About Elyta
Rank 14719
563 followers Joined March 2015
Hi, Although I joined WA a while ago I never gave myself the chance to get started before other things got in my way. Now after having





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey Guys,

I am testing out a few themes on a dummy site and just wanted to get some outside opinions.

Option 1

I prefer option 3!

Thanks for your input. Number 3 seems the popular choice.

Hello Elyta, I would go with option #3

Thanks Harvey.

I prefer option 3 over all the rest. Three catches the eye and then leads the eye to the pictures coming down.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

OK...I like no !.... It says it all..... right to the point.... and is very clear.....

I like all of them.
But I go on #1. I believe it's more engaging as you have some text over the big banner.

My opinion:)

#3You get the whole idea in one page or glance. I like that.

Tried and true


Thanks Elaine.

I like option one with the larger photo and statement. It sets the tone for your website.

I agree with Wayne, option 3.

Thanks Steven, 3 seems to be the consensus so far.

it does


Option 3 catches my eye!


Thanks for your opinion!

Elyta, I don't know what others would say but I'd take the bottom.
Option 3. Why? Because the visuals sends messages. I see a map, camera...is that a cup of coffee?

I see a passport, sun glasses. That's enough content "visually" that is. I see a city ok, that's enough the message is clear.

Again, the messages you send in the 3rd option appears to be to me engaged and connects with me.

There you got 1 opinion. Lets find out what others might feel!


Thanks Frank.

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Testing themes, which do you prefer?

Testing themes, which do you prefer?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey Guys,

I am testing out a few themes on a dummy site and just wanted to get some outside opinions.

Option 1

I prefer option 3!

Thanks for your input. Number 3 seems the popular choice.

Hello Elyta, I would go with option #3

Thanks Harvey.

I prefer option 3 over all the rest. Three catches the eye and then leads the eye to the pictures coming down.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

OK...I like no !.... It says it all..... right to the point.... and is very clear.....

I like all of them.
But I go on #1. I believe it's more engaging as you have some text over the big banner.

My opinion:)

#3You get the whole idea in one page or glance. I like that.

Tried and true


Thanks Elaine.

I like option one with the larger photo and statement. It sets the tone for your website.

I agree with Wayne, option 3.

Thanks Steven, 3 seems to be the consensus so far.

it does


Option 3 catches my eye!


Thanks for your opinion!

Elyta, I don't know what others would say but I'd take the bottom.
Option 3. Why? Because the visuals sends messages. I see a map, camera...is that a cup of coffee?

I see a passport, sun glasses. That's enough content "visually" that is. I see a city ok, that's enough the message is clear.

Again, the messages you send in the 3rd option appears to be to me engaged and connects with me.

There you got 1 opinion. Lets find out what others might feel!


Thanks Frank.

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