Soothingly Smooth Saturday!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

Last night my cousin and I talked for almost three hours on the phone still getting caught up. He and I's birthdays are only 6 days apart, but I am 13 years older than him.

Our lives were quite different though-he did a 10-15 Prison sentence, but now makes pretty good money working on machinist work and computers.

I am proud of how he changed his life.

My Locksmith work used to be quite profitable, but the Pandemic and the fallen economy over the last few years changed all that.

Over the years after that, I had established some different income streams, but they have essentially failed because of our economy in recent years.

When we finally got off the phone, it was time for me to hit the rack.

I slept well enough, so that was a positive thing. Then I was up and back into the normal morning groove. Before I got on the computer though, I decided to go outside and capture some early images of the new day.

If was only 60 degrees at the time. Then I ventured into the news feeds, and the Wealthy Affiliate Community.

It sure makes the day start in the proper way. When that was accomplish, it had been time for another power nap. Kitty popped up for a few minutes, and then left again. No matter, I needed the additional rest.

After that, I captured more images of the much sunnier and hotter day! (including the title image)

The locksmith job that I was supposed to have has not yet materialized, but that was not unexpected. There was another call to unlock a car, but they didn't have the money. I told them that since it was leased, they might have roadside coverage,

More "housekeeping" tasks both physical and business-wise have also been being taken care of too. Every little bit that is taken care of will help me to get back to my goals.

I also chatted on the phone with a Military Buddy up in Montana for a little over half an hour too. It had been a while for sure. I haven't talked to Ron for a while, but I wouldn't have a whole lot to say, and I know that he and his family are likely busy on these sunny days.

Then I got another website post done too!

I was pleased about that, as well.

The rest of the evening for me will be spent doing more of everything else that has been going on through out the suddenly hot day!

Monica finally called and I chatted with her for 20 minutes from work, so that was a definite bonus too.

Then there were more outside tasks to take care, including a small errand, as well WE were mid 80s, so it felt quite hot.

A short errand was also in order too.

The day was very nice, but I have not been reacting to the heat very well. I hope I can acclimate myself to it very soon. Otherwise it will be an extreme summer for sure. I just have to keep my fingers crossed!

This post is dropping a little late, but it will drop soon.

Then I'll still be on the computer for a while to taking care of other tasks. There seems to never be a dull moment.

I guess if there was, think about how bored we would be. Anyway, we can talk later! I still need to figure out how to unlock the 20,000 on my site to at least experiment with the AH writer.



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Good to hear you managed to get some proper rest as well as catch up with your cousin and Monica.
Yet still managed to be productive which is the main thing.

Enjoy the week ahead my friend and keep pushing though. Talk to Kyle if you are having issues with the credits for Ai



Thanks, Andre! I PMed him yesterday, so we shall see.

Have a Great Day!


You are welcome Jeff I am sure it will get sorted out quickly.

anyway heading off to bed soon. been up since am as my furbaby grandson doesn't let me sleep he wants to play in the morning and lets me know.

So now he will join me soon and hopefully will get some much needed sleep.

Take care enjoy your day

Andre :)

Sounds like an awesome plan, Andre!

I didn't really want to get up, but things have to get done.

Sleep well, my friend!

I hope the day will be good!

Jeff 😴

Sounds like a great day Jeff but I am not sure what you mean by 'unlock' your 20'000 AI word credits?

If you need a hand then let me know and have a great Sunday portion my friend!!


Don't worry about it, Nick! I have it resolved now! Enjoy your Sunday!


I will tell you that I still can't access them for building an outline. Nothing happens. 😳

Ok Jeff... how are you trying to access them??

If through the "hubs", it can be a little confusing first time round.....

Try just going to "sitecontent" as we did in the past... click "create new content"(bottom left in blue) then select the third option "Using Article Designer"...

Leave the type of content as "Blog post" then just type in your targeted keywood or title for the article under "Article Topic"...

Add some additional details if you want to in the next section.... but if this is your first go then just leave it blank ok, no worries here!!

Next... scroll down a bit and choose the content length you desire, on my newest site, I generally go for three sections as it doesn't use up too many credits per article and I can bulk it up with my own words and experiences!!

Then just hit the "Create Content Outline" button at the bottom and in about 15-30 seconds, an outline should be complete!!

If not... get back to me buddy....

If it works... fantastic!!! And get back to me anyway for the next stage of the process ok!!


No worries, Nick. Several websites were having technical issue and Kyle was looking into them all, so it really wasn't my fault.

He just replied that everything was now good to go. I will keep this info too!


I will still get back to you at some point since I want that outline on one of my two active websites.

I thought there were a few technical issues around the place recently Jeff, happy to hear is wasn't just you my friend and reach out anytime you need to buudy!!!

Always happy to help ok!!


Awesome, Nick! Enjoy the Barbie.


No barbie today for a change Jeff, we visited a nearby village and had some seafood beachside!

It has been lashing it down with rain since we got back though... but I still had to spend some time in the pool with the PP!!

She is freezing now but just had her dinner so she will curl up next to me on the sofa for a while as I get a bit of work done!!

How are things progressing with the AI author my friend??


So far, so good, Nick! Might work some more on it today.

Enjoy your Tuesday!


Great to hear Jeff! Have a fantastic HUMP day my friend!!


So far, so good, Nick!

Enjoy yours too!



That was a great song from Elton John - still is. I'm humming it now.
So glad your cousin put his efforts into good stuff - proud of him. I used to teach ex-prisoners the electrical trade. Some didn't want to know, others grabbed the bull by horns and really made a career out of it. they were a pleasure to teach.
I'm surprised you had time for blogging, Jeff, with all the phone calls and socializing.
Yes, the pandemic crashed a few good businesses, but don't give in.
I was busy last night, but I'll catch you Sunday evening.

Here it really decimated all of my sectors of business. That has really never recovered, Bux!

All of my locksmith accounts were terminated and taken over by investment bankers. It has been a nightmare in the 2020s, so far.

Which is causing me to think outside the box!


That's a good plan Jeff. Now is the time to do just that.
I know you will find a new box, it's there, waiting for you.

I know that it is, Bux! I am working diligently towards that goal.

Enjoy your day!


Hello Buddy,
Seems like you had a decent day and that is always good. Good on your cousin for turning his life around.
Enjoy what's left of your FriSatSu!

Thanks, Chuck!

We have been talking a lot more, so that is good.

Enjoy your Sunday portion of Frisatsu!


Machinists - there's a blue collared job I haven't heard about in a while. That sounds like a great turn-around story, Jeff.

Hope some locksmith work comes in for you this week! 😎🐢😹🐢

Isaiah 😊

It was, indeed, Isaiah!

If it comes, it comes, if not, no worries! 🐢😹🐢😎

Happy Sunday!

Jeff 🌞

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