This could secure your family for Generations. How can the little guy get in? I will let you know.


Google doubles down on renewable energy

You might as well go ahead and admit it: whenever a question pops up in your mind, no matter how strange or trivial it may be, you usually end up Googling it (just like everybody else does), which might be one of the reasons behind Google’s autofill weirdness! Well, from now on you can keep Googling stuff, knowing that your searches go through the company’s green-powered servers and data centers.

Google recently announced that it will double the amount of clean energy it purchases in order to power its servers. This energy will come from a variety of green sources, all over the world, such as a wind farm in Sweden, or a solar power farm in Chile. Google has also undertaken another very important and ambitious endeavor; it is currently constructing a huge wind farm in Africa, which will undoubtedly give the company access to even more renewable energy! However, not all of the company’s clean energy sources are located abroad; in fact, most of the extra 842 clean energy megawatts Google recently managed to procure will come from wind farms that are located in good old Oklahoma.

This brings Google’s total amount of clean energy consumption to about 2 gigawatts (which comes to ~37% of its total energy consumption), bringing the company that much closer to its 2025 goal of having 3.2 green gigawatts powering its data centers! The announcement was made in the most opportune moment, so as to coincide with the U.N. conference in Paris, where matters related to global warming were discussed.

Even more importantly, President Obama and Bill Gates recently announced that 20 countries around the world, along with 28 technology giants, such as Marc Benioff (, Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Richard Branson (Virgin Group), Jack Ma (Alibaba Group), Meg Whitman (HP), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn), who have created the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, will start investing heavily on research, pertaining to the discovery and development of new clean energy sources. Following the trend, Google is also investing quite a lot of money on a wide variety of projects that are focusing on new, even more efficient ways of harvesting solar, geothermal and wind power all around the world.

Aside from Google, there are quite a few other technology giants that have turned to greener alternatives. In fact, Apple has been running all of its servers, offices and stores in the U.S. on green, renewable energy, for quite a while now -so Google will need to up the ante even more, in order to be able to claim in the near future that it runs on 100% renewable energy, too!


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Recent Comments


No such thing as global warming? Same thing happened years ago and dinosaurs didn't drive 59 cadies or have massive Google servers I refuse to believe the hype, the world has and will always reset it self

To be honest, I couldn't care less about this. As long as I have energy enough to get up each day.... Halleluiah!

It is a problem a minority created and now they ask us to "pay for it"!

Me thinks, we should move this conversation onto the private channel, or drop it here all together. Some of the "audience" is getting unruly to say the least!

Thank you, me thinks so too.

Thanks for this. It is very interesting!

Thank You, this is interesting to say the least. Something needs to be done; this is a start.

There seems to be lots of starts. there seems to be a trance formation of the way we get our energy. I want to be in front of that. I want to be one of the people who sells energy. when I am near a computer I will post a video here as an example of what I am talking about. things are changing. Old mindsets are being left behind.

I liked your comment about things are changing and old mindsets are being left behind. So true! I try not to be the old mindset too! There is something rather profound about WA community in that one is exposed to so many remarkable, talented people with endless niches and I can see many of the "new mindsets" here. We are in the midst of a major transformation with energy sources and so many other areas. I think that for many, they can't see this; "can't see the forest for the trees".

Well, we all know that carbon fuels are finite, although how much is left and how long it'll keep us going is another matter, so at some point in the earth's lifetime our descendants are going to have to master green energy sources......although quite how they're going to use solar power to get a 747 in the air will be something to behold.
Maybe it'll all be nuclear in the future ;-)

Quite "interesting" Mark. But just sit back and think about this for a bit! You will find that Electromagnetic propulsion (the stealth bomber is an example) will be our future and not much else. Read up about some people like Nikola Tesla, T.T. Brown, Viktor Schauberger, John R.R. Searl ,and so on; they will be our future!

Oh I don't doubt that eminent scientists will crack it Mike, just seems like it would be damn near impossible to get those beasts off the ground with a bit of sun on its back......maybe some other way instead?

I don't trust "scientists" anymore! They have lead us down the garden path for a long time and are not changing their ways. They call people with original ideas "crackpots" and belittle people who believe in alternative and free energy dumb and mislead!
The only people that are this sort of thing these days are the scientists themselves. Flying with Rockets and jets and props as well, as the internal combustion engines is like switching off the lights with a sledge hammer! Totally idiotic, destructive, polluting and whatever else you can think of. The US Military is fully aware of that and they already are switching to Electromagnetic propulsion, e.g. the Stealth aircrafts of late. The unfortunate part is that they cannot shoot or bomb anything with this drive activated; they have to shut off this drive to release bombs or Rockets. Certainly they have no guns installed in them. What they can do though is to fly just about any speed they desire and have an almost unlimited range. Certainly they will deny any of that if questioned because it is "idiot" technology, as they call all the UFO buffs. Look up the names I gave you above! The US is partial about T.T. Brown with the Bitfield/Brown Effect, ever since Pearl Harbour! The other guys are mainly European and we couldn't have that, could we?! But all of it is similar technology and it could transform our Planet back to where it should be!
Boy, I am "blowing" much of my upcoming website! Well this theme is way down the road on it and by then nobody will remember what I said here anyway!
This also does not fit the thread here other then in a very broad sense!

Mike, it looks like you have a lot of interesting material to share.....can't wait to see your site. In the meanwhile, I'll take a look at those names. I'm aware of Eban Pagan at Tesla with his electric cars but not the others.

Well, I will be starting with mankind and Earth's origin and reveal the brain wash we have been exposed to for millennia. The energy thing will come later and this is a big chapter we have not been privy to for the last 200 years or so. The technology was there but withheld from us. Yes, Tesla had an electric car that never needed recharging! So would John R.R. Sear's Searl Effect Generator do the same thing. We have Star Wars technologies but are kept away from them.

Mark, you may be too intelligent for this group; at least myself:-)

If I was smart enough to contribute anything to this exchange with you, I would have my own form of WA and wouldn't need them.

Mark, Do we need to know that much about that subject?

Our "eminent" Scientists have lead us astray for decades!

I kinda thought so!


Looking forward to it Mike.

I am not sure what is going on here but I decided to keep myself out of it now!

Me either Mike......hijacked is the word that comes to mind.

This article is quite informative. Thanks for sharing, all the best, God bless you.

This is a most interesting post on renewable energy, and thank you for this information.

A great post about renewable energy. Clean energy will reduce pollution and improve our health.

Excellent post. It is good to know that this industry is in the forefront of Green Energy. Thanks for sharing the news. Susan

Utility companies are usually the ones to put out this kind of money for energy sources. However to see so many large individuals and government is exciting. we have been getting stock market alerts on this for 2 years. even my business partner is investing $100,000. I am looking for a way for the little guy to be able to get into this and make money.

Thank you, From a little guy.

I don't think you are allowed to promote your websites.

This is an interesting post but has absolutely nothing to do with what i am writing about above. This is like trying to compare an Orange with an Apple. Not that i am saying that it is irrelevant but it is definitely not the solution to our energy problem Led Bulbs and Wind-power, nor Solar power will ever replace our power needs. But it certainly is a very good investment at present!

izpowashere, I think you're right.


Thank you for the compliment. I could have been a doctor if it had not been for all that science:-)

If I definitely had the solution to our energy problem Led Bulbs and Wind-power, or Solar power to replace our power needs, I could give
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett a run for the largest brass ring:-)

Good try, though.

Yes, the same goes for me. I do sort of understand what T.T Brown, John R.R. Searl and Viktor Schauberger are doing but I lack the mathematical and technical skills to build one of those devices. They are explainable by ordinary physics but they use this physics in such a way that it escapes our scientists and engineers. Many have tried and failed. Unfortunately only Searl is still alive and he is too old and too poor to bring his technology to full fruition. There is someone in the Staes who is licensed by him to build this generator but again, the lack of money is hampering him. They, just about everyone concerned, invest idles of money in stupid ideas like Solar, Wind and who knows what kind of really non-technology; but nobody seems to be interested in the real technology that would set us free! FREE ENERGY!

WBurton, I'm for free enterprise but if WA turns into a format for every Tom, Dick, and Harry to promote their products and services to our community, that will spoil the great business platform that has been built for the minority of us that don't have websites outside of WA.

I tend to agree with you fully but I was not promoting anything but reacting to some comments earlier, which unfortunately went out of control!

William, the WA platform is a business promotion and spam free environment so you should really lose that post or modify it.

I have not made that suggestion William.
Have another look at the rules to check out why you shouldn't be posting links in a discussion thread, especially to what seems to be your MLM business opportunity.
WA has been designed so that we can come here KNOWING that we will not be fair game to marketers looking to recruit or sponsor new recruits.
I'm not saying that's the reason why you are at WA, far from it, but all the same your post or links should go.

O.k. this is the last post in this series and I am withdrawing because I am not getting done what I set out to do. Sorry!

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