Let ChatGPT 4o Analyze Your Website

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One has not received as much attention

Happy Saturday, my Fellow Wealthy Affiliates!

I have several website properties. One has not received as much attention in the past few months, but with all the great changes here in WA, I think I can easily create more content to add to it.

Today, I decided to ask ChatGPT 4o to analyze my somewhat ignored website (created in May). I used ChatGPT 4o with this exact phrase: Can you look at (my website URL), analyze the website, and give feedback?

It came back with this reply:

The website (my website URL) is designed to support individuals, particularly entrepreneurs, in building and scaling small businesses, with a focus on affiliate marketing and network marketing. Here’s an analysis of the website and some feedback:


  1. Clear Niche and Focus: The site effectively targets individuals interested in affiliate marketing, network marketing, and small business growth. Howard shares personal experiences and expertise in building businesses, which adds credibility and personal connection for readers​.
  2. Practical Advice: The website offers actionable insights on topics like SEO optimization, content creation, and building authority within a niche. Howard emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s audience, creating quality content, and implementing strong SEO practices​.
  3. Engaging Personal Story: Howard’s journey, including his experience running a multi-million-dollar business from an RV, is woven throughout the content. This personal narrative makes the site more relatable and engaging for the audience​.
  4. Comprehensive Coverage of Topics: The website covers a wide range of subjects—from setting up an online business and affiliate marketing to traffic generation strategies and monetization methods. The articles are beginner-friendly yet informative enough for more experienced entrepreneurs​.

Areas for Improvement (Ouch, LOL):

  1. Design and User Experience: The website design feels somewhat dated, and the layout can be cluttered at times. Simplifying the structure and making it more visually appealing could improve user engagement. Streamlining navigation could also help users find relevant content more quickly​.
  2. Call to Action and Engagement: While the content is helpful, stronger calls to action (CTAs) are needed to guide visitors towards taking the next step, such as signing up for newsletters, purchasing a course, or engaging with the community.
  3. Content Depth and Organization: While the site offers a lot of content, some articles could benefit from more depth and better organization. For example, breaking down complex topics into more digestible sections with clear headings and bullet points would enhance readability​.

Overall Impressions:

The site is a valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially in the affiliate marketing space, but it could improve its user experience and design to keep visitors more engaged. With some visual updates and clearer action steps, it has the potential to become even more impactful for its audience.


Moving Forward:

So, I will use this information to polish up my newer website and build it further, hoping for improved traffic. Recent Google core updates have affected the website traffic, but I have overcome that on another website, so I need to get back to this one and do what we are trained here at Wealthy Affiliate to do to be successful.

Here's wishing you a very productive day!

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Recent Comments


Yes. I like it! The more we surrender our will to AI, the better our lives will be. I see myself as an AI muscle puppet lol. But seriously it's so awesome the possibilities with AI. I honestly think that information is going to be so abundant like air and water that it's worthless. So I'm focusing on adding in my experiences and personality as much as I can to better stand out in this tsunami of great AI content.

Thanks Howard. Damn, this has created more work for me!
ChatGPT 4o

You said:
Can you look at https://drdavidgainz.com, analyze the website, and give feedback?
ChatGPT said:

Searched 6 sites

I reviewed your website, https://DrDavidGainz.com, and here’s some feedback:

Clear Expertise: The site effectively highlights your extensive experience, combining bodybuilding with your medical background as a pharmacist and dentist. This blend gives you credibility, especially in the way you approach fitness through science-backed methods.

The Gainz Equation Concept: The Gainz Equation is a unique and thoughtful framework, breaking down the components that contribute to muscle growth and fat loss. By focusing on aspects like neuromuscular efficiency, recovery, and psychological state, you offer a comprehensive view that sets your content apart from typical fitness blogs.

Personal Connection: Your use of personal anecdotes adds a relatable and motivational tone. Sharing stories about your own challenges, such as balancing jobs, handling poor diet choices, and overcoming burnout, makes your content more engaging and human, which can resonate with your audience​(
Dr David Gainz
Dr David Gainz

Areas for Improvement:
Website Navigation and Structure: The site can benefit from clearer navigation. While the content is valuable, organizing it into easily accessible sections (e.g., training, nutrition, recovery) could improve user experience. At present, it may take too many clicks for visitors to find specific topics.

Visuals: Although there are some images, adding more visual aids—like infographics or videos—would enhance comprehension, especially for explaining complex concepts like the Gainz Equation. Visuals related to exercises or key training tips could also make the content more engaging and easier to follow​(
Dr David Gainz

Call-to-Action (CTA): While you include CTAs to use tools like calorie calculators, these could be more prominent throughout the site. Also, encouraging sign-ups for newsletters or offering downloadable resources (like a beginner workout plan) would help build a more interactive relationship with your audience​(
Dr David Gainz

Content Density: Some articles are quite dense with information. Breaking them up into shorter sections with subheadings or bullet points could make them more reader-friendly. Additionally, summarizing key points at the end of each article would help readers retain the most important information​(
Dr David Gainz

The foundation of the website is strong, with unique concepts like the Gainz Equation and science-based content. A few tweaks to the structure, visuals, and interactivity will help enhance engagement and user retention.

ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info

That's a pretty nice website I love your content and I really like the images that you add in to your content it make more visually appealing to readers I wonder what kind of prompt do you use to generate those images and what tools may I ask thanks Dr_Dave.

Thank you. I use Leonardo for the images mostly. I think it makes nicer images than bing. I cheat and ask chatgpt to come up with the prompts, captions, alt text, and also where to place the images. I'm lazy. Being lazy is my super power.

Thanks so much.

Totally cool. I had to, of course, take your prompt and try it out for my sites. Here is what it said about my affiliate marketing/WA promotion site: is a solid resource for affiliate marketing enthusiasts, but adding more interactive, visual, and advanced content could take it to the next level. Expanding your affiliate product range and further refining CTAs will also strengthen the overall experience​.

Now if I could just get more visitors I would be packing my bags for Las Vegas!

Karin 😎

Me too, Karin!

Hi Howard,
I am loving hearing about how everyone is using AI to help with all sorts of things.

But your news is more than that it is also encouraging to see that even people like yourself who have been here for so long, still have to make changes.
That's what most of my last few weeks has been about.

SO thanks for sharing Howard,


My pleasure, Rob!

Thanks for checking in and adding encouragement!


I asked for the same and received an extensive review. Within 10 hours, I asked again, and rhe reply was that Chat could Not view live sites.

I will try again for a different site.

That's a great review by the way...grin Hope that helps you!


Try the website again, some members websites have been down.

Interesting, Rudy, on the revisit and the response.

I am working on my site right now. I have added more content and redone other content based on the suggestions I received from ChatGPT 4o

I'll have to try again tomorrow and see what I get.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

Awesome! Chat has helped me with coming up with a great home page.


Major cool, Howard!

I gotta do this :)


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