Free Content Marketing Software

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Hello WA Family,

Another day to learn and grow in the WA community. Free content marketing software is our topic for the day. Believe it or not, there are freebies online waiting to help you with your content marketing.

Content Creation Software

Canva is one of my favorites and one that I use often for my content marketing promotion on my website and my social media.


Canva makes it easy to create beautiful graphics, social media posts, and more. It has a free plan with access to millions of templates for you to choose from.

Hemingway Editor

This writing tool helps you to improve the readability of your content. I use this for every post that I write to make my writing easier for my readers to understand.

Google Docs

A free tool that lets you create and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. It's a great option for writing blog posts, and other content as well.

One of my followers shared that they use this as an online diary, something that I never would have thought of on my own.

Content Scheduling Software


A social media management platform that lets you schedule and publish posts to multiple platforms, track your results, and engage with your audience. The free plan allows you to manage up to three social media profiles.


A social media scheduling tool that lets publish automatically throughout the day. The free plan allows you to connect up to three social media accounts and schedule up to 10 posts.


An email marketing platform that lets you create and send newsletters, manage your mailing list and track your results. The free plan allows you to send up to 2,500 emails per month to up to 2,000 subscribers.

Analytics and Tracking Software

Google Analytics

A free tool that provides insights into your website traffic, such as where your visitors come from, what pages they visit, and how long they stay on your site.


A social media tool that shows you what content is performing well on social media. The free plan gives you access to limited data, but it's still valuable for identifying popular content.

Content Software Advantages

  • The most obvious benefit is the financial. Free tools eliminate ongoing subscriptions, allowing you to experiment and refine your content marketing strategy without investing any money.
  • Free tools are available and easy to access, often requiring minimal technical knowledge. This makes them ideal for beginners just getting started in content marketing.
  • Many free tools offer a wide range of features, covering content creation, scheduling, distribution, and analysis. This allows you to tackle various aspects of your content marketing strategy with a single tool.
  • Free tools enable you to test different approaches and features without investment. This allows you to learn what works best for your target audience and adjust your strategy over time.
  • Many free tools offer integration with other platforms, allowing you to connect them with your existing marketing tools.
  • Many free tools have active communities and support resources, providing learning opportunities and assistance when needed.
  • Free tools allow you to explore different options without committing to paid plans. This can help assess the effectiveness of specific tools before investing in premium features.

Content Disadvantages

However, it's important to remember that free tools often come with limitations:

  • Free plans often have restricted access to features, requiring an upgrade to the full potential of the content marketing software.
  • Some free tools have a limited amount of content you can create, schedule, or analyze.
  • Some free tools display ads or include their branding within your content.
  • Free tools may lack the advanced features found in paid software.

Free content marketing tools can be a great way to get started, learn, and experiment. As your content marketing needs increase, you might need to consider paid tools for additional features.

About Free Content Marketing Software

  • Active communities and support resources can be invaluable for learning and troubleshooting.
  • While many free tools require time and effort to learn. Consider your available time and technical skills when choosing tools.
  • Choose tools that integrate with your existing marketing platforms
  • While the tool itself might be free, some might have hidden costs, such as limited storage space or charges for exceeding usage limits.
  • If you plan to grow your content marketing efforts, consider tools that offer affordable upgrades
  • Compare features, limitations, and user reviews before making a decision.
  • Be open to upgrading to paid options if they offer better functionality for your content marketing strategy.

Free content marketing software is worth giving a try. Many can be used effectively long-term and some might be better for when you are just getting started with your content marketing business.

Anyone have additional free content marketing software to share with us is encouraged to leave them in the comments.


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Recent Comments



I just realized that I commented on this post 3 months ago! That was after I wrote this. So I will keep it and call this an update...

You have the start of a great list here. I would like to offer my support for using "Power Tools" as well. To this list, I am adding HARPA and OptiMonk.

I have been using the free version of Buffer for several months now. When I publish a post and before I lead GSC to index a post, I create the social media posts that lead back to my blog post. I truly believe that having backlinks from social media to a post before Google indexes it is a help.

I am not sure that I am using Canva correctly. Canva is an occasional use, BING & Dall-E has been my go-to source for most images. I am looking at Canva to create an "Infographic" that I have had in mind. I just haven't gotten my "RoundToIt" yet. A couple of pointers on creating an infographic could be helpful.

Hemmingway was going to be my replacement for Grammarly but wasn't. HARPA is doing this service even though I still use Grammarly.

Google Docs and anything office-related are a must.

I have always had an aversion to Mailchimp, which started over a decade ago. Long story not worth repeating. I know that they have a great product that serves its purpose. I am using OptiMonk's free version. This was picked up after I dropped BuzzSumo.

Free-use power tools are a great source of assistance. Does anyone else reading this have free tools that we have not mentioned here that you feel would be beneficial?


Thank you for sharing your update, Mr Don


This article on free content marketing software is great for anyone who wants to improve their digital marketing strategy! For those running a small business, I highly recommend reading this helpful blog on the depreciation calculator and what is depreciation and how to calculate it at Understanding depreciation is critical to accurate financial management and can have a significant impact on budgeting and asset tracking. Combining effective content marketing tools with sound financial practices is sure to lead your business to success!

Thank you for sharing Stephen


Hi there, Jeff.

Thanks for providing these amazing posts. I had to start a Jeff folder when I saw all of your highly-effective articles. Finding the right software can be a daunting task. Really appreciate this information, my friend.

p.s. I get online late in the evening. So, I miss a bunch of great posts like this one. Keep 'em coming.

Hello Rachele

I am happy this post interested you. I am honored you created a Jeff folder to save the posts that you value the most


Absolutely, Jeff.

Love to seenyou take initiative to help our newbies.
I already see your growth and productivity and you've only been here for a short while.

Right on!

Thanks for all the tips and information. very useful.👍

Hello Motly

Thank you for reading and commenting on this post. I am following you to keep in touch with you


Thanks for the list, Jeff! I have used most of these tools, except content scheduling tools. Thanks for these references. I've bookmarked this:)


Hello Teri

I am the same as you. I don't use content scheduling tools myself either. Thank you for bookmarking this post for later usage.


As a connesuer of free, I appreciate this list. I currently use Buffer, Canva, Google Docs for keeping my prompts, Sheets for topic lists, and Google Analytics. I used BuzzSumo, but didn't keep it. Don't recall why, unless it was because I had to connect it via zapier. And instead of Hemingway, using Gramarly. I may switch if it has a plagiarism checker on the free version. Quilbot free was too limiting.

Bottom line, great list. I'm grateful for your putting this list together.


Hello Mr Don

You can use Grammarly for grammar and spelling assistance, but Hemingway Editor will help you make your content easier to read and understand.

Check it out

Thanks Jeff, I will make the switch over the weekend. Enjoy your FriSatSun.

Thank you Jeff, marked as top for further reference

You are too kind, Fleeky

I always enjoy learning from your posts as often as I can


Thank you very much, Jeff, for this enlighting post.

Hello J Hawumba

Thank you for reading and commenting, you might want to read some of the comments for even more tools shared by other members if you have the time


Sure, Jeff, I will love to read about them. You may provide the links. Thank you, once again and have a refreshing weekend

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