If They Can Learn

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Several months ago, we were sad to find a crow dead in our backyard. Apparently, the other crows around decided that we were somehow responsible for the death of their family member. They sat in trees, on a fence and on cable wire making an awful racket whenever we went into the yard.

Eventually, the yelling at us stopped, but the crows stayed around. By the way, a bunch of crows is called a "Murder." We didn't know that. Just for fun, we started reading about crows. We learned that they are extremely smart making quite amazing adaptations to their surroundings to live. We also learned that they can be taught to speak and, generally, enjoy being around humans.

We decided to experiment a bit. So, we began to feed the crows at about the same time every day with bread crumbs. As we drop the bread crumbs, we say, in a high pitched voice, "Hi!" (Don't laugh. I am sure you have done some very silly things.) Well, four crows started sitting on our roof and calling to be fed after just a couple of days after the experiment started. We dropped the bread crumbs closer and closer to the house and kept saying, "Hi."

All four crows now wait for the crumbs picking them up just a couple of feet from us while we stand there. Believe it or not, twice we have heard one of the crows say "Hi" very distinctly as it flew off. We don't know if it was the same crow both times, but there is no doubt that we heard "Hi" twice.

The experiment continues. I will report back from time to time. Hearing a bird say "Hi" was encouraging for me. If that bird can learn to say hi in order to get a few crumbs of bread, I can learn about SEO, keywords, backlinks and creating YouTube videos to become a successful affiliate marketer. After all, I did learn how to "keep on fishin'."


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Recent Comments


That's amazing, Jim. I really didn't know that the crows can talk.

It's awesome! 👍

Myra ♥️

We did a lot of research and decided to give it a try. We'll see how things progress. Thanks for taking the time to read the article.

You're welcome, Jim. I can't wait to see how it all progresses. :)

Myra ♥️

One thing for sure. They sure learned quickly when and where to bread crumbs are being put out.

Hey Jim. I knew a group was called a "murder" but didn't know they liked humans. Most humans don't even like to be around other humans! Maybe we could learn a lesson from the crows!

Great story and experiment. You got this!


Thanks for reading the article. Great comment!!

That's awesome Jim! I didn't know they could talk.


I remember one in a store when I was a kid that would talk. Plus our research said they can talk. I was amazed.

I only saw crows when I was young at my uncle's. They were considered a nuisance for eating the corn on the farm. I guess we have to be like Dr Doolittle and start talking to the animals/birds more often. :-)


They are a nuisance in many instances. They do eat crops, steal chicken eggs and chicks and will grab a pie or something off a table if given the chance.

Sounds like what we Marines were taught Jim. Adapt, Improvise, Overcome. :-)


Pretty awesome, Jim! Waiting for more!


Well, at least the birds are getting fed.

Very true, indeed, Jim!


That is really cool! We have a lot of crows around here. I just thought they were a nuisance bird.

We did too until we realized that the death of one of their own really affected them.

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