What A Week!
It's been quite the week and I'm so glad I made it through. The struggle was real! Thanks to our awesome Site Support for helping make it through and of course all of your support.
It started out like any other week and soon turned ugly.
Monday someone had sent an email to one of my websites and I discovered I wasn't receiving anything. After testing it several times, I concluded that Site Support was needed.
This finally got figured out on Wednesday after much back and forth with support.
After this was figured out I decided to work on this site doing some updating etc since I had neglected it for a while. That's when I discovered I couldn't even get into my back office to work on it.
Back to Site Support! Bless their hearts. After much discussion, this finally got resolved on Thursday. Yay!!!! I was able to work on it and this made me happy, happy.
During all this, the new SiteSpeed Insights comes rolling out and I discovered my main site was in the yellow and red on all pages.
What fun!! I tried optimizing images and it really didn't help much. I have made the decision to change to a premium theme on this site, even more fun!! I really think it is my theme that is slowing this down.
But on a positive note, my site that wasn't working looks excellent for site speed!
I have learned patience, patience and patience this week and I am thankful.
Have a great weekend, Everyone!!!
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That sounds like a very eventful week Jean. What we do without Site Support!
Enjoy your weekend :)
Very good Jean, everything got worked out and you are rolling again. Have yourself a great weekend.
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Site Support has come to my rescue on more than one occasion too. I'm glad you survived the week. May the sun keep shining down on you and your websites for many moons to come.
All the best,
Thanks, Sue!