How WA Can Make You Up To $100K Without Your Site!

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So as many of you may know you can earn some great money running your own website promoting trusted affiliate products. Wealthy Affiliate obviously provides all the great training and tools to do so. I've had a bit of success doing exactly what WA trains us to do:

However I've come to realize that not everyone is cut out to be a business owner. In some cases people just need to come up with income while they are building their businesses. And there may be other reasons why the whole business for yourself route is not feasible at the moment. Either way, it doesn't really matter. A lot of us come into Wealthy Affiliate with a one track mind not realizing the peripheral opportunities that WA provides you. So I've decided to help you see some other multiple streams of income you can gain with your WA skills.

You Have The Skills To Pay The Bills!

When you join Wealthy Affiliate and complete the training, you become equipped with some of the most sought after skills that companies are willing to pay up to $100,000 per year for depending on your location and skill set. Let's go through some of these skills you have or will learn.


This is basically learning how to make a website friendly to Google and other search engines so that they send it FREE traffic. Obviously as affiliate marketers this is great for our own blogs. But every company wants to get more free traffic to their site. After all it usually leads to more money for them if you can get targeted traffic. As a result of this fact, companies will usually will hire their own in house SEO people or outsource it to an SEO agency.

Fortunately for me, I've leveraged the SEO skills I learned here at WA to do both. I've had SEO jobs with major fortune 100 companies that pay me over $100,000 per year. And I've also provided SEO consulting where I charged over $100 per hour for my SEO advice.

Although I make a full time income with my blog, I'm a bit greedy and love multiple streams of income. So to this day I still make money working with major companies managing their SEO. I get to work from home part of the time and I have a team of SEO people under me. I earn about 6 figures with this role. And I have my blogs that make me a bit more than that. So you do the math. Clearly your SEO skills can be leveraged to get yourself a high paying job while you build your business. Check out some SEO salaries here.

Freelance Writing

If you haven't already noticed, all websites have content on them. Google can't find websites without it. And guess what? Companies need people like you and I to write the content. But nowadays they prefer hiring people that understand SEO to write their pages. This wasn't always the case. Back in the day the requirement would have been a 4-year degree in Journalism or English. But now you will find many websites and companies that are more focused on writers that have SEO and marketing skills. That's a huge benefit for you. It means there are far more writing opportunities that are available to regular folks like you and I. Companies want content that can drive traffic or conversions for them. Wealthy Affiliate literally teaches you how to do both.

There are no shortage of writing jobs on freelance websites, content mills, big companies, blogs and many other places. If you're a writer that knows SEO and internet marketing, you can literally earn hundreds to thousands of dollars per month. I know firsthand because I've spent thousands of dollars every year hiring writers to write for my blog. There is always work available. And if you're good and can secure a few recurring clients or work with a company that has ongoing writing needs, the money you make can be very consistent. That said you may have to start from the bottom and work your way up to making some decent money. But unlike many other type of work at home jobs, writing gigs are available in great quantity.

And The List Goes on...

I won't go into detail about every other opportunity. But here is a short list of other jobs that you can probably secure once you've successfully completed your WA training:

Virtual Assistant

Blog Manager

Affiliate Manager

Wordpress Assistant


It's The Gift That Keeps Giving!

Ultimately the goal of this article was to give you a different perspective on how to leverage Wealthy Affiliate to make you money other ways. You are not limited to building a business for yourself. Although building your own business should always be your number 1 goal in my humble opinion. However you can leverage your WA skills to help companies with their existing business by working for them as a consultant or an employee.

So a premium membership shouldn't be viewed as a start up cost or a hosting fee for creating a website. It's none of those things. It's a personal investment in yourself just like a college education.

But the big difference here is you won't be putting yourself in thousands of dollars of debt that will take years to pay off. Your premium investment is less than $2 per day, especially if you take advantage of special offers like the Black Friday Sale offered by WA.

WA provides you with layers of ways to make money. And you get to decide how to peel and use those layers to your advantage. Hopefully this gives you food for thought. Yeah I'm on a "roll" with the food puns. lol

No, but seriously, I hope this has article has given you a few ways to look at how WA can help you make money. It may be a useful reference to share with people who may need another way to leverage their WA skills while they get their own business up and running.

Well that's enough yip yapping from me. If you liked the article, feel free to chime in below and share it with others. Thanks for reading!

Eddy with a y

Notice the spelling. And if you forget, reference how it's spelled right near my picture. You can do it! lol

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Recent Comments


Excellent post, thanks for reminding us about the skills we acquire here at Wealthy Affiliate. We are truly blessed to be part of this training platform.

When I also realized how much one could earn as a Social Media Manager, I must admit that I've been paying very close attention to how I run all my social media accounts, and since then, the majority of my traffic has been coming from there. Not much yet, but far greater than the one that comes from Google. And this is only the beginning.

Not only will it be beneficial for my website, but I will also be able to increase my sources of income as well.

There are tons of other jobs one could really apply for using only the training here, the opportunities are endless, and I become so excited each time I discover a new job which fits the credentials I already have thanks to Wealthy Affiliate.

OMG the resources available here are just awesome.

Excellent post, thanks for sharing.

Indeed Stunning!

The title of this post easily caught my attention because what I read outside WA is similar to it.

I thought a scammer has entered here and now works on deception of WA community. However, the clarifications came through the article itself. The $100K is earned in one year and with all the ways how it is earned. Besides, the writer shared his experience and that makes it authentic.

Yes, the reference of this article are those who are seasoned marketers, writers and are becoming experts in the online business, like the writer.

I now see even without a website you can earn that.

Your comment sounds like you’re participating in site feedback. Lol but I’m glad you enjoyed it. Just remember blogs here on WA are usually just sharing information and different from the site feedback or comment area that I’m assuming you thought this was. ;-)

Anything goes here, LOL. That's what I feel and i have to say it. I might not have another opportunity. But I really doubt if some can really earn without a website with that huge amount of money. Why? A freelance writing is a hard work. You will only be paid with $20 for an hour of work. Maybe a good writer can have an article within 2 to 3 hours, so for the whole day he can have 3 articles.

Maybe it's easier to earn by doing SEO.

Like I said above Jimmy, WA teaches many skill sets. SEO pays me 100k. People also make hundreds of dollars creating websites. Some people do it all. So stop placing limitations on yourself. Freelance writing was one example. ANd even with that one, I know writers I have hired that make thousands of dollars with me per year because I provide them consistent work because of my blog. And their tons of other blogs that need writing. There are other venues that need writers. So it can pay handsomely for the right people who levearge it properly.

But like I said there are many skills taught here that can be leveraged in other ways to make money. It's all falls on you.

My belief is being strengthened because I am talking directly to the person who experienced it.

Well continue to believe what you want. There are literally several comments on this blog that reaffirm what I have argued. Everyone will have different experiences. I can only speak to mine. Good luck to you either way.

I hope I can follow where you are and enjoy life with income coming the day I'll retire.

Great to offer a new perspective. WA has definitely taught the underlying functionality of how SEO and content creation works, something which is "taught" at universities!

Thanks for sharing with the WA community!

You’re welcome.

Hey Eddy with a Y - what a fabulous post- This is my favourite for the week, thank you and I was considering speaking to local businesses to offer help and then you post this so its meant to ber and I will get to work on this next week
Thank you so much as it opens my mind to so much potential as I learn more and more
your rock Eddy with a y

That's great to hear Vicki! I've had success with local businesses. If you frequent the business they're a lot more open to hearing what you can do for them. I've secured website design work this way and made several hundred dollars.

Here's a tip, look at their website to see if it's mobile friendly or if there are other areas of improvements like SEO that you can offer. As wa members we have a better eye for how to improve websites now. So definitely use it to help other businesses you may use regularly.

Thank you, Eddy, with a y, I sure will do this :)
you are so helpful, thank you so much

You're very welcome Vicki

Yes, I agree with you, there are so many other ways to make money:)

Thank you for this great post!

You're welcome Daniella!

I completely agree - the skills I have learned here has given me the chance to get some great freelance jobs.

Thanks for reaffirming that message Mikael!

That Monkey Picture had me at Hello

lmao. That was the goal Judith! lol

What an honor to talk to you, Your an idol!

I don't know about all that. lol But I'm happy to inspire.

Too kind! :)

That's a well-written post full of wisdom. I now see from different perspectives on how to harness all the goodies in WA to its full capacity. Thanks, Eddy.

You're welcome Derrick! That was my goal with this post! I'm glad it resonated with you.

great post offering ideas on how to make money with the skills we can gain here -- without -- owning a website. Although I would think the expertise of actually building a website or two could only help enhance the resume... cheers! Marc

Agreed Marc. The fact that I actually already had sites that ranked well validated that I knew SEO so even if you're not making money with your website yet, but have them ranking is a good way to prove to others your skill set. And this could lead to a job or freelance opportunity.

Thank you Eddy, a great blog post. I find it amazing what can be achieved through the Wealthy Affiliate training, I believe that in many cases it is much better than a university education, especially those from the UK as you don't need to be very intelligent to go to university! Please don't get me wrong, we still have some great universities in the UK, but they are not all good!

Have a fantastic day Eddy.


You're welcome Roy! I agree about all the amazing things you can get out of WA. It always annoys me when some people just assume that WA is overpriced place to create a website and host it. They belitte all the other huge benefits provided here.

That was a quick reply Eddy, thank you! I hear you big time, I believe that some people just think we are playing and it's just a kind of fun hobby and an excuse to be in front of a computer screen! (I have some very close people to me, who unfortunately think this!) If people understood the power of the Internet and how excellent the training is here at Wealthy Affiliate, they would definitely think differently!


I happen to be on because I'm working on some of my BF promotion. But I can relate to some of your experiences. I remember my friends would give me shit about not going out and staying up all types of hours being online. And I wasn't making a lot at first. And they were like you're not even making a lot. But then when my efforts started to lead to thousands of dollars and they saw my lifestyle changed, their attitude did as well.

It went from what are you doing, to can you show me. Or I always knew you would do big things. Yeah yeah. lol

That's a great comment Eddy, that's almost a blog post in itself, I guess you may have written a blog post on your story!?

I'm so pleased that your hard work paid off Eddy and that your friends can see what you are doing is working, fantastic stuff! It is always so good to hear about people's success, especially online as it takes time and effort to get to that tipping point.

Thank you for being an inspiration on Wealthy Affiliate Eddy.


Thanks Roy.

Yeah I have a few stories in my blogs:

Feel free to read them. I'm sure you'll find them inspiring.

Thank you Eddy, I will take a look, it's always good to hear people's stories and I mean this in a positive way, not in a gossipy way!

Have a great weekend Eddy,


You're welcome Roy! Enjoy your weekend as well.

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