Finally Friday Frisatsu Feeling Fruition-Filled, Frantic, Feeble, & Fantastic!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

After running out of daylight yesterday, I have the job scheduled today after I make contact with the guy today.

In the evening, I was on the computer, but also on the phone for a time with Monica, Mel, and my mom in that order. Those were all good conversations.

Then it was computer time until I decided to head to bed for some good sleep just after 10 pm. Then when I woke up right before 6 am, I got right down to business again!

Climbing back into the Wealthy Affiliate Community was one of those tasks.

This definitely gets each new day started in the right direction.

Soon, I will venture outside and capture some images of the new day.

The weather was rainy and cloudy, and the temps were only 37 degrees at the time. This might put a damper on the locksmith job that I have to do today. We shall see, as the day progresses. Hopefully, the sun will break through to make the new day a bit better.

I also heard from my stepson, Jack today too! We chatted for over an hour too!

He will be up in Kansas for a few weeks. That should be exciting.

I also took an image as the temps were slowly starting to warm up, as well.

About an hour later more or less, the Kansas weather had changed and it was just like night and day. Wow, though I am not surprised.

Then it was on the way to the locksmith shop house to get a couple of locks ready for the crappy house that I had to change the locks on.

When I was about 5 minutes away of getting one of the locks finished, I got a text from his contact person, and I met them over there about ten minutes later.

The owner's clean-up person was over there in short order after I had the first set of locks ready to install.

Monica called while I was over there, and her and I had an interesting conversation for a few minutes. I will talk to her later this evening too.

He and his wife began hauling a little garbage out of there, but when they were ready to go, I was ready to go. It had been a tiring day already.

Since the weather will be in the 70s tomorrow afternoon, I will go finish the job. I should be refreshed by tomorrow afternoon to get that accomplished.

Getting back home again, I will continue working on some tasks here again. There seems to be no end to them.

I will also jump back on the computer and get this post completed, as well, among some other things there, since I have already paid some bills on the computer to get ahead on the first day of March.

I captured one more image of the evening as I was getting ready to assist Monica with something when she gets off work at 8:30.

We'll see how that all works out--one way or another.

If that doesn't pan out, then there are no worries, but I am always willing to help her.

Once this post drops, I will remain on the computer for a while, and will answer when it drops.

After that, we will see how the rest of the Frisatsu evening turns out.

That being said, I hope that the rest of my evening goes.



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Recent Comments


Sounds like a pretty good start to your Frisatsu Jeff!

Enjoy the rest of it my friend!!


The ending has been even better!


Excellent news buddy!


Yep! Have a Great rest of the day, Nick!


Cheers my friend!!


Cheers, Nick! Happy Monday! 😎🍺👍

Happy Monday Jeff!


Same to you, Nick!

Mine is moving along just fine.


Mine is moving into my bed and some TV after I get something to eat my friend!!


Glad to hear that, Nick! My day is still moving along!



Busy, busy, busy, Jeff!

It looks like the weather turned out great and hopefully your evening went well, too! We have a rollercoaster of weather in the coming days. We had a high in the 30's just a day ago and Monday's forecast is for sunny and 75! Crazy Michigan weather!

Enjoy your mid-FriSatSu!

Tim 🎼

Yes, indeed, Tim!

The weather has been unpredictable at best, but hopefully it will settle down soon!

Enjoy your Saturday portion of Frisatsu!


Sounds like another good day, Jeff.

Happy FriSatSu!



It ended up being that way, JD!

Happy Frisatsu! Hope you slept well. I know that I did!



I do believe I did sleep well, Jeff. Thanks. Glad you did too.

Happy FriSATSu!


Glad to hear that, JD! Enjoy the Saturday portion of Frisatsu!


Another busy, too.

Had Writer's today and ran my errands. Starting the next section of my memoir. Did I mention the third edition order of the plant book finally arrived? They look lovely. Spent some time getting them unloaded and out of the way. Sunday my friend, Kate, is coming over to go through the second big trunk I need to get sorted...many items in there that may be helpful for the memoir. Had to get those books off the trunk so we could get in it!

One of the things I've come across is the LP record a music partner and I made years ago. Found a guy here in Gustavus who can put it on a thumb drive for me. That will be fun, to be able to listen to it after all these years. Gustavus is very small but many talented people live can be found.

So many memories come, when looking back at things past. It's rather fun. They say your whole life passes by you if you die suddenly...Mine seems to be revisiting me in slow motion. I like that better.

Pretty awesome developments for you, Fran.

You have the perfect attitude and plan.

I hope everything keeps going smoothly as you progress. Nice job on the plant book too.

Have you seen many hoarder houses?

Yes, I have, Kathie. In fact, I live in one of them right now, though I wasn't meant to be here.


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