How to Make a Cool Search Page for Your Wordpress Website Using Blocks


It's time for your daily dose of Wordpress Wisdom! In today's quick tutorial I'll be showing you how to add a cool search page to your Wordpress website to elevate the user experience, aid in navigation, and really push forward all the content you've been working so hard to create so your audience knows exactly what your website has to offer!

Related training:

How to Add a Search Bar to your Wordpress Website

As always, please feel free to share this video to anyone needing help with this. If you have any Wordpress related questions that you'd like to see me create a tutorial around feel free to send me a private message or leave me a message on my profile.

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Okay, you know somethings not working right :-)
I have the search bar; I have the search page; what I don't have is them working together. Ive watched the videos several times, I am missing something here.

Does anyone have a minute to check it and see what I am doing wrong?

I have the Search by Topic in the main menu,
I have the search bar in the widget on the right side.
I have been looking at this so long, I don't even know what I am doing anymore.

Am I supposed to have a Search Page, and a Search bar separate ?


I need a shot LOL

What do you feel isn't working exactly?

Not sure if I did it right; I got confused somewhere in the middle. Is what I have good UX ? or am I missing something?

The key here, Kerri, is creating functionality in your website, not because I said to do it, but because you feel it adds value and makes sense to you. Know what I mean?

If you arrived at your site right now as a member of your own target audience with fresh eyes, how would you feel about it? What's confusing you about your search page?

To know if you've created a good user experience just go through your site and use it like a new user would. If something isn't working the way you want it to, make changes.

You're in charge here 👍🏼
Create a site that you'd want to visit.

I was asking if I did the Search Page and the Search bar right - if I missed something and they are not that would be bad UX. If they are working as they are supposed to then okay. I was asking for help on that.

Right. So use them! See what's working. See what's not. That's exactly what I'm talking about. 👍🏼

I have another question about my Search Page... In the image I've used for my search page, (see image) I want to know if I can attach a link to it which would open my website's search dialog box? Or, do you have a better idea for a link?

My reasoning for wanting to add some kind of link there is because the graphic itself encourages someone to click on it, (I found myself wanting to do so when I visited the page 😂). You'll see what I mean when you view the attached image.

As always, any ideas, advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


I would just put a search bar there in the text area somewhere, or remove the image altogether and replace it with a search bar. Remember, that search bar in the right sidebar will get pushed way down on mobile.

Ah, thanks for that reminder! I'll "get my hands dirty" and figure out what I want to do there. Thanks for your recommendations.

Not a problem!

Awesome presentation, Eric!


Thanks Jeff!

You're welcome, Eric! I have been a bit behind!



Hi Eric,

I am loving these quick lessons on wordpress wisdom, it is so helpful.

How did you create those tags ? Was that automated? Can we create tags for old posts on our website?

Have you made a video on creating tags, if yes, could you share the link, please.

Thank you Eric for imparting your knowledge with us :)

I'll do a tutorial on tags later today. That's a good question to have a tutorial for :)

Thank you so much Eric, that's so nice of you. I would be looking forward to that tutorial :)

Hot off the press!

That was awesome Eric 😃
Thank you so much for creating this tutorial, really appreciate your time and help 🤝

Glad it helped!

Awesome ideas and tricks! Thanks Eric!

You're very welcome!

Question: Does this search page automatically update itself as new posts and tags are added?

Yup 👍🏼

Thanks, I thought so. I made me a really cool search page, added a relative image and conducted SEO... I think it's a great addition to my website and another excellent method of leading people to my content! Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Did you come up with that trick yourself, or was it taught to you as well? 😊

This was just something I wanted to add to my site. It started as just a search bar with some featured posts, then I found the categories block, then I found the cloud tag, and it evolved into what I think is a solid user friendly way to find content :)

Great idea, and I really like the look of the one I've created for my site. Thanks again, Eric!

Glad this inspired you!

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