Seven Months is the Sweet Spot

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So, just a quick post today to emphasise that the process of building and ranking a website is at the mercy of Google, no matter how experienced you are!

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you will probably know that Partha and I are collaborating on a number of projects.

We currently have four live websites, a further two in the pipeline, plus Partha has his own personal sites, one of which I occasionally make an appearance on!

We are both long-time experienced writers and Partha has been in the business for over 14 years and is a genius at keyword research.

So, you might think, that as we know what we are doing, Google would show us some love at a very early stage!

But no, it is not until the seventh month that the traffic begins to skyrocket.

And realistically, it is going to be the same for everybody.

It takes time to build up trust and authority with Google.

Once your posts are indexed, it can take at least another six months for Google to decide their final ranking position.

Until then, they may not rank at all, or their positions will fluctuate, as Google compares them to your competitors.

So, the image below is from Google Search Console, as one of our sites has just hit the seven month mark.

We started it on June 9 2022, and it is built entirely on Partha's principles!

No SEO plugin, and using only Partha's method of keyword research.

We added 57 posts in the first 3 months, and it currently has 90 posts.

The majority of these posts are 600 to 800 words.

Now, unfortunately, the image doesn't show the monthly dates, not sure if there is a problem with WA blogs, but it won't crop the image properly!

But, you can see I have set the date range to cover day one up to the current date.

And, it's slow and steady progress.

It's called the hockey stick affect, as it has a gentle curve upward, until month seven, where we are now.

As you can see, in that seven months, we have received 635,000 Impressions and 17,300 Clicks.

We expect that figure to now continue to rise, as each of our posts achieves its ranking position.

We are aiming for 150 posts by the end of March.

I hope this inspires you!

Cheers, Diane

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Recent Comments


Hi Diane,
This is a great post, thank you.

It's reassuring to read that even the experts, people who have been doing this for a decent length of time experience the same delays.

Being a newbie, I assumed that those in the know would progress faster because they know exactly what they are doing, but as your article explains, expert or not, we are all at the mercy of Google.

Excellent information, great visuals too, really helps to see the steady incline of traffic.

Thank you
Cherie :o)

Golden nugget, Diane, and very inspiring. Your stats are looking good.

It shows well how important it is to keep working on what we do and not believe in miracles or magic.

I don´t care much about Google, but I know I am at their mercy to be ranked on their search engine and as such, I am writing my articles with a focus on good quality content for my potential audience.


Good morning Diane,

Thank you for your blog post. I hope you're doing well.

It's good to see the figures going up, it's also a good example for beginners to see that everything website-wise takes time. It will be interesting to see what the stats look like in a year's time.

Have a great day.


lol!!! Inspire me???!!! Surely you jest. This makes me feel like I'm in the preschool of affiliate marketing. :-) I am halfway through level four of training. ...treading water just to retain what I've been taught. Your post reaffirms that the road ahead is a circuitous one. But...I forge on. All the best to you and Partha.
I want to be like you when I grow up.


Hi, Ms. Teal. I had to look this one up.

A circuitous route is long and complicated rather than simple and direct. The cab driver took them on a circuitous route to the police station.

Thank you.
I learned something today.

Paul from Canada.

as a former cab driver not all of the cab drivers do that but alas to many do


Paul - Thank you for your comment. And yup...the road ahead is not simple and direct. Oh, that it was... But, I still forge ahead knowing that success is in my future. I hope it is in yours as well.


I'm laughing!


i aim to make people laugh thank you the follow

Yes indeed!


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