How to Add a Call to Action Button In Your Main Menu


It's time for your daily dose of Wordpress Wisdom! In today's quick tutorial I'll be showing you how to add a CTA button to your main menu by adding custom classes and some additional CSS code. Don't worry! It's super easy! Just follow these steps and you'll quickly be able to draw attention to the menu item of your choice so your audience can TAKE ACTION and CONVERT!

Here's the CSS code you'll need to paste into the Additional CSS tab in the Customizer:

@media (min-width:769px) {
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li.nav-button a {
background-color: #ffffff;
border: 2px solid #000000;
color: #000000;
line-height: 35px; /*this number will likely need to be adjusted*/

As always, feel free to share this video to anyone needing help with this. If you have any Wordpress related questions that you'd like to see me create a tutorial for send me a private message or leave me a message on my profile.

If you want to check out all my Wordpress Wisdom tutorials feel free to head over to my blog.

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Recent Comments


Interesting to know this Eric. Thank you.
But it is not clear to me if this action button "start right now" is opening on a new folder or does the visitor leaves my website ... with the risc of no return to read my blog or page ...
( I will try it out but later, so I ask it now before I forget to ask you ;-) )

Hey Chris! In this case it takes your reader directly to the WA signup page. They will have left your blog but all they'd have to do to return is hit the back button. 👍🏼

Thx ... so you can not manage that like when you insert a link in your text when writing in Wordpress.
A bit risky but I understand it is 'my' affiliate link ... so the reader stays tracable as my prospect I suppose.

Right, the entire purpose of your website and article is to get them to click through the affiliate link, so this is fulfilling that purpose directly. Really no risk here. 💯

Nice, Eric! Thanks!

It is amazing what little things we can do in WordPress to improve the visuals of our websites.

Agreed! You're very welcome!

thanks, Eric. That is totally awesome. I'm going to try it now!...



Very nice video, especially when we are promoting WA Program.
Thank you Eric.

Love it!

Very cool little tid bit :-)


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