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Do you know where you’re going to?

That great song, the theme from Mahogany by the great Diana Ross – love it.

Anyway, to the blog …

My mother spoke Welsh, but as Dad was English and we lived in England, we children never learnt it. In fact, there was a time when folk thought that the Welsh language would die out. But not to worry, in the 70s and 80s there was a great Save the Wales campaign and this was rightly supported by government and individuals.

With this resurgence in interest, road signs began to appear in the Welsh language.

My sport was mountain walking and climbing and I spent whatever time I could in the Welsh mountains. And then I noticed the direction signs to towns and villages were appearing in Welsh only, and there was a very famous village called LLwybr Cyhoeddus. It must be famous because almost every sign was pointing to it.

There it was the next weekend, and the next. But I couldn’t find it on my maps. Remember, this was the 70s, long before the internet and Google maps. Eventually, I bought new maps and laid them out on the kitchen table to scan for the village of LLwybr Cyhoeddus.

No luck. Maybe I’ll just follow the footpath and hope I can find LLwybr Cyhoeddus. Maybe they have a café and cake shop. A bacon sandwich would go down a treat. No luck, I returned home none the wiser.

A few weeks later I was at my parent’s home in Cheshire and I mentioned to mum and dad about the mystery village of LLwybr Cyhoeddus. Mum burst out laughing. You fool, she said, that’s Welsh for Public Footpath.

For weeks I’d been following public footpaths in the hope of finding a public footpath. How many miles had I walked around the Welsh hills in circles, following signposts without any real knowledge of what it was I was looking for, what direction I should be travelling in and … as it turned out, was my desired destination a real place, was it an achievable goal.

Which brings me to the moral of this story.

Part of our planning process for our WA journey, or indeed any journey, should include gathering the right facts. Learn the key words and phrases for your chosen niche. If you are not competent, then research it and learn it until you are. Don’t assume, because you may make the totally wrong assumption and waste countless hours or days following the wrong path.

Is where you are heading where you wanted to go to when you set out on your journey. Do you need to stop and reset, replan your destination, or are you ok with where you are right now. Things have changed in big ways in my life over the last few months and I’ve had to sit down and check my life compass, but more on this later.

Do you know where you’re going to?

Happy travels


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Hi there, Bux.

This is one of my favorite posts. Why? Because we sang that song "Do you know where you going to?" at my graduation at Temple University many years ago.

It was amazing. Julius Erving (NBA Superstar of his day) was given an honorary doctorate degree as he was lifted up above the crowd and carried up to the podium, through the masses of graduates.

The lyrics to this song are deep and very meaningful when you think about it. I'm still singing this song and it's still relevant in these modern times.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks Rachele. A great reply to the post and appreciated.
Certain songs have deep meanings and like you say, you sing them to yourself as you go about your day.
I guess it was a good graduation ceremony then, glad you enjoyed it; and cherished memories too. Its what makes us who we are.
Look after yourself.

Okie DokieBux.

It was a wonderful kick start to my life's journey.

Foot Path.

Very "English."
Was there between the ages of 5 - 10 thanks to my parents.
Here in Canada, from 10 onward we call them "Sidewalks."

Diana Ross once sang "Do You Know?"

Yes, I am heading where I want to go. Perfectly planned with Wealthy Affiliate.

Let me try to explain.

Wealthy Affiliate was founded by Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim. The duo established the platform in 2005 with the vision of creating a comprehensive online community and training platform for individuals interested in affiliate marketing and online business.

I joined as a "Premium" member back in 2016. It was very exciting at the time and I learned so much about having a presence online.

But I knew that things were again going to change.

Hence, here we are in 2024 with "Hubs" "AI" and all the rest.

All the work done previously has to be modified:

It is all a part of the Long Journey.

Thank you for your post, Davebux.

It is very encouraging.

Kindest regards,

Paul from Canada.

Thank you Paul from Canada. I don't know what sidewalk would be in Welsh, but I'm happy to know you spent some time over here.
Let's all keep moving forward buddy.

All welcome.
Keep starting.
Keep moving forward
Join the platform
Find me if you can

Haha Bux that's such a funny story. The Welsh mountains are some of my favourite places. Will be there next month and your story will bring another smile to me.

A great message you share though and the analogy to our business journey. A great analogy.

Thanks for a great share.

If you are in Ogwen Valley, that was my playground. Trywan, the Glyders, some great times winter and summer.
Enjoy the time on the hills.

Thanks i certainly will

Tracy 😎

I spent 5 years at Cardiff University so I became very familiar with the phrase 'Dim Arian'.

I just loved Llangennith and the Gower peninsular and my kids spent many happy days at Broughton Sands. Rhossili beach was a favorite place to go.... but now I enjoy Cannon Beach in Oregon

Moist university students have no money, James. I've never been to Broughton Sands, my mother was from North Wales, but I've heard people talk about the Gower peninsular with great affection. Funnily enough, I now live in Somerset and Cardiff is just across the Severn Bridge from here. Maybe I should investigate. Thanks for the reply.

A great analogy for business goals! Just scheduled a post to my website on that very thing. Great stuff. Thanks Bux!


A pleasure Danny, don't we have some great learning curves.

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