About jammysammy
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333 followers Joined December 2015
Hi Guys, I starting to see the bigger picture. Life is meant to be enjoyed with people that you love, doing things that excite you. I





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asked in
Local Marketing

I want to know if it is worth using Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA), to sell jewelry that I make. I have heard that It can be profitable. I have also heard that it can eat away at

It's been over a year since this post. Have you tried FBA? Did it work for you? An update would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Frank,

This member was asking for help, not stating a fact. And, it looks though they have become inactive. Leastwise, their WA rank has dropped substantially, so you may be days hearing back from Sam.

Hope this helps you.

Thank you. I saw that he was asking, and that it had been a year, so I was hoping that he had gotten into FBA and could offer some insight. Sounds as though that's rather unlikely. It's interesting that no one has actually replied. It's hard to believe that no one in WA has or is tried FBA. I'm surprised that one or more of my "idols" in WA doesn't know all about if.

Ps. You are in my group of "idols" as well!

Why would you find that strange, after all the training here focuses mostly on affiliate marketing... so why would you think one of your "idols" might have tried FBA by now?

Because you are all so SMART! And between all of my idols, I just thought at least ONE of them would know something about it. Lol

I accidentally discovered a unique pet product line, whose manufacturer was forced to shut down because of political upheaval. I think there might be a market for the items, and started working on an e-commerce website here at WA. Then I accidentally (perhaps providentially) ran across FBA.

It may be mere coincidence, but it might also be my Higher Power trying to say "Here! Look here!" Lol

I've always heard that the Lord looks out for fools and drunkards! Lol

Being knowledgeable in one tiny facet such as creating a website does not make me smart, though I appreciate your compliment Frank.

When focusing our learning on a subject as long as I have been doing this, if I have not learned anything else along with way is that the rules of creating a website are forever changing, so we must stay one step ahead... and that is what WA can do for the majority of the members.

Once you've been doing this long enough that you can help find things for other's needs, you too may be deemed as being smart, as I am sure you are in other areas of your life already. :-))

Thank you, Trish. I don't think I'm guilty of the "shiny object syndrome", because I have no interest in other programs, etc. The past nine months have been a steep learning curve for me, and I still have a lot of trouble with website "how-to". Often, it requires hours of research for me to figure out how to do something "simple". Simple, that is, to someone who knows how.

Along my educational journey, I realized that monetizing my initial sites might be very difficult, so I changed direction and decided to focus on promoting WA and a review site.

Now, in addition to promoting WA, I want to build an e-commerce site, and explore FBA for the products.

I'm trying to build an e-commerce site here at WA (the only place I will ever be) using a WooCommerce Storefront theme. Another steep learning curve! Lol

MMO, FBA, and e-commerce should keep me off the streets and out of the bars, right? Lol

You, and so many other members, seem to have such a good grasp of the technical side. I wish we could do a "Vulcan mind-meld" the way Mr. Spock did! Lol

Thank you, Trish.

Hey Frank,

You will be happy to learn that I had to teach myself how to create web pages back long before there were any courses offered anywhere.

Initially, I had to sign up for a correspondence course to learn Desktop Publishing from an American school out of Washington, simply because Canada had no courses.

So... yes, I do understand your steep learning curve, as that part has never changed when learning something totally different from what we have been doing for years.

You will find it much easier to take one step at a time. Don't try rushing to the finish line by skipping the journey. It just won't work and you will become frustrated from trying.

I'm reminded of one of my father's favourite sayings, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

Learning a new skill takes time when done right. You can do this... so give yourself the credit due... you are here learning a new skill. :-))

Wise words, indeed! I haven't tried skipping ahead, Trish. I've taken each course, both Certification and Bootcamp, and I don't believe in skipping lessons. To me, that would be like shipping chapters in a novel. It just won't work well.

My first sites worked well for training, but as I've progressed I've realized those first sites should be abandoned so that I can focus on the two areas I chose - MMO and e-commerce (with or without FBA). The difficulty arose when I needed to learn how to build an e-commerce site, because it's very different than a blogging site.

When learning, my first "go-to" is always WA and the kind helpers (like you!) who have had the opportunity to learn so much more than I've had time to absorb. I'm certain that I can find help here about building the e-commerce site (Jay's training is first on my "to-do" list), so I thought it might be worth asking the community about FBA.

I guess I was a little surprised that no one at WA has been involved with FBA, since so many of us have tried or at least investigated other ways to build a business online.

My FBA experience may prove beneficial to other members down the road, whether good, bad, or ugly! Lol But my primary focus will be promoting WA, because I believe strongly in the program.

Thank you for all your help.

Sounds like a great plan Frank. One I know you won't delay in executing in time for this year's Black Friday special. :-))

Absolutely! That's part of my plan.

Sam; A real great question I see you have excellent answers.

Sam, I have not used FBA. However, I receive a monthly email from a person who is very knowledgeable regarding FBA. His name is Skip McGrath. He has a website at http://www.skipmcgrath.com/ I did try Amazons program a few years ago, but I found it a bit more time consuming than I wanted. Also, the 30 day free trial yet very fast. So, you have to really get into it or the monthly fee adds up. Regards, Alex

Great insight. I will try the 30 day free trial and go from there! Thanks Alex :)

Alex; this is real good insight good information. All good to know.
Thank you.

Whether you use Amazon or or one of the FBA, there are deals to be made. Either way, you earn commissions. Sometimes there are FBA more expensive than Amazon listing. That occurs when a seller's prices are higher than Amazon's going price.
Anyway, no problem...Amazon anything is always good!

Thanks once again upsgirl! So you think that if i can match the competitive pricing of Amazon then I will be able to make some sales and profit through FBA?!

Yes...but unless you pick and choose each link, it's a waste of time.
Your visitors aren't aware of the options. They click and purchase. You don't have separate links for Amazon/FBA.

You're welcome!

So when one logs on to Amazon, all of the products are listed whether they are coming from a FBA seller or from Amazon? As long as I can compete in a similar price range then I should get some sales...

One has to read the fine print.
Yes, not sure why you wouldn't.
Can't wait to watch your progression!

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Fulfilment by amazon. good or bad?

Fulfilment by amazon. good or bad?

asked in
Local Marketing

I want to know if it is worth using Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA), to sell jewelry that I make. I have heard that It can be profitable. I have also heard that it can eat away at

It's been over a year since this post. Have you tried FBA? Did it work for you? An update would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Frank,

This member was asking for help, not stating a fact. And, it looks though they have become inactive. Leastwise, their WA rank has dropped substantially, so you may be days hearing back from Sam.

Hope this helps you.

Thank you. I saw that he was asking, and that it had been a year, so I was hoping that he had gotten into FBA and could offer some insight. Sounds as though that's rather unlikely. It's interesting that no one has actually replied. It's hard to believe that no one in WA has or is tried FBA. I'm surprised that one or more of my "idols" in WA doesn't know all about if.

Ps. You are in my group of "idols" as well!

Why would you find that strange, after all the training here focuses mostly on affiliate marketing... so why would you think one of your "idols" might have tried FBA by now?

Because you are all so SMART! And between all of my idols, I just thought at least ONE of them would know something about it. Lol

I accidentally discovered a unique pet product line, whose manufacturer was forced to shut down because of political upheaval. I think there might be a market for the items, and started working on an e-commerce website here at WA. Then I accidentally (perhaps providentially) ran across FBA.

It may be mere coincidence, but it might also be my Higher Power trying to say "Here! Look here!" Lol

I've always heard that the Lord looks out for fools and drunkards! Lol

Being knowledgeable in one tiny facet such as creating a website does not make me smart, though I appreciate your compliment Frank.

When focusing our learning on a subject as long as I have been doing this, if I have not learned anything else along with way is that the rules of creating a website are forever changing, so we must stay one step ahead... and that is what WA can do for the majority of the members.

Once you've been doing this long enough that you can help find things for other's needs, you too may be deemed as being smart, as I am sure you are in other areas of your life already. :-))

Thank you, Trish. I don't think I'm guilty of the "shiny object syndrome", because I have no interest in other programs, etc. The past nine months have been a steep learning curve for me, and I still have a lot of trouble with website "how-to". Often, it requires hours of research for me to figure out how to do something "simple". Simple, that is, to someone who knows how.

Along my educational journey, I realized that monetizing my initial sites might be very difficult, so I changed direction and decided to focus on promoting WA and a review site.

Now, in addition to promoting WA, I want to build an e-commerce site, and explore FBA for the products.

I'm trying to build an e-commerce site here at WA (the only place I will ever be) using a WooCommerce Storefront theme. Another steep learning curve! Lol

MMO, FBA, and e-commerce should keep me off the streets and out of the bars, right? Lol

You, and so many other members, seem to have such a good grasp of the technical side. I wish we could do a "Vulcan mind-meld" the way Mr. Spock did! Lol

Thank you, Trish.

Hey Frank,

You will be happy to learn that I had to teach myself how to create web pages back long before there were any courses offered anywhere.

Initially, I had to sign up for a correspondence course to learn Desktop Publishing from an American school out of Washington, simply because Canada had no courses.

So... yes, I do understand your steep learning curve, as that part has never changed when learning something totally different from what we have been doing for years.

You will find it much easier to take one step at a time. Don't try rushing to the finish line by skipping the journey. It just won't work and you will become frustrated from trying.

I'm reminded of one of my father's favourite sayings, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

Learning a new skill takes time when done right. You can do this... so give yourself the credit due... you are here learning a new skill. :-))

Wise words, indeed! I haven't tried skipping ahead, Trish. I've taken each course, both Certification and Bootcamp, and I don't believe in skipping lessons. To me, that would be like shipping chapters in a novel. It just won't work well.

My first sites worked well for training, but as I've progressed I've realized those first sites should be abandoned so that I can focus on the two areas I chose - MMO and e-commerce (with or without FBA). The difficulty arose when I needed to learn how to build an e-commerce site, because it's very different than a blogging site.

When learning, my first "go-to" is always WA and the kind helpers (like you!) who have had the opportunity to learn so much more than I've had time to absorb. I'm certain that I can find help here about building the e-commerce site (Jay's training is first on my "to-do" list), so I thought it might be worth asking the community about FBA.

I guess I was a little surprised that no one at WA has been involved with FBA, since so many of us have tried or at least investigated other ways to build a business online.

My FBA experience may prove beneficial to other members down the road, whether good, bad, or ugly! Lol But my primary focus will be promoting WA, because I believe strongly in the program.

Thank you for all your help.

Sounds like a great plan Frank. One I know you won't delay in executing in time for this year's Black Friday special. :-))

Absolutely! That's part of my plan.

Sam; A real great question I see you have excellent answers.

Sam, I have not used FBA. However, I receive a monthly email from a person who is very knowledgeable regarding FBA. His name is Skip McGrath. He has a website at http://www.skipmcgrath.com/ I did try Amazons program a few years ago, but I found it a bit more time consuming than I wanted. Also, the 30 day free trial yet very fast. So, you have to really get into it or the monthly fee adds up. Regards, Alex

Great insight. I will try the 30 day free trial and go from there! Thanks Alex :)

Alex; this is real good insight good information. All good to know.
Thank you.

Whether you use Amazon or or one of the FBA, there are deals to be made. Either way, you earn commissions. Sometimes there are FBA more expensive than Amazon listing. That occurs when a seller's prices are higher than Amazon's going price.
Anyway, no problem...Amazon anything is always good!

Thanks once again upsgirl! So you think that if i can match the competitive pricing of Amazon then I will be able to make some sales and profit through FBA?!

Yes...but unless you pick and choose each link, it's a waste of time.
Your visitors aren't aware of the options. They click and purchase. You don't have separate links for Amazon/FBA.

You're welcome!

So when one logs on to Amazon, all of the products are listed whether they are coming from a FBA seller or from Amazon? As long as I can compete in a similar price range then I should get some sales...

One has to read the fine print.
Yes, not sure why you wouldn't.
Can't wait to watch your progression!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi Team, I got a personal email, asking if I wanted to buy a domain name that is very similar to that of my website...

I think it is strange that I got a personal mes

I have gotten these emails too. I think these people buy up domain names when cheap and then try to resell them for more money. Unless it is really a domain name that you just have to have, I would pass.

I received one too...only if you want to purchase...it's up to you.
It's a good idea to have more than one domain extension.
I did not buy the .com offered. I told her I'd stick with my .org.

Thanks ups girl!

You're welcome!
The lady wanted to sell it for 16K more than I knew the worth...she's crazy! LOL!

Crazy, Thats a lot eh? I guess there are some benefits to having an extension URL but 16K seems excessive!

I think it was worth almost 4. She was trying to get a 20K payday...she can go somewhere else...lol!
Yes, so if it's worth it to you, grab it.

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Should I buy another domain name?

Should I buy another domain name?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi Team, I got a personal email, asking if I wanted to buy a domain name that is very similar to that of my website...

I think it is strange that I got a personal mes

I have gotten these emails too. I think these people buy up domain names when cheap and then try to resell them for more money. Unless it is really a domain name that you just have to have, I would pass.

I received one too...only if you want to purchase...it's up to you.
It's a good idea to have more than one domain extension.
I did not buy the .com offered. I told her I'd stick with my .org.

Thanks ups girl!

You're welcome!
The lady wanted to sell it for 16K more than I knew the worth...she's crazy! LOL!

Crazy, Thats a lot eh? I guess there are some benefits to having an extension URL but 16K seems excessive!

I think it was worth almost 4. She was trying to get a 20K payday...she can go somewhere else...lol!
Yes, so if it's worth it to you, grab it.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi Friends and partners of WA!

A happy Saturday to you... I am at the stage of a blog post where I am adding Photos. However I am stuck for some time with out a Camera...

Hi Sam:
I also agree that reusing photos are fine, as you are not ranked on google by photos, and it may help in creating fertility to your site. One of the best marketing strategies is repetition.

I would re-use older images

I always re-use photo's when they are appropriated to another blog, I don't have the illusion people are going to check all my blogs, if so, my bounce rate would have been much lower ;)

Hey, Sam! There is no problem at all in re-using your previous pictures. You can, of course, later edit your post and change the pictures if you unhappy with them.

Hello Sam recycle photos are fine. All the best to you


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Is it ok to recycle photos?

Is it ok to recycle photos?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi Friends and partners of WA!

A happy Saturday to you... I am at the stage of a blog post where I am adding Photos. However I am stuck for some time with out a Camera...

Hi Sam:
I also agree that reusing photos are fine, as you are not ranked on google by photos, and it may help in creating fertility to your site. One of the best marketing strategies is repetition.

I would re-use older images

I always re-use photo's when they are appropriated to another blog, I don't have the illusion people are going to check all my blogs, if so, my bounce rate would have been much lower ;)

Hey, Sam! There is no problem at all in re-using your previous pictures. You can, of course, later edit your post and change the pictures if you unhappy with them.

Hello Sam recycle photos are fine. All the best to you


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