About GinaU1
Rank 3783
851 followers Joined January 2018
Hello, Future Internet Super Stars! My name is Gina, and I live in Houston, Texas with my husband, teenaged son and our two Chiweenies, Jack





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey, WA.

I want to jazz up my review by taking a screenshot of the logo of the company I am writing about and adding it to my post. I feel like it's probably not allowed,

Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my question. I checked out the affiliate materials for the company I am reviewing, and they provide screenshots for affiliate use. My problem is solved, and I do not have to worry about legal issues:)

Thanks again!

Hi - I personally think it's not advisable. Last year, Nike took 20 websites to court for using their logo and images. It can be seen as misleading, as people might be attracted to your site thinking you are part of the company.

Thanks, Diane.

That's pretty scary about Nike -- I think I will steer clear of adding screenshots and use whatever affiliate materials available.

Thanks so much for your advice; I appreciate it.

Have a great weekend!

Hi Gina,

I definitely understand your concern. I know what you mean when you say you would like to make your review look nice. Plus seeing others do this all the time makes it even more tempting.

Anyhow, I would love to see all the response you get from this question because it is an interesting concern. that I have had myself.

Anyhow, I just wanted to give you my thoughts about the situation.

I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't screenshot anything, especially not of another companies logo.

Using their logo may be an alert to the company and they may try to pull other moves but, hey I am no expert at this. I can only go by what I have seen other report on the internet.

Anyways, another reason why I wouldn't do it is that these stories that I have attached to this message have literally scared me about using anything that doesn't belong to me.




Plus on top of that, I was following the training, and in affiliate Bootcamp it was said that it was okay to add screenshots so I did.

Well, recently I applied to Google Adsense and was denied 3 times due to scrapped content and I am thinking it's because of the images I had on the site.

The reason being is I have not copied any other person, there is no plagiarism going on, and I have submitted my site to Copyscape, Grammarly, and sitelinner and they can't find duplicate or scrapped content so, now I think it's images.

So, now I have to go back through my entire site and look at each image to make sure I have my own images. I have now purchased a license for images so I can avoid any hassle in the future.

Don't mean to be a downer but, I thought you should know you're taking a risk.

Thank you so much for your reply, and you are not a downer at all. It feels wrong to me, so that's why I haven't done it. It does look better to be able to use a screenshot of the website you are reviewing, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Thanks so much for all the great info. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question in such a thorough manner.

Have a wonderful weekend

You're welcome, I agree it does look better and make the experience for the end user better but, those links above are stories of bloggers being sued so, I would just do as you're doing and stay on the safe side of things.

Anyhow, I am glad that you found the information helpful wish you a wonderful weekend as well.

You do have to be careful with this. If you are writing about the company in a good light, they shouldn't have a problem with the screen print. Still, it can't hurt to contact the company and ask.

Logos are particularly troublesome because it may seem like you are representing the company. It depends on how you structure it, but it's a tough call. I would contact the company and see what they say. They may want editorial discretion on what you write.

The toughest part is this is probably considered a legal issue and I am not qualified to give advice in this area. You should be careful with any advice people give you in this regard. The best course of action is to speak with a legal professional about the issue.
Best Regards,

Thanks for your reply, Jim.

Since I am an affiliate for this company, I will utilize whatever materials they offer and leave the screenshots out of my content creation. I like to sleep well at night and don't have the extra cash for legal advice so the reviews will have to suffice without an image of the site.

Thanks again for your help.

All the best,

You're welcome. It can't hurt to talk to the affiliate manager for advice. He or she may even have assets you can use that fit with what you are trying to accomplish. The worst they can say is it's not allowed.

Great advice. It is a favorable review, and I have seen screenshots on other website reviews for this same company. We shall see:)

Thanks again!

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Question about screen shots in reviews?

Question about screen shots in reviews?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey, WA.

I want to jazz up my review by taking a screenshot of the logo of the company I am writing about and adding it to my post. I feel like it's probably not allowed,

Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my question. I checked out the affiliate materials for the company I am reviewing, and they provide screenshots for affiliate use. My problem is solved, and I do not have to worry about legal issues:)

Thanks again!

Hi - I personally think it's not advisable. Last year, Nike took 20 websites to court for using their logo and images. It can be seen as misleading, as people might be attracted to your site thinking you are part of the company.

Thanks, Diane.

That's pretty scary about Nike -- I think I will steer clear of adding screenshots and use whatever affiliate materials available.

Thanks so much for your advice; I appreciate it.

Have a great weekend!

Hi Gina,

I definitely understand your concern. I know what you mean when you say you would like to make your review look nice. Plus seeing others do this all the time makes it even more tempting.

Anyhow, I would love to see all the response you get from this question because it is an interesting concern. that I have had myself.

Anyhow, I just wanted to give you my thoughts about the situation.

I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't screenshot anything, especially not of another companies logo.

Using their logo may be an alert to the company and they may try to pull other moves but, hey I am no expert at this. I can only go by what I have seen other report on the internet.

Anyways, another reason why I wouldn't do it is that these stories that I have attached to this message have literally scared me about using anything that doesn't belong to me.




Plus on top of that, I was following the training, and in affiliate Bootcamp it was said that it was okay to add screenshots so I did.

Well, recently I applied to Google Adsense and was denied 3 times due to scrapped content and I am thinking it's because of the images I had on the site.

The reason being is I have not copied any other person, there is no plagiarism going on, and I have submitted my site to Copyscape, Grammarly, and sitelinner and they can't find duplicate or scrapped content so, now I think it's images.

So, now I have to go back through my entire site and look at each image to make sure I have my own images. I have now purchased a license for images so I can avoid any hassle in the future.

Don't mean to be a downer but, I thought you should know you're taking a risk.

Thank you so much for your reply, and you are not a downer at all. It feels wrong to me, so that's why I haven't done it. It does look better to be able to use a screenshot of the website you are reviewing, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Thanks so much for all the great info. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question in such a thorough manner.

Have a wonderful weekend

You're welcome, I agree it does look better and make the experience for the end user better but, those links above are stories of bloggers being sued so, I would just do as you're doing and stay on the safe side of things.

Anyhow, I am glad that you found the information helpful wish you a wonderful weekend as well.

You do have to be careful with this. If you are writing about the company in a good light, they shouldn't have a problem with the screen print. Still, it can't hurt to contact the company and ask.

Logos are particularly troublesome because it may seem like you are representing the company. It depends on how you structure it, but it's a tough call. I would contact the company and see what they say. They may want editorial discretion on what you write.

The toughest part is this is probably considered a legal issue and I am not qualified to give advice in this area. You should be careful with any advice people give you in this regard. The best course of action is to speak with a legal professional about the issue.
Best Regards,

Thanks for your reply, Jim.

Since I am an affiliate for this company, I will utilize whatever materials they offer and leave the screenshots out of my content creation. I like to sleep well at night and don't have the extra cash for legal advice so the reviews will have to suffice without an image of the site.

Thanks again for your help.

All the best,

You're welcome. It can't hurt to talk to the affiliate manager for advice. He or she may even have assets you can use that fit with what you are trying to accomplish. The worst they can say is it's not allowed.

Great advice. It is a favorable review, and I have seen screenshots on other website reviews for this same company. We shall see:)

Thanks again!

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I am in the process of verifying my Pinterest account. I need to insert the verification code in my header but there is already an Adsense code there. Can I place the Pinterest

Hello you can put the verification code in your SEO plug in.
On your website dashboard look on the left side you will see All In One SEO click on that and you will see where it says General Settings
If you scroll down you will see where it says WebMaster Verification this is where you can verify with Google - Bing and interest
Hope this helps

Hello and thanks for your reply. That is where I ended up putting it but was confused because Pinterest mentioned the whole header thing.

I haven't received an email confirmation from Pinterest yet but hopefully, it will get verified without any issues and I can move on to other tasks.

Thanks again for your reply:)

Thanks for the information. I was wondering how to do this. Cheers

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Can you use more than one verification code in header?

Can you use more than one verification code in header?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I am in the process of verifying my Pinterest account. I need to insert the verification code in my header but there is already an Adsense code there. Can I place the Pinterest

Hello you can put the verification code in your SEO plug in.
On your website dashboard look on the left side you will see All In One SEO click on that and you will see where it says General Settings
If you scroll down you will see where it says WebMaster Verification this is where you can verify with Google - Bing and interest
Hope this helps

Hello and thanks for your reply. That is where I ended up putting it but was confused because Pinterest mentioned the whole header thing.

I haven't received an email confirmation from Pinterest yet but hopefully, it will get verified without any issues and I can move on to other tasks.

Thanks again for your reply:)

Thanks for the information. I was wondering how to do this. Cheers

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey there, WA.

I have a dilemma: I added a photo of myself on my website profile, and now my site is no longer secure. Is there something I can do to the image to fix

Hello, to make all of the images on your page secure, you need to ensure that they are all hosted under secured URLs. You can simply check this out using the text editor.

Wish you breakthroughs in your online endeavors!

Israel Olatunji

Thank you for your reply, Israel -- such wonderful members here at WA willing to offer help. Dale123 mentioned this as well and it did the trick.

Thanks again...have a lovely day.

You are welcome, Gina. Kudos to you!

Wish you much success in your online business!
Israel Olatunji

The issue is with the image source. Take a look at the code (by switching to the "Text" editor), the source of the image should start with HTTPS, not HTTP. If you want your website to be secure then all of the elements included on the page must also be hosted on secured URLs.

So for example an unsecured image source would look like this:

A secured image source would look like this:

The "s" is the only difference - just check for it in your code.

Great information,and I appreciate your reply. I will check out the image in text editor and have a look at the code.

Thanks again for your help, Dale.

Hey, Dale.
I tried your solution, and success! Thank you so much, and I can't believe how simple it was:)

Haha you’re welcome :)

Just refresh your page

Thanks for your reply. I deleted the image to see if that was the problem and indeed it was. I will add it again, refresh and see what happens. Thank you, Fleeky. I hope all is going well:)

Yes... trial and error
Well done.

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How do I make image secure?

How do I make image secure?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey there, WA.

I have a dilemma: I added a photo of myself on my website profile, and now my site is no longer secure. Is there something I can do to the image to fix

Hello, to make all of the images on your page secure, you need to ensure that they are all hosted under secured URLs. You can simply check this out using the text editor.

Wish you breakthroughs in your online endeavors!

Israel Olatunji

Thank you for your reply, Israel -- such wonderful members here at WA willing to offer help. Dale123 mentioned this as well and it did the trick.

Thanks again...have a lovely day.

You are welcome, Gina. Kudos to you!

Wish you much success in your online business!
Israel Olatunji

The issue is with the image source. Take a look at the code (by switching to the "Text" editor), the source of the image should start with HTTPS, not HTTP. If you want your website to be secure then all of the elements included on the page must also be hosted on secured URLs.

So for example an unsecured image source would look like this:

A secured image source would look like this:

The "s" is the only difference - just check for it in your code.

Great information,and I appreciate your reply. I will check out the image in text editor and have a look at the code.

Thanks again for your help, Dale.

Hey, Dale.
I tried your solution, and success! Thank you so much, and I can't believe how simple it was:)

Haha you’re welcome :)

Just refresh your page

Thanks for your reply. I deleted the image to see if that was the problem and indeed it was. I will add it again, refresh and see what happens. Thank you, Fleeky. I hope all is going well:)

Yes... trial and error
Well done.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hey, there.

Does anyone know if it is permitted to add a WA training affiliate link within a post on my website?

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Yes, you can add your training links to your blog. I created a menu for my WA training resources on my blog. Thanks for asking!

Israel Olatunji

I would definitely say, yes, for sure.


Thank you, Wayne. I appreciate your reply.

Go for it! You can use the affiliate links on any page here at WA that does not have the 'Premium' label on it. To check this, it can be searched by putting the title in the search bar and when it comes up, see if it has the 'Premium' label next to it. If not, i'ts free to use and when your visitor clicks the affiliate link for the page, they'll be able to view the content uninhibited.


You can Gina but it is only the 1st few you use
You can also add blogs from within WA - at the top right you will see a link bar- In this is your unique link which is really awesome to use
Have fun

Thanks, Vicki. You mention I can only use the first few, so are any excluded? I want to include a lesson by Kyle about how to utilize affiliate links.

I think it would be a good illustration for a better understanding of how using affiliate links can earn commissions.

I'm not sure if this one is ok
Here is a picture you might want to use when marketing WA

Great idea -- it's a good breakdown of what's included.
I want to give a glimpse of the awesome training available.

Thanks for all your help!

You are so welcome - Glad to help you out and all the best for your new week ahead

Absolutely. Some training is only available to premium members though.

Great, thanks for your help;)

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Can I add a wa training affiliate link on my website?

Can I add a wa training affiliate link on my website?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hey, there.

Does anyone know if it is permitted to add a WA training affiliate link within a post on my website?

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Yes, you can add your training links to your blog. I created a menu for my WA training resources on my blog. Thanks for asking!

Israel Olatunji

I would definitely say, yes, for sure.


Thank you, Wayne. I appreciate your reply.

Go for it! You can use the affiliate links on any page here at WA that does not have the 'Premium' label on it. To check this, it can be searched by putting the title in the search bar and when it comes up, see if it has the 'Premium' label next to it. If not, i'ts free to use and when your visitor clicks the affiliate link for the page, they'll be able to view the content uninhibited.


You can Gina but it is only the 1st few you use
You can also add blogs from within WA - at the top right you will see a link bar- In this is your unique link which is really awesome to use
Have fun

Thanks, Vicki. You mention I can only use the first few, so are any excluded? I want to include a lesson by Kyle about how to utilize affiliate links.

I think it would be a good illustration for a better understanding of how using affiliate links can earn commissions.

I'm not sure if this one is ok
Here is a picture you might want to use when marketing WA

Great idea -- it's a good breakdown of what's included.
I want to give a glimpse of the awesome training available.

Thanks for all your help!

You are so welcome - Glad to help you out and all the best for your new week ahead

Absolutely. Some training is only available to premium members though.

Great, thanks for your help;)

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