The Power of Short Form Video

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So, just a quick post to encourage you to start using short form video.

This is something I only started few weeks ago, but can already see the benefits.

With each video, I use it 3 times - on Pinterest, TikTok and YouTube.

And no, you don't need thousands of followers on any of these platforms to get good results.

Let me show you.

This was just one video repurposed for all 3 platforms, it was only 10 seconds long, and I didn't appear in the video, in case that is something you worry about doing!

Pinterest: 3613 views

TikTok: 224 views

YouTube: 1897 views

So, a total of 5734 views for just one video.

And, I typically post 5 videos per website per day.

Right, that's all for today, as I am going to an axe throwing and archery event!

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Hi there, Diane,

Wow! Thanks for sharing your secret sauces. I'm excited to try them out and see how they work for me. I know it takes hard work and dedication, but I'm going to give it my all.

I've been reading a lot of success stories on Wealthy Affiliate, and that has really motivated me to take my online business to the next level. With your tips, I'm confident that I can make it happen!

Thanks again, Diane. Your advice is really appreciated.

p.s. This is crazy awesome. I will certainly give this a try.

Those are some pretty impressive results after only a couple of weeks Diane!

I must investigate this further!

Archery and AXE THROWING!!!

Definitely sounds like a fun time...

I hope that the bar wasn't too close to the main event though and you managed to survive intact!! 🤣🍻

Lol, I was actually throwing the axes, so it was others who were in danger!

🤣🤣 Well in that case, I hope you didn't spend toooo much time in the bar before you went axe slinging!!

I take it this event took place in Sherwood (did I spell that correctly) forest...

How far away is that from Mansfield?? :-)

Sadly, there was no bar, perhaps a good thing!

Yes, Sherwood Forest, about 10 miles away.

What!! No bar???

What is happening back in my homeland??

I take it you knew about this before and arrived fully prepared though Diane!!


Lol, went for a nice lunch afterwards, and soon caught up for lost time!

Happy to hear that my friend!! :-)

That’s great, Diane!👍👍

I would make a one-minute video on Canva and divide it into five 12-second parts! Lol

Or, maybe you're using Video AI (Pictory)?

Axe throwing???
I just love the sound of that!

It sounds like you're going to some kind of Renaissance fair.
Did you sharpen your axe?? Haha

Have an excellent time!😎
Wish I was going, too!

Rock On!🤘🔥🤘
“Careful With That Axe, Eugene!”

Hi - I have tried Pictory AI and been impressed with the results, but think it is too expensive in comparison to the number of videos you can create per month.

It was a country fair near Sherwood Forest, so lots of "olde worlde" activities!

Hi, Diane

Hopefully, as video ai competition continues to increase, pricing will begin to drop.

Sherwood Forest - How cool is that! 👍😎

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

I think Pete Townsend was a notorious axe thrower. Sorry. You knew that was coming.

Haha, Dave!

Pete wrecked a lot of guitars and Hiwatt amps in his day, mostly out of frustration with trying to compete with people like Hendrix.

Jim Marshall built the very first Marshall stack to help him with his volume problems.

Pete was and still is an awesome player! 😎

Rock On 🤘🥁
Frank 🎸

Hi Diane, I've seen this subject several times in the last week or so--looks like the "latest great thing"...

Not asking for specifics, but what type of content do you include in the videos, and do you promote anything--I don't have YouTube experience, other than watching--WA training, music, funny animals (yeah, I'm a sucker for those).

My interest is growing...thanks, and have a great day,


Hi - I have links back to the websites, so each video relates to the blog post I am linking to.

It's a way of attracting traffic rather than promoting something.

So if you are promoting dog food, you would do a 10 second slide show relating to dogs/ food, with a link back to your website on dog food?

Yes, but I use actual video footage, not a slide show.

This is stock footage, such as you would find in Canva, but I actually use a paid for option, for better quality, and something more unique.

The video would relate to a specific post, and you do get the opportunity to add a few sentences of written content to the video.

Essentially, you need to entice people to want to read your post and click through to your website, because they want to know more.

Got it--thanks!

Awesome post Diane. I would like to follow you on tiktok, Pinterest and YouTube. Let me know your ID on all 3 platforms if you don't mind.


Hi - thank you for your request.

However, I prefer that any followers find my channels because they are genuinely interested in the niche subject.

If you have followers who don't interact and engage with the videos, by sharing on their own account, for example, it can do more harm than good.


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