Seventy Years of Enjoying Life And Helping Others!

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

Sorry if I didn't answer your questions and PMs over the past few days.

It was a little hard to believe that I've been alive all this time as I celebrated my 70th birthday weekend festivities! Yup, I have an undisputed expertise in dragging out my birthdays as long as possible. This is something that started way back as a child and continued as a tradition. Lol 🀣

Looking back, it all seems like a blur. I've had more than my fair share of fun, but I've also had the honor of helping thousands over my forty years of practicing medicine.

I'm fortunate enough to be in excellent health for my age, even though I've eaten all the delicious high-cholesterol and fatty foods that Italians crave. πŸ˜ƒ

Fun With Family And Friends

I had the crazy idea that I'd have a somewhat quiet birthday with my wife, but my family and friends had other plans. I should have known better! I'm ready for a week of R&R after a weekend consisting of a pizza party, a pool bash, and a fire pit soiree, all with a crazy amount of food. I guess they don't think I'll make it to 71! Lol πŸ˜†

In addition, my wife has been sending secret texts to my family members about some type of event on Sunday. This turned out to be an enormous get-together in Newport that included many of our family members from various states and some people I have not seen in many years!

She also made me my favorite gourmet dark chocolate birthday cake with a very dark (70% cocoa) chocolate ganache. I told her I wanted seventy candles on it, but she only put two. That wife of mine never seems to listen to a thing I say, even though I'm sixteen years older than her! Hahaha

Yes, I shared it!

The cake probably had enough caffeine in it to kill an elephant! Lol. πŸ˜‚
It reminds me of a patient who would go into rapid atrial fibrillation every time he ate a piece of death-by-chocolate cake. The emergency room would call me to admit him for IV rate control and cardioversion back to normal sinus rhythm. I'd say to him, "You ate the cake again, didn't you, George?" and he'd say, "Yup, doc," with a big grin on his face, still covered with chocolate on his lips. Luckily, I don't have that health issue, so I eat whatever I want. Lol

Future Plans

I plan to fully retire from medicine this year or in early 2025. I sold my private medical practice to Care New England back in 2022, so I'm just seeing patients part-time at the hospital as a medical consultant for surgical clearance.

I'm also still working as a consultant in healthcare informatics and biomedical engineering, but sequentially cutting down those hours, too.

I'll continue spending two to three hours a day with my online guitar niche because it has become a part of my musical hobby. I don't expect to make a significant amount of money with this time commitment, especially with the direction that everything seems to be heading for building online traffic. I hope you will be able to overcome that by using AI to create a high-domain authority with a strong brand in your online businesses.

My biggest plans revolve around spending a lot more time playing and listening to music, watching movies, and being with family and friends - especially my wife, who has been so good to me over the past 28 years! I can't even imagine what she is planning for our 30th anniversary!

Luckily, I have the finances to do all the things I enjoy, but I am a simple man, so I don't live a lavish lifestyle. God willing, I'll have at least another 15 or 20 years of good health and to remain active and useful.

I'll leave you with this final thought: The "golden years" don't stay that way forever, so we have to enjoy them as much as possible! 😎

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘
Frank 🎸

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Recent Comments


Wow, just wow. How did I miss this blog post? Whoosh!

I'm late to the party, but happy birthday, Frank! That's an awesomely good-looking cake; I hope you have some left.

"The cake probably had enough caffeine in it to kill an elephant! Lol. πŸ˜‚"

I also hope it is a whole month of "Birthday Celebrations." 🀣🀣🀣😱

We, too, love simplicity.


Haha, no worries, Abie! 😎😎

Yeah, the big 70, but I'm looking forward to a great retirement, God willing! πŸ™

The cake was gone that night before I could even get a second piece. Lol πŸ˜‚

Celebrations continued through Monday to clean up all the leftover food. Italians don't throw anything away unless it goes bad. Haha

I was so full that on Tuesday, the only thing I had was half a bagel with smoked salmon and fluids throughout the day.

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Good morning Frank,

Congratulations on reaching that grand age, it's amazing where the time goes, but the great thing is you have enjoyed yourself and helped many people along the way!

It sounds like you had a great birthday bash, which is fantastic!

My father was 16 1/2 years old and my mother, they got on exceptionally well!

I'm glad that you are planning even more guitar playing, I think this helps to keep you young, Frank!

Have a fantastic day.


Thanks, Roy! πŸ™

Yeah, life is what we make of it, but I think we have to be lucky, too, at least to some extent, with good health, etc.

It was a great three days! I really didn't see that coming, but in retrospect, all the signs were there: my wife running around and cooking like a crazy person, etc.! Lol πŸ˜‚

We were a lot younger when we first met. Stacy was in her twenties, and I might have been in my late thirties or early forties.

We can never have too much guitar playing, Roy! Haha! 🎢

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

It's a pleasure, Frank! It's also wonderful to think that you have really made the most of life; that is so good to hear!

Good for you for having so much fun and for your wife for organising such a wonderful time.

It sounds like you have great fun together, which is how marriage should be.

I agree with that, Frank, such a wonderful and therapeutic pastime!🎸🎸

Have a fantastic day and keep on rocking.


Hi Roy

I’ve always tried to keep a healthy balance between work and play.

My wife and I spend time together whenever possible and its something I very much look forward to.

We have our squabbles, like every couple, but we mostly get along just fine.

Marriage, like anything we treasure, has to be properly nurtured over the years and it takes a lot of effort from both partners.

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Good morning Frank,

That sounds like a good thing to do, Frank.

That's brilliant regarding spending time with your wife, Frank, that our marriage should be!

I guess that we are all individuals, so there are things that we will disagree on sometimes. But good for you for having such a great marriage, it's always a pleasure to hear stories like yours, Frank.

Have a wonderful Friday.


Hi Roy

In our marriage, I find that good communication and β€œmixing things up” are key.

Doing nice but unexpected things spontaneously can keep life interesting and a relationship β€œfresh.”

When I was working long hours it was more challenging until I realized that fun can be routinely scheduled into a calendar, too. 😎

Now, there’s plenty of time to do something nice together on most days.

Frank 🀘🎸

Good morning Frank,

Yes, I can believe that, Frank, it's good to do spontaneous things and mix things up. This is something I find quite difficult, as in working full-time, there are many things I would like to do, but I don't always have the time.

I would quite like to sell my off-line business, which would enable me to spend more time working online. It could happen!

It's great that you're able to spend more time together.

Have a great day.


Hi Roy

Try adding fun time to your calendar or to-do list. 😎

Frank 🎸

Good morning Frank,

Now that's not a bad idea! I must do that!

Thank you for the heads up.

A very happy Sunday to you.


You’ll be glad you did, Roy! Most people try to put a bit of fun time aside, but then life gets in the way.

One thing leads to another, and before we know it, the day is gone.

Even 15 minutes of a day of the things we like to do can make us generally happier and more productive on the overall.😎

Last night my wife grabbed her journal and started scribbling away. When I asked her what she was writing, she smiled and said β€œthings for us to do.”

She had written miniature golf and bowling. I’m sure these items will appear on the Google fun calendar that we share.

We haven’t bowled in a few years and I can imagine that we’re still pretty bad at it, but it won’t make it any less enjoyable. Lol πŸ˜†

Rock On 🀘
Frank 🎸

This is so true, Frank! This is where I see the Greeks have a big advantage over the British! The British work to buy a house and car and the Greeks just enjoy themselves!!

Time goes so quickly, Frank, it's unbelievable!

The 15 minute plan sounds good, Frank.

It's great that your wife wants to do different things and make life enjoyable, I'm sure you will have some fun.

Have a great day.


Hi Roy

It's great to work hard to make an excellent life for ourselves and our family, but part of the quality of that life is routinely making the time to enjoy it. 😎

The Italians are the same way as the Greeks. We love life and always try to savor it to the max.

When life ends, we can't take our material things with us, so we need to enjoy them all while we can.

I'm quickly heading toward full retirement, and, God willing, the plan is to have a marvelous one. Lol πŸ₯³

Frank 🎸

Good morning Frank,

I agree with you, it's good to work hard, but sometimes it's quite hard to get the balance right.

That's something that I have marred the Greeks and the Italians for, Frank, they really do life!

That's so true, we come to this earth with nothing and we go out with nothing.

That will be nice Frank, I'm sure you will make the most of your retirement.

Have a great day.


Happy birthday, Frank! I should have known you were a fellow Leo lol. That dark chocolate ganache cake looks incredible. Your wife is one talented lady! Sounds like you had a fabulous time and I couldn’t think of anyone who deserves it more! Here’s a toast to your 70th and many, many more. πŸ₯‚

Rock On,
Susan πŸŽΈπŸ˜ŽπŸŽ‚πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

Thanks so much, Susan! πŸ™

Yeah, but everyone tells me I'm pretty laid-back for a Leo. My wife is a Pisces. Is that a good match??

Here's what Google AI (SGE) has to say:
According to astrology, Leos (July 23–August 22) and Pisces (February 19–March 20) can be a good match:
Shared interests:
Leos enjoy luxury, the arts, and finer pleasures, while Pisces value the arts in a constructive way. Both signs are nurturing, which can be good for their relationship.
Complementary roles:
Pisces are happy to have someone make decisions for them, so Leos can feel comfortable taking charge. Leos may also enjoy helping Pisces make their dreams come true. Pisces don't mind taking a backseat to Leos, who like to be the center of attention.
Creative synergy:
Leos and Pisces' creativity and dreaminess can lead to remarkable art and creations together.

I don't know much about astrology, but I know that I'm damn lucky I found Stacy!! 😍 πŸ’•

The chocolate cake was phenomenal but a little too "chocolatey" for some people! Haha

Yeah, it was quite a three days! I guess all the years of checking blood pressures (even in teenagers!) at the family get-togethers paid off. Hahaha
We all overdid it, but that's what Italians do! It's all about the wonderful memories, right? Lol πŸ˜‚

God willing, I hope to be around to play guitar for quite a while. 🎢 😎

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘⚑️🀘
Frank 🎸

Hi Frank!

When you love what you do and you have good friends and a great family, it gives you the strength to go on for as long as you want to.

Sounds like you had a blast of fun with friends and family on your birthday!

Happy Belated Birthday Frank! Cheers to 30+ more years! Keep rocking on!

You can put your feet up and rest for a bit, you deserve it! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Thanks so much, Nichola! πŸ™

That really is the secret formula: A job you love and a great family and friends! The rest all pretty much takes care of itself! We have to be lucky in the family department, but we can control the rest. 😎

Yeah, it was a wild time. I'm still trying to recover from all the overeating. Lol πŸ˜‚

I'm just starting to get back to some sort of a "routine" today.

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

You are welcome! Indeed, great family is the secret! Take it easy until you recover and get back to you daily routine!πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜

Rock On!

I'm back to the daily routine at this point, Nichola. Lol 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

Awesome! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜

Thanks! 😎

You are welcome!

With your expertise, it might be harder for the hospital staff to let you go than for you to leave. You are fortunate to be in great health. Rock and roll will do that for you! 🎸 I imagine you have been pretty awesome for every one of those 70 years, and I wish you at least 30 more of awesomeness. Then you can take it easy for a while.

Happy Birthday, Frank! Or should I say, Rock of Ages!


Thanks so much for the kind sentiments, Dave! πŸ™πŸ™

I've been fortunate in so many ways, especially with great family and friends and the honor of having the opportunity to help so many sick people over the years.

I cherish my health and try to take good care of myself. Rock and Roll (and every other type of music) has kept me young at heart, and our mental state of mind drives our physical health to a large extent.

I try to use the brain the good Lord gave me to work hard, but my family raised me to play harder, and to quote Joe Walsh: "Life's been good to me, so far." Lol πŸ˜†

I have super-longevity on both sides of my family. One family member recently passed away at almost 103, and my one living aunt on my mother's side is 96. If I make it to 100, you'll probably find me on some porch making horrible sounds on an out-of-tune ukelele with a busted string! Lol πŸ˜‚ 🀣

Keep On Rockin'! 🀘πŸ”₯ 🀘
Frank 🎸

Happy Birthday Frank!

Many more to follow!

Here's your 70 Candles. :-)


Hahaha, Thanks, Mel! πŸ™

I'll definitely show the image to my wife, but I won't mention that AI made it. Lol 😎

Keep On Rockin' 🀘
Frank 🎸

You are most welcome Frank!

For a more peaceful celebration you can celebrate your 71st in 3 months based on your time from conception.


Hahaha, Mel! πŸ˜ƒ

I already tried that one many years ago, but nobody bought it. They're all a lot older now, so maybe I'll give it another go! πŸ˜‚

My 3 daughters enjoyed it when they were little, Frank. Once they got in their 20's they didn't like being older... haha


Yeah, anything I could do as a kid to get more attention and gifts seemed absolutely brilliant! Lol πŸ˜‚

As we begin to get older and earn money, gifts become a lot more like a nice gesture, but more appreciated from the heart.

I tell my wife to get me a guitar for my birthday each year because I don't really need anything, and I know she never would. I still end up with a ton of new clothes and movies on 4K-disk. Haha

Happy belated birthday πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ 🎈!!! Glad to hear you had such an amazing time.

Thanks, Courtney! πŸ™

Yeah, it was a bit of a wild weekend for an old guy like me. Lol 🀣

Frank 🀘🎸

I can understand you taking a few days off for your birthday, I mean, wow, it takes a few days just to blow that many candles out. lol. Hope you had a great one, I’m not far behind, In Vietnam I have to book a fire engine for safety reasons.. lol

Hahaha, Steve. Yeah, blowing out 70 candles is equivalent to passing a pulmonary function test! 😎

We actually set off the kitchen fire alarm one year with all the lit birthday candles. The alarm company couldn't stop the fire department from dispatching a truck and an ambulance. They billed me for the visit, even though my wife gave them all a piece of cake to go. Lol

We'll all do something really special if I make it to 80! Hahaha πŸ˜ƒ

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

The biggest, happiest of birthdays :-) Excellent post.
My mom and dad had birthday months, lol we didn't but they did :-)
THanks for sharing


Thanks, Kerri! πŸ™

Wow, an entire month to celebrate a birthday?? I don't think I'd be able to get away with that! However, I'll only know once I give it a go. Lol πŸ˜†

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Go for it :-) for next year, the whole month of August, if you spread it out you wont get too tired :-)

That's a good point, Kerri! πŸ‘πŸ‘

I'll start putting the idea in everyone's head for the entire month of July. Lol 😎

Happy Birthday my friend 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

Thanks, Dave! πŸ™

If I drank all those beers, I'd probably be fast asleep on the couch! Lol 🀣

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

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