Savor the Flavor!: Celebrating National Cheeseburger Day!

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

Are you tired of reading my boring posts on ChatGPT's new models? Here's something you might be able to "sink your teeth into" a little better!

September 18th marks National Cheeseburger Day, a time to enjoy one of America's most beloved foods. Whether you like your cheeseburger classic or loaded with toppings, today is all about savoring that perfect blend of meat and cheese! πŸ”

The Story Behind the Cheeseburger

(With the help of ChatGPT o1-preview)

Have you ever wondered who first thought of adding cheese to a hamburger? In the 1920s, a young cook named Lionel Sternberger was working at his father's sandwich shop, "The Rite Spot," in Pasadena, California. On a whim, he placed a slice of American cheese on a cooking hamburger patty. Customers were delighted with this new twist, and the cheeseburger was born!

But there's more to the tale. In 1935, Louis Ballast of Denver, Colorado, secured a trademark for the name "cheeseburger" for his restaurant, the "Humpty Dumpty Drive-In." While there's some debate over who can truly claim the invention, what's clear is that the cheeseburger quickly became an American favorite across the nation.

The Five Cent Cheeseburger!

In 1948, McDonalds sold a hamburger for just 5 cents! I remember paying 15 cents for a cheeseburger at Burger King in the mid-1960s; anyone remember Burger King? For 35 cents, I got a cheeseburger, fry, and a shake; pocket change!

My wife and I got McDonalds takeout about two months ago and we paid over thirty dollars! We enjoyed it with a movie at home, along with her homemade apple pie, which beat their apple turnover, the rectangular thingy that they apparently removed from their menu for "health reasons!" Lol

How to Enjoy National Cheeseburger Day

(Courtesy of of ChatGPT o1-preview)

Looking for ways to make the most of National Cheeseburger Day? Here are a few ideas:

  • Host a Backyard Barbecue: Fire up the grill and invite friends over. Provide a variety of cheeses, sauces, and toppings so everyone can customize their burger.
  • Explore Local Eateries: Visit a nearby restaurant or food truck known for their burgers. It might be the perfect day to try something new.
  • Get Creative in the Kitchen: Experiment with different ingredients at home. Consider trying a new type of cheese or adding unique toppings to craft your own signature cheeseburger.
  • Share the Experience: Take a photo of your cheeseburger creation and share it with friends or on social media. You might inspire others to join in the celebration.

How We're Celebrating The Day

We've chosen option one above!

Tonight, we're having a cheeseburger party on the grill with family and friends for top-carnivores only. Vegetarians and lactose-intolerant people need not attend! Actually, Stacy purchased some gourmet veggie burgers in case one of them does. Haha!

We're having it with fries, shakes, and something a little stronger for the more adventurous drinkers, although I'll probably stick to a delicious homemade shake. The movie will be "London Has Fallen" since we saw "Olympus Has Fallen" last night. I'll even try to sneak away for Eric's class tonight if things get started early enough.

What Are Your Plans?

Now that you know about National Cheeseburger Day, are you thinking about doing something special to mark the event? Life is short, so enjoy the simple pleasures of the cheeseburger! 😎

Let me know in the comments, AND ...

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘

Rock that fast-food takeout! (Pin by DALL-E 3)

Frank 🎸

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Recent Comments


What??? National Cheeseburger day?? Now that is a holiday I could get in line for!!

There would always need to be a ton of bacon on my mine though Frank!

Next year I will be there for the barbie for sure my friend!!

Rock On and don't eat tooooo much ok!!


Hi Nick

Of course, it's a holiday & bacon is essential! Who said it has to be just a burger with cheese?? Lol πŸ”πŸ₯“πŸ₯“πŸ₯“

Grab yourself one, if you get a minute, to celebrate the day, ok? 😎

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Certainly doesn't have to be just a burger with cheese Frank!!

Bacon is indeed essential though, along with some salad, red onion, a bit of tomato, even a fried egg!!

Just none of those stinking pickes though!!

I've already had a ribeye for dinner, so.... I think I will celebrate Cheeseburger day tomorrow if my diet allows it!!!

Rock On!


Nice! I love a good ribeye, Nick! πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ₯©

Sure, you can celebrate with a cheeseburger tomorrow. πŸ” + πŸ₯“

Stacy makes a great grilled hamburger barbecue sauce with a touch of Jack Daniels! Lol - Give it a go & hold the pickles! πŸ₯ƒ 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

Of ALL of the holidays - how'd I miss this?!

My favorite is a bacon double cheeseburger, Frank, with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, light mayo and ketchup!

For my side? I'll toss a coin between French fries and onion rings and wash it down with a classic Coke from an ice-cold streamlined bottle that's nice and chilled from the fridge.

Appreciate the post! πŸŽΈπŸ€˜πŸ”
Isaiah 😁

Hi Isaiah

Mark it down in your calendar so you can celebrate it every year!

Why not have it all: French fries AND onion rings?? 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Yeah, thanks. September 18th is my date of birth.
It's hard to look at Cataract surgery on Monday.

Do you remember Guy Fox Day?

I remember the fifth of November.
also known as Guy Fawkes Day, Bonfire Night, and Fireworks Night,

This all turned to hell;
Take care friend in allowing me to share,
You are gifted with love.

Hi Paul

Yeah, I know Guy Fawkes Day. We used to live on a pond and light a big bonfire near the water at night, then have a cookout to celebrate the beginning of the Fall season! 🍁

Happy Birthday, Paul! πŸŽ‚πŸ₯³

Frank 🎸

Frank, you are making me hungy! Also, now you have my wheels spinning about the vastness of the cheeseburger niche. That would be a fun, and mouth-watering case study!

Hi Kyle

Yeah, I had to take a lunch break in the middle of writing the post! Lol πŸ˜‚

It would be a fun niche, especially for a foodie. πŸ”

Frank 🀘🎸

Happy national cheeseburger day, Frank!

I really do love the 1950s drive-in theme. :)

Myra β™₯️

Thanks, Myra & same to you! 😎

Have a cheeseburger (or veggie burger) to celebrate! πŸ”

Frank 🀘🎸

Awesome as always, Frank :-) Awesome image. I miss the old restaurants with the jukeboxes on the table and 50's theme, lol. We had one in town; it had a lot of Elvis stuff, which I loved, and they closed.

Thanks, Kerri! πŸ™

Yeah, I'm old enough to have lived the 50's, but as a child. Still, I remember all the "Happy Days" hamburger and soda fountain joints; even our local drugstore had a soda fountain!

We have a "Johnny Rockets" restaurant that mimics the 50's era pretty well.

Enjoy a cheeseburger to mark the day! πŸ”

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Yes lol, i wasn't here until the early 70's but, I still love that stuff :-) Id probably have to drive 180 round trip, but I could probably find one in Reno :=)

My town puts on a "50s-themed main street stroll" event each year. The local businesses sell '50s-related items on the sidewalk and most people dress up in period-correct attire. There's '50s music, too. Lots of fun! 😎

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