Finally Frisatsu, Frisatsu, Frisatsu!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

Last night, I had a long conversation with my cousin in Texas. I also talked to my mother briefly after that, as well.

I never heard from Monica after her family outing, but that was okay too!

Then, I stayed on the computer for as long as I could, but then finally headed to bed.

I was zonked out very soon after.

When I woke up refreshed, there were a few tasks to accomplish first before I went into the office to tackle news feeds and then the Wealthy Affiliate Community morning foray!

It never fails to get the new day started on the right track--especially a new Frisatsu!

The images above, including the title image are from this morning when we were still in the 60s.

After that, it was back into the house to continue to revamp more things on the computer.

I finally ran out of steam and took the power nap with Kitty.

I slept for an hour and a half! Kitty was right up laying with me.

A property manager called too, and so I might get over to the job this evening, or I might do it tomorrow! He said it was my choice. I do have her contact information.

There might be a phone call by me to get information on what is happening over at her place. That will save me an unnecessary trip over there this evening. It seems to be a 90 degree day today.

Other images will be forthcoming when I decide to head outside for a couple of images. It was still 90 degrees, but there is a little light rain coming down at the moment too.

There also might be another website post, but it depends upon what else happens with the day. I was able to delete obsolete images from my Word Press gallery, so I was also happy about that yesterday.

Then of course my cell phone company said in a text message that I needed to re-fill. I have been on auto refill for over 10 years. It seems that lately, this has happened every couple of months. What in the heck is going on? Trying to deal with them is a complete time waster, if nothing else.

I might not get to another website post today because I am getting bombarded with all of this utter nonsense. No wonder that I have little time for anything else at the moment. Of course, I might slip into the hubs later and at least get one started.

There is something that I need to go take care of before I shut down for the night. I did call the tenant that my Property manager referred me too. She was driving in the country, so I told her to call me later.

Then I can make some arrangements for tomorrow to help her out. (if the weather is not too bad).

Going outside once again, here were some more images of the starting rain. Even though the temps were purported to be 89 degrees, it certainly did not feel like.

Right after I captured these images, I had to go down and check out another property. That was the errand.

On the way to the errand, it was decent enough. When I looked at it, I will give the manager an estimate at the first of the week.

Then I was back home! The rest of the evening will be spent on tasks and computer time, as always! This newest post should drop soon!

I will also be dealing with other wrenches in the works too for most of the evening. Some heavy rain is coming down now too!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Recent Comments


Sounds like a good day! I love my "cat" naps. Usually the dog lays on one side, the kitty that looks yours sleeps by my feet and the other cat lays on my side or stomach!

Right now, the kitty that resembles yours is laying in the window enjoying the breeze and watching the squirrels!


Pretty awesome, Karin!


Yeah, if I didn't have to work.... Nah... it's still a really relaxing view!


I'll bet it is, Karin!


Your Fridays seem very busy. I spent a day on the water with my grandson. I am exhausted.

That sounds Great too, Jim!


Sounds like an eventful Friday for you. Mine, too. It's a beautiful day today and the Toyo repair guy came to get my stove to give it a good check-up and cleaning. Perfect day for it...sure don't need it today.

Did town errands and may have someone to mow my happy for that! I will know for sure tomorrow.

Tomorrow's our Saturday market, so looking forward to maybe making a few $$$.

Sounds like you got a lot done, Fran, Very well done,

Have a Happy Saturday.

Happy Frisatsu, Jeff! Have a safe weekend ahead!

Myra ā™„ļø

Thanks, Myra, and you do the same!


It got up to 91F degrees here today; much too hot too early. šŸ˜„

I hope you have a wonderful FRISATSU!

Same here, Cynthia! At least we got some rain behind that though!

Claim your FR bucks too, since you and Mel got here at the same time.

I hope the weather might be better tomorrow!


We're supposed to get some rain here overnight. With the temps predicted to be just as high tomorrow I'm planning on a hot, muggy day.

I'm still waiting to see how ours will be Cynthia!

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