About E-Udoh
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915 followers Joined March 2016
I am a mother of two and recently started looking into earning income online and that's how I ended up at WA. I am





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

So I want to re-arrange my menu pages and sub-items. But before I do that I need some help.

Does re-arranging sub-items or tabs create broken links?

For example,

You could set up a 2 dummy pages, move them and see what happens, then delete them. Or set up a test website on SiteRubix and test it there.

Thank you Melson!

Apparently re-arranging the menus and sub-items does not affect anything.

Great thanks for letting us know.

This is a good question to ask. I curiously await an answer.

I got the answer from an Ambassador here..... It does not affect anything.

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Does rearranging page menus & sub-items create broken links?

Does rearranging page menus & sub-items create broken links?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

So I want to re-arrange my menu pages and sub-items. But before I do that I need some help.

Does re-arranging sub-items or tabs create broken links?

For example,

You could set up a 2 dummy pages, move them and see what happens, then delete them. Or set up a test website on SiteRubix and test it there.

Thank you Melson!

Apparently re-arranging the menus and sub-items does not affect anything.

Great thanks for letting us know.

This is a good question to ask. I curiously await an answer.

I got the answer from an Ambassador here..... It does not affect anything.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

So I want to re-arrange my menu pages and sub-items. But before I do that I need some help.

Does re-arranging sub-items or tabs create broken links?


Hello Ephigenie,

No, it won't create broken links. I have rearranged my menu a few times and I have had no problems.

Thank you much for a quick response, Gordon. I was not sure if I posted the question in the right section.

No problem

Does re-arraning tabs and sub-tabs create broken links?

Does re-arraning tabs and sub-tabs create broken links?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

So I want to re-arrange my menu pages and sub-items. But before I do that I need some help.

Does re-arranging sub-items or tabs create broken links?


Hello Ephigenie,

No, it won't create broken links. I have rearranged my menu a few times and I have had no problems.

Thank you much for a quick response, Gordon. I was not sure if I posted the question in the right section.

No problem

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I always have been curious about this...

Can keywords with containing .com be targeted? For example, namecheap com....

If " namecheap com " keyword has great QSR

Compare both keywords with the result form tool.
Seem .com is better
I don't know why, people search without .com

Thank you!

I searched it and it comes up with 7047 searches and a QSR of 95. Sound to me like a good keyword.

so when using this keyword in the article, then spell it as " namecheap com " without the dot (.) or namecheap.com with the dot.

Thank you!

Namecheap.com is what I searched so yes, include the .

thank you!

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Need help on keyword clarification.?

Need help on keyword clarification.?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I always have been curious about this...

Can keywords with containing .com be targeted? For example, namecheap com....

If " namecheap com " keyword has great QSR

Compare both keywords with the result form tool.
Seem .com is better
I don't know why, people search without .com

Thank you!

I searched it and it comes up with 7047 searches and a QSR of 95. Sound to me like a good keyword.

so when using this keyword in the article, then spell it as " namecheap com " without the dot (.) or namecheap.com with the dot.

Thank you!

Namecheap.com is what I searched so yes, include the .

thank you!

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello guys-

Can you please give me some inputs on this...

So as i am doing keywords search I come across long tail keyword/phrase with a monthly traffic of 150+ ,

Yes it is still a great keyword to use because the results you are seeing in Google are not the accurate results.

The Google results are a combination of that exact keyword and all other relevant keywords. This is why it is not good practice to search your keywords in Google.

Thank you very much. I will keep this in mind moving forward.

When you click on the last page of Google, you will see that the results are different, less than 50.000

Got it, Thank you!

Yes it is.
As your site matures and Google trusts your site more, you will be on page 1 no problem for that keyword!
There will always be big numbers in results...it will also depend on the number of high authority sites on that page.

Thank you. I also know that we don't just rank on keywords only. Other content on the site count as well.

don't understand. what do you mean 'competing pages are about 50,000?

pages on search engines like Google containing the same keyword I want rank for.

QSR and search volume are indicators. You could rank well even with high competition, but for beginners, it is best to target the 'low hanging fruit,' so you're on the right track. Good luck!

Indeed you are right! I mostly target low hanging fruit keywords and now am trying to mix things up.
Thank you

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Low qsr long tail keyword and huge google search results.?

Low qsr long tail keyword and huge google search results.?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello guys-

Can you please give me some inputs on this...

So as i am doing keywords search I come across long tail keyword/phrase with a monthly traffic of 150+ ,

Yes it is still a great keyword to use because the results you are seeing in Google are not the accurate results.

The Google results are a combination of that exact keyword and all other relevant keywords. This is why it is not good practice to search your keywords in Google.

Thank you very much. I will keep this in mind moving forward.

When you click on the last page of Google, you will see that the results are different, less than 50.000

Got it, Thank you!

Yes it is.
As your site matures and Google trusts your site more, you will be on page 1 no problem for that keyword!
There will always be big numbers in results...it will also depend on the number of high authority sites on that page.

Thank you. I also know that we don't just rank on keywords only. Other content on the site count as well.

don't understand. what do you mean 'competing pages are about 50,000?

pages on search engines like Google containing the same keyword I want rank for.

QSR and search volume are indicators. You could rank well even with high competition, but for beginners, it is best to target the 'low hanging fruit,' so you're on the right track. Good luck!

Indeed you are right! I mostly target low hanging fruit keywords and now am trying to mix things up.
Thank you

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