3 Months On My New Website: Very Happy With Results, $1400 sold


Hey, I started a new website about 3 months ago. My first website I tried doing it my own way and it didn't work. I followed the training this time and my results are a million times better. I'm up to around 30 organic clicks from Google a day and 810 overall. Even better I've made 18 sales; I've sold around $1400 worth of goods from Amazon and made $85 so far in commissions.

I did some calculations and if I can get my traffic up to 20,000 unique visitors a month and continue at the pace I'm on in terms of selling, I'll be making around $2250 to $3176 per month; that's my goal by July 21st (when I started the website)

If I can get my traffic up to 50,000 visitors per month I'll be around $6500 a month; $75,000 a year. (This is my 18 to 24 month goal)

Finally I want my traffic around 100,000 visitors in the next 3 years; that's around $12,000 a month or $140,000 a year. Hopefully I'll have a few more websites going by then too!

In another 3 months I'll recalculate future projections when i have a bigger sample size and make some adjustments. For now that's what I got and I'm going to work hard towards my goals.

My number one recommendation is to target keywords that have the year in them; they're extremely easy to rank for and they convert. 2017 is coming up so there will be a ton of ones to pick from in every niche imaginable.

Thanks for reading; I'll have another update in 3 months

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Also, I love the tip about the year! Good thinking!

Yeah here's an article that goes more in depth: http://www.viperchill.com/google-traffic-2016/

It'll tell you how to get good keywords with the year in any niche

This is great, thanks for letting me read that! :)

No problem.. that guys is really good and has a lot of valueable info.

This is great news!! Thanks for sharing! Which of the two sites you have listed on your profile that is making this progress if I may ask?

Thanks so much!! Appreciate you letting me check it out!

I looked at your site Dylan, and wow, you have a lot of content for that short time. Is that basically what you did for three months for that site? Are you researching each of those topics first for keywords? I started an Amazon site too but haven't put as much into it yet as I'm still building out the Bootcamp one.

The other thing I noticed is that you don't have those three theme pages like we are supposed to have but I have another person's Amazon site and they did pretty much the same as you, just lots and lots of posts.

Are you doing much else to get the traffic you're getting than just pure content? any social media? ad buys, etc?

It's all content. I try to write 3 posts a week. The best way to do it, in my opinion, is to set up your 3 or 4 posts ahead of time, before you write them.

For instance I'll take 3 keywords, do all the product research ahead of time, get the amazon links, and set up the posts. After that, I spend the rest of the week actually writing the content.

I have a list of about 100 keywords I like and I just chip away out it. If you're just beginning with all this you'll figure it all out. How long have you been at it?

Wow, that's really incredible to do 3 posts a week. I really like your method though, so I'm going to have to try it with my bootcamp site. I'm starting to realize it's hard to maintain two sites at once, my bootcamp site, I'm only posting one per week so far and another one on my amazon site, but even with a light posting schedule so I already missed last week's for the amazon site.

I started blogging just under 2 months ago. I'm going through the lessons and building out my site as I go. I also have a handmade business that I only sell online, making dolls, it's been almost two years of that. It takes too much time, so I want to create passive income, that's why I'm picking up blogging... but it gets busy.

What is the difference you think from your other sites and this 3 month one? I read on your other blog posts here that you didn't get any sale from blogging for a year.

Yeah two websites is tough, I tried it for a little and it was stressful. This website is doing better because competition is lower in this new niche and my keywords are much better now.

My other niche was natural health and I was competing against Webmd, http://health.com and other massive websites that get hundreds of millions of traffic a month. It was hard to get a first page ranking. And even if I did it wasn't for a keyword that converts into sales.

The training is key.. do exactly what is says. Besides the training the following articles have helped me a ton:

This one is on page seo:

Youtube seo:

Keyword research:

I personally think keywords are the most important thing. Write a ton of reviews and "best of" lists and you should be good.

What niche is your Amazon site?

Thank you for the links! Again, I'm really grateful for your shares and your tips on keywords!

My Amazon site is Disney products because I have a very active Instagram account. mymickeylife.com and my IG is at instagram.com/mymickeylife

It's so light that site it's embarrassing to show you! LOL

You have an impressive Instagram. I'm sure you'll learn everything you need to in the training. Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks for checking it out! :) Appreciate your help and yes I will ask away when I have more questions for you! lol

Nice work, keep it up


Congrats Dylan. Great goals!


Congratulations, Dylan! Great job and awesome goals!!


Wow that's amazing! Some people are so lucky to take off so quickly!

I tried at another website for a year without seeing any results lol I just followed the training this time.

Great goals, thanks for sharing.


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