The truth of success
In order to be successful you have to fail....sounds like a contradiction.
The most successful people have had many more failures than success. How many times did it take Einstein to come up with his formula or Edison and his many inventions?
When we fail its an opportunity to learn and adjust. Failure is way to get the right answer. Take your past failures and allow them to be your biggest successes!!
People usually only see when your up or down and not the journey it took to get there. Be your own biggest supporter regardless of where you are on the ladder of's all a step in the right direction and that's UP!!!
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Yes - I am a prime example of turning failure into success- and I dont mean money - Values and Beliefs have made me successful
This has got me thinking - thanks. Keep going even when I feel as if I am wading through treacle. Wendy.
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Very inspring blog post, thank you so much for sharing, Richard!! :)