364 days

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I was invited out for a Sunday afternoon of entertainment and a picnic on the Cathedral Green as we sat and watched the Morris dancing. Dozens of semi-intoxicated individuals, singing and dancing to the sound of drums, fiddles and a usually in-tune accordion while they swing great big sticks at each other, drink beer and smile all the time.

So, picnic all made. Flask of coffee for me. Flask of hot water for lady friend, because she likes herbal teas. A generous portion of pork and egg pie, a couple of squashed cakes and something that would barely pass as fresh salad. With a rather enticing bar of chocolate (large), just in case.

Lady was late, never mind, these things happen. We left my house and headed for the Green, about 10 minutes walk, expecting the find the Green covered in dancing groups, singing bands and hundreds of spectators, as per normal.

NOTHING – two teenagers rolling about on the grass, trying their best to eat each other’s tongue and a Jack Russell dog that must have had the biggest bladder in the animal kingdom, as he managed to “water” every tree on the Green.

Disaster, the Morris dancing was the day before, Saturday. It didn’t bother me too much, but Lady Friend was gutted. Apologies, embarrassment, guilt, you name it.

I saw the funny side and in an act of compassion and great diplomacy, I declared that we were not one day late, but 364 days early for next year.

How easy it was to turn a negative into a positive and rescue what could have been upsetting.

So now the countdown begins. In the morning it will only be 363 days to the next Dancing on Cathedral Green event. I feel much better for that.

There must be lots more examples of turning negatives into positives, and doesn’t it make you feel good.

Just asking for a friend.

Enjoy life.


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Recent Comments


Being 364 days early for an event shows tremendous enthusiasm Bux, it could have been even worse and been a leap year!
I have mentioned your window cleaning escapade to a couple of people when quoting for new business. I intend to use it in an ebook I'm writing for ambitious ex-servicemen on starting a window-cleaning business so that they can avoid pitfalls and grow a profitable business from scratch.


Do that Rick. glad you enjoyed the tale of two intrepid window cleaners.
Enjoy the week.

I have learned to accept when things go wrong (or 'wrong' as how I perceived it).
I tell myself that the Universe knows better and has kept me from harm.
Also, I ask myself what can I learn from this?
Better still, what can I do to turn things around? E.g. in this case, continue to enjoy the picnic, just the two of you, without the distraction of the Morris dancing.
Just my humble thoughts.


Great logic Tim. Yes, we enjoyed the rest of the day. Only 362 days until the next one. Hope you are keeping yourself well.

I am well. Thank you.
Hope you are good too?


I’m feeling good Tim, thank you. Next check up at the end of May.
Take care

My next review is also near end of May.
Good health to us!


Absolutely Tim. Never give in to this. Good health my friend.

Damn Bux... now I understand why you didn't respond to me when I asked about how the picnic went!!

What you have described certainly sounds like a normal afternoon out when the festivities take hold back in the West Country!

I hope that your female friend wasn't too disappointed though and you shared your long awaited ribeye dinner with her later on...

Soon it will only be 362 days to go... always take the positives out of every situation buddy!!


Rib eye - great. I really enjoyed it. With homemade chips and a light salad (got to think of the diet) Full to the brim afterwards.
The festive season is beginning here. We have the medieval fair in two weeks and then Beltane the week after. It just rolls through the summer, as you know.
I hope all is well in Lyon.

Happy to hear that Bux and we always need a light salad on the side.. it's just healthy isn't it??

Sounds like you will be keeping busy with the upcoming festivities buddy, enjoy them all!!


I will and I may even post some snaps on WA.
Sunny here today, a bit nippy but too good to waste sitting inside on the 'puter. Flask, drawing pad and off out for a few hours. very nice - well worth it.
E-speak soon.

Always post some snaps Bux!

We've been a lot cooler here today as well...

32° on Sunday, around 22° yesterday (which is perfect for me)... then a max of about 12° today!!!

Still have my shorts on though!!


12 degrees, positively arctic. Must be a late Mistral wind from the Alps.
Now 32 I can manage comfortably. I've even been known to take a woolly jumper off at that temperature. Leave the scarf and hat on.
Some warmer weather promised for the weekend, wait and see.

I have absolutely no problem with 12 degrees for the time of year Bux!

32 is just too hot for me at any time though!

You seem very French with those choices my friend but... I hope warmer temps are on the way for you! :-)

That was a master stroke of brilliance, Bux! 👍👍😎

Frank 🤘🎸

I have my moments.
I've had Bowies All the Young Dudes in my head all weekend.
Look after yourself.

That’s a great song, Bux!

I saw a Bowie concert at the Isle of Wight on video a few weeks ago.

His guitar player had a Bigsby arm on his Les Paul guitar to get the vibrato on the harmonics in that song instead of bending them behind the nut, the way it’s usually done. Whatever works! Lol 😎

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

Forieign language to me Frank. Bigsby arms n stuff.
Nuts, I'm comfortable with.
You can't beat a great guitar session, love'em. But can't play a note.
The drum sqaudrons will be out soon in Glastonbury, at the Beltane celebrations.

Put Glastonbury Beltane into You tube, you will get a glimpse of what happens around here. Most of the wierd ones are my friends, and some of the ladies are very nice. We have a good time every week during the Summer and Autumn, always something happening. You'd love it.

Haha, sorry Bux. I got you confused with one of the many WA guitar players. 🤣

I looked at a YouTube video, & WOW, that's definitely very cool! Love it! 😎

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

Glad you enjoyed it.

Look at my site. Am I going anything wrong?

Thanks steve

Hey Steve,

If you are looking for site feedback try using this.


Similar question here Can you give us the URL, thanks :)

Which site, where. Give us something to look at Steve.

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