steak burgers, Fries, and Frozen Custards!

I gave her a lot of brats, Ham hocks and everything else. I will be getting more from Ron later. She has kids to feed, so I was very glad that I could help!

Enjoy your Thursday as well--another Frisatsu is around the corner!


I missed the last talk about Freddy's. It must have been one of my dormant periods. Never mind.
Yes, FriSatSu again in a few hours. Is it me, or do we get one every week now. They certainly seem to come around much quicker.
And what are brats.
Stay lucky my friend.

The faster that they come, the better that I feel, Bux!

Brats are Bratwurst German sausages!

Luck and the Grace of God is what I try to live by!


Oh boy Jeffoi, the challenges of winter! Hope the. promised firewood gets to you by tomorrow! 🥶🥶🥶

Loved your images!

Just keep your heated coat always charged up when you’re slumbering!

Stay warm! Happy hump day!

Maria 🌹

I hope so too, Marioi! He called yesterday and his truck is broke down, so we shall see! I brought in some more wood from the back since the snow had started to melt away! Today it was raining, so I might find it a bit harder today!

I'll make it one way or another, and the coat will come in handy!

I hope all is going well in your recovery!


That coat was basically for that! You can place Kitty in so both of you get warmed!

I will start my physical therapy tomorrow ~ the doctor wants 3x a week for 4 weeks!
My pain level is much tolerable!
Thank you for thinking about me !

Have a fabulous Thursday Jeffoi!

Maria 🌹

Haha. Thank you, Marioi! I might have to do just that! 😹

You are a gem!

That time frame sounds about right. I went to Monica's therapy sessions 3 X a week after each surgery she had! They never told me after my operation that I needed PT, but I managed without it!

Have a Totally Terrific Thursday!


Totally Terrific Thursday is what I am having Jeffoi!

Stay warm and hope the guy brings you the firewood!

Awesome, Marioi!

I will manage that! Thank you for all you have done, and all that you do!

Jeffoi 🙏

Your photos are great, Jeff, as usual but I didn't realize just what an affect the atmosphere has on what a camera produces. The normal sunshine or just a dull day is not what's in your part of the world right now. Ice Blue is the order of the day!

I'm pleased you and Monica had some time out together. Well done :)

Sending best wishes for the days and nights ahead.🙏🔥😼🔥🙏


Thank you, Valerie! I just let the camera do its work!

I was very happy to have some time with her for a change. I also sent a lot of meat home with her to stock her freezer from my friend Ron's bounty that he sent me!

Her and the three kids are there, and it is just me here, and I truly don't eat that much!

I appreciate the well-wishes! I need them. I hope that you are doing better moving forward! 🔥🙏😹


Thanks, Jeff.
I'm improving daily, or thereabouts, and looking foward to updating my two websites, something I've mentioned too often! Action is, or needs to be, the order of the day.

Valerie 🌞

Awesome, Valerie! I hope you are totally well soon! I have been running around getting caught up on a lot of things. There is never an end to them, but that is what keeps life exciting!


It does, Jeff. Action is the order of the day or, in other words, the answer to success!

Valerie 🌞

I totally agree with you, Valerie!

Have a Great upcoming new week!


Thanks, Jeff :)


You're very welcome, Valerie!


I had a good day, too, Jeff. I finished a post and published it on my site and to Facebook.

I love the dancing pine just above the WA banner. It's almost as if it's saying to the winter, "You can't get me down."

Your struggle with the fire is a memory I know well. I hope you get some good stuff soon. I always liked Ash. It always seemed to burn.

Take care, Jeff. Bedtime here. Up at 4:30 AM.


I'm very glad to hear that, Dave!

I know what you mean about fire. I am managing!

Sleep well, my friend! I will be heading there soon too!


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