Regrets? I've Had a Few!

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So, don't panic, the title doesn't signify anything dramatic!

I was just reflecting on having been here at WA for 5 years, on the day that the platform is undergoing the biggest update in its 18-year history.

Not my usual type of post, it's just me rambling my thoughts out loud!

When I began my journey here, I had already been a professional freelance writer for 6 years, so I had some advance knowledge of SEO and copywriting.

I joined after watching one of Roope's videos, (thanks, Roope!) more for the challenge of seeing what I could achieve rather than the intention to make money.

So, imagine my surprise when I made an affiliate sale after only 3 months!

I don't think that such early success is as easy these days, and of course, I already knew how to write sales copy, anyway.

My first website was on the niche of unusual wedding anniversaries, and this was followed by a second site in dog health.

The dog site made more sales than my initial website, despite it only having 15 posts.

Again, this is unlikely to work these days.

In April 2019, I applied for Kyle's Super Affiliate Challenge, an intensive training course that no longer exists.

It was based on getting new referrals to the platform, with the ultimate goal of getting to Vegas!

But I quickly discovered that I hated writing for the MMO niche, and I abandoned the course.

In fact, I have never actually finished the Boot Camp training, nor do I promote WA and I have never had a premium referral!

So, I suppose you could say that is maybe one of my regrets, as I am pretty sure I could have done this successfully.

The biggest event during this period was my marriage to Tony in 2020, which took place at the height of the Covid lockdown, and we had a very unusual wedding as a result.

Definitely, no regrets there, although, as many of you may know, Tony now has cancer and our lives have changed dramatically.

Moving on to 2021, I now had another website on indoor plants, and my freelance writing business continued to grow.

The next momentous event was my first contact with Partha, and immediately from the very first PM, we discovered a shared sense of humor, which has built into a deep friendship.

We also entered into a business partnership in 2022, and have created (and abandoned!) several websites and other projects.

Another potential regret is that we are both continually planning new ideas and don't always follow the advice that we give you!

If we had just stuck to the first 2 websites we built, I can't begin to imagine how much income they would be generating now!

My working life has now very much diversified and now I focus more on social media management for clients, ad revenue rather than affiliate marketing and video creation as opposed to writing.

Here's to the next 5 years!

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Hi Diane,

You are here for a reason.
I love your transparency and loyalty to helping all of us succeed.

You are always straight forward and you tell it like it is.
At the the end of the day, you have our best interests at heart.

All I can say is that Fluff knows her stuff!
With your love, I know that your husband is in good hands and all is well.

Thanks for all that you do.

Ah, yes, we all do have our regrets. My main one is that I didn't start in this business twenty years ago -- think where I'd be now?

As for new ideas, I've certainly have my share that I've tried and either they failed or I abandoned them. However, those I don't regret, because each nw experience has taught me something else I didn't know. As for the present, mostly focusing on keeping some continuity in my website and trying to learn a new thing now and then. I still enjoy writing, and that's still my main focus.

I, too, have been guilty of giving good advice that I didn't follow my own self. However, even that shows that the knowledge is there somewhere, and perhaps will be implemented in the future. Knowledge of any kind, I feel, is a force for good in itself.

So, regrets or no regrets, glad to be continuing the onward journey.

Hi Diane,

Thank you for sharing. Prayers and blessings for Tony and you. 🙏🙏

I regret not staying with SFI when I joined it late in the last century. But at the time, it was a one-product company, their Six Figure Income financial magazine. But it has all worked out well for me.

You scared me a bit here ~ thinking you were about to state “your final curtain”!

Whew!!! Thank you for this post Diane. My respect to you went up another notch!

Hope Tony is not experiencing a lot of pain.

Thank you for being a huge part of this community and being very helpful Diane!

Maria 🌹

.....Another potential regret is that we are both continually planning new ideas and don't always follow the advice that we give you!

I love this statement. I often do not follow my own advice. I think it is just a part of being an adult. We can always see clearly what should be done, but we cannot always follow through ourselves.

No regrets, though!


Hi Diane,

Congratulations on five years as a member, and I wish you many more from now on.

I appreciate your openness and transparency. After all, we are all human beings fighting our battles in one way or another.

As I always say, regrets are our bridge to introspection, and when we do, we realize that no matter what we want, the universe puts things in order in our favor without us even being aware of it. So, no regrets. Your journey so far has been as it should be.

I am sending positive vibes to you and Tony, and I wish you to be strong. I understand very well the situation you are going through, and if Tony is not strong enough, I am sure you are the right person to help him fight his fights.

Best wishes,

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