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Permission to fail – denied.

A maxim that I have always lived and worked by. And I hope that this short blog helps someone that just might be struggling right now for any number of reasons. How many folk do you know that say “I will have a try, I’ll give it a go” They’ve already set themselves up to fail.

And what is a dictionary definition of the word “try”. To make an attempt to do something. That implies that there is room for failure and that is no good to us. We want to win.

And … the hardest person you will ever battle against is yourself. Your will to win is battling who … it’s fighting your own desire to fail; and because you are only trying, you accept defeat as the norm.

Why do it. Why let yourself down.

How many people keep “trying” different schemes and different marketing or money making methods; only to declare that none of them work. Of course they don’t work, none of them work, that’s why there is a quarter of million folk, or however many it is, making money at it right now.

Things get tough with any enterprise at times. It’s why entrepreneurs of any level can succeed. They will tough it out, they will adapt and improvise until they overcome the difficulties.

For several months, I commuted by train into Birmingham city centre, every morning. And every morning, at one particular stop, I would see the same people rushing up the station ramp just as the train doors were about to close. Sometimes they made it, just. Other times, they were 10 yards short. In fact, I treated it as a game and actually willed the doors to close before Mr brown briefcase made it. Will Mrs red shoes get on the platform today or … no, she’s still in the ticket office. That’s two-nil to me. Ha ha, better luck tomorrow folks.

What would be easier. Change railway stations and hope they have different trains on that line, or stick with the same station but modify our behavior every so slightly, and leave home just one minute earlier.

So when it is difficult, just have a few minutes quiet thought and ask yourself what it is you need to do to get through this. How can you achieve the next step, what does it take. How will you overcome. And, you are not alone, there are thousands of others who have been there before you, had the same difficulties and persevered until they made it. If they can, you can.

Don’t give yourself permission to fail. Do whatever it takes to make this happen. A great saying to keep in mind – whatever it takes as long as it takes. Ask yourself, what do I need to do now, to make this work ,for me at this moment in time.

And the reason for this post ... I’m going through a personal health battle right now; and I need all the reserves I can muster to beat this.

Permission to fail – DENIED


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Hello Bux,

Thank you for your very wise words, I very much agree with you, Bux!

Your story very much reminds me of a combine harvester engineer friend that I know. He always thought it would be a good idea for commuters to have an alarm clock that goes off ten minutes earlier than they actually set the alarm for. In this way, they wouldn't have to drive like maniacs to get to the railway station on roads that were built for going into markets once a week with a horse and cart!

I hope you can get your health sorted out promptly, Bux.

Have a great day.


How do Roy.
I know lots of people that set their alarms ten minutes earlier for a snooze gap, and still end up late. I just cannot understand how anyone can be late, barring a global disaster.
Health is another issue, long job, but I will get there.

Good morning Bux,

That's so true! People actually put a lot of pressure on themselves by being late. I must admit that I actually look forward to getting up and doing things!

I hope your health gets back to normal quicker than you could ever imagine.

Have a great day.


Nice thoughts Roy, really appreciated. Thanks.
Enjoy your day too.


When you fail, It does not mean that you are a failure. Failing is part of the learning process. Fail 1000 times, on the 1001 attempt you succeed. It may have taken a while, but you did it.

However, accepting failure and giving up as the final outcome is unacceptable.

I had an old drill sergeant say "Dixon, hang in there, it is bound to get worse"! I did, still do, and am stronger for it.

Here is to NEVER give up!


It sounds like we had the same upbringing Donald.
Stronger for it, certainly.

Really touched by your writing. Thank you! How generous to share something so meaningful with 'us' while at the same time reminding yourself of the same message. Great lesson. Blessings to you on this journey! <3

Thank you Jennifer, I really appreciate your message.

I pray you beat it and come out strong! Thanks for the post Bux

Thank you Becky. I intend to beat it, and with all this support, do I have a choice.
Look after yourself.

What a great motivational post Bux!


Thank you Maria. 🌹
If it helps someone to stay on course, it has done its job.

Great post-Dave

When you set your mind to succeeding you are much more motivated. I am very motivated naturally because I love to help people. That is the inspiration that drives me to keep moving forward one baby step at a time

We must crawl before we walk, Right Dave


Great response Jeff. Yes, one step at a time will get us there. I’ve seen so many over the years put massive effort in for a week or two, and then, because nothing has happened, yet, they jump ship and perpetually keep on starting again.

Great message, Bux! Keep succeeding.


Will do Susan.
You too.

Hi Bux, your message is clear. For the most part, I agree. However, I believe winners know how to fail but a failure doesn't know how to win. The only true failure is quitting.

So, I guess it's a matter of how to define fail and failure.

What do you know about the word surrender?

To me, it means to stop fighting a losing battle. Most of the time, it's because I'm fighting with myself.

I've had to learn that failing/surrendering is a chance to step back, retreat, modify, change, or, as you put it, do whatever it takes in our pursuit of success.

As for your health issue(s), I can relate. I was diagnosed with two separate types of cancer in March of 2023. As of January of this year, one is completely gone and in remission. The other is reduced and I'm told it may never go away.

I will continue to be vigilant about a cure and I will not relent. Period!

The same goes for what I'm doing here at WA. My journey here has taken many twists and turns. I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere.

I hope you prevail over whatever health issue you're dealing with. Don't give up.


That's good to read Robert. I've had surgery to remove skin cancer, but deeper than they thought, and all of it removed. However, they've found some type of cancer in the blood with a 54 letter name. Apparently its as rare as hen's teeth, as the surgeon put it, but an above average cure rate. So, just waiting now.
It won't stop me, Robert, I will still be charging about. Why not.
Look after yourself.

Thanks Davebux, we will keep on pushing. without giving up....

That's the way. whatever the setback, beat it.

Inspirational post, Dave! I dislike (hate) the word "try" and have stricken it from my vocabulary.
Wishing you the best.

That's a great attitude to have.
Take care my friend.

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