Are You Getting Conversions Consistently? I Want to Show You How!


In my opinion, the most direct, straightforward approach to finding affiliate marketing success is knowing how to get conversions consistently. It all starts with content, understanding your audience and the searches they're making, and publishing posts that are the answer to those searches, but now that you have your "hooks" in the water, do you know how to reel them in?

This is where CTAs (Calls to Action) come into play.

What kinds of Calls to Action are you using? How many is too many? What's the right balance between "show them how" vs "click now"? Do you know how to create an Authority Call to Action?

I invite you to subscribe to class number 2 this Wednesday night, October 16th, 2024 where we cover Part I of getting your referrals to convert. Regardless of your niche I think you'll get plenty out of it and have a lot of fun while you're learning.

I'll see you Wednesday night!

Want to subscribe to the upcoming Wednesday night expert class? You can do so here:

While you’re there, subscribe to all the upcoming classes in the series!

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Recent Comments


Nice one, see you there man!


Eric, where can I find the class to sign up? I can't seem to find it.

Right there on the calendar under classes 👍🏼

I can't seem to find the calender.

I clicked on new classes and only see your first one in the series. I don't know what I am doing wrong

Maybe there is no calender on mobile? I am using mobile

See the attached picture showing where the calendar icon is on mobile. You can also click into any class in a series and see all the other classes in that series under the About tab in a class.

That was excitingly intense. Thank you.

Glad you enjoyed it!

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