Feedback ...How it helps and hinders
Throughout the lessons, you are asked many times to put a page or site into a discussion and ask for feedback and in return give feedback to others. But does it really help or hinder? Well that really depends on what is said.
How it helps
Point out if there is something that is not right for examples :
- Spelling errors
- too many ads
- not enough content
- images look funky
- wording doesn't make sense
- needing more information
- formating issues
- etc. etc.
How it hinders :
- Nice layout
- looks nice
- I like it
- very good
Huh? what do you like?
Personally when I ask for feedback I want to know what has to be fixed, not a pat on the shoulder or "good job". When I have put up my site for feedback (the few times I have) only 4 people actually give me a list of what to fix. Since then I just stopped and when I want feedback I PM or email them what I wrote. I don't want sugar coating. I want to be better. When I get GOOD JOB that tells me either you didn't really read what I wrote or you just don't want to bother.
So are you a helper or a hinderer?
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This is exactly the way I want people to critique me also no sugar coating please. You made some very good points here.
I normally tend to agree with what you write Darlene! But, I actually mostly disagree with you here... you're dead right that in terms of improving your website your 'help' list is more useful and that constructive criticism is what is needed. But, I think your list of 'hinders' are also useful too. Maybe they aren't for you, but I know they are for me and a lot of others. I don't think it's necessarily wholly a matter of sugar coating or reassuring either, but I want to know what's 'right' about my website as well as what's wrong with it. When I leave feedback I try to offer both kinds ( both helps and hinders in your book! haha)- I'll try to say what I liked about their site and what I think needs improving. That's what I want to hear too! But, I suppose we all want different kinds of feedback so I guess it's probably best to specify exactly what you want to know... Some people still won't listen though! :)
Ah got you! In that case I do agree! Especially if it's just a positive comment without an explanation of what's good about it!
It might be best to gain some credibility in a particular area before critiquing somebody else's website, and then keep your comments limited to that area. I've seen favorable comments on other websites where the site is pretty, but structurally poor, and in terms of generating business may be ineffectual.
That's why I don't do much critiquing myself. That best I could do is point out distractions or if I can understand it.
I totally agree with you Darlene... but, some people are not ready for constructive criticism. I remember few months ago a member asked me to comment on his site. Being, honest like you do... I gave him what I thought was good for his site. You know what happen he was mad and said "that is not what I'm asking"...Nenita
LoL - Nenita, I try to ask people what sort of feedback they would like. One person said 'only good things' - so I explained that wasn't really me - so he went off to ask someone else!
There are many ways ways a site is viewed... It reminds me of a saying... that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." If one does not have experience and has not seen a lot of sites, then they may not have a critical eye and may actually find it to be a very good site... Also, the one critiquing, may have a style bias in look or content... does their opinion mean you should necessarily change something because they've built more sites than you? I believe for myself, I try to use memorable large photos to help craft the content and guide visitors through my site. It works for me.... Does that mean it will work for your site? It is this way... we each (hopefully) have our own unique style and brand. We all write content for a specific audience(niche). What if the person you have asked to critique it is not your audience? then what? There are so many variables in one's answer. All I am saying is, if someone says, good job! it may be that they actually like it and see nothing wrong with it. If someone says, you need to start over... yet they confess they know nothing about your niche, then what? I am just saying, be appreciative that someone would take the time to look at your site because you asked. You will not always get the answers you are looking for... but not for the reasons you you may have listed above. :) I'm just saying....
I'm 100% in agreement, Darlene, however it's highly dependent on the individual. I also think that for a lot of people it's a "love me, love my dog" scenario and they don't really want to hear someone else's critical "opinion", which after all, is all that it is, they perhaps more want encouragement or to be reassured? It's why I normally don't do site reviews, it's not a question of "sugar coating" with me, I tell people they have to sign my "lick your own wounds" waiver before I'll even glance at their site. :P I also won't do feedback on certain areas, such as "content", as I don't feel qualified to judge, in say the way that I know Diva B. would be. :) R. x
Right I understand ppl needing reassuring, but is that actually helping though? I like your lick the wounds waiver.
I guess, again it's dependent on the individual. In my book, all your "hinders" are completely pointless. I don't see that they do anything but perhaps offer encouragement or reassurance, but maybe that's what the person asking is actually after?! It's impossible to tell, which is why if I get asked, I caveat proceedings with a "lick your own wounds" waiver. :) R. x
Hi Darlene
this is an post right to the point!! What you describe is the definition of feedback, this way we can learn a lot more when feddback is given, also the page,site ,training or something else is viewed through another eye ,other view,meaning
Great post!!!
Hi Darlene
You pipped me at the post on this one. This was something I wrote about last year and was going to revisit it again. Now I won't because you've done a good job.
But you know a lot of people are not like you. You like to know what people think, but plenty of people don't.
I would also say that some people are prone to ask for feedback before trying to improve some things for themselves.
Thanks for sharing your view.
Actually I saw that post the other day. It was pointed out in chat. I was just going to post my site in the feedback area which prompted this blog. SOme of the reply I see is not what I am looking for.
Excellent point Darlene. I will keep that in mind when I give my feedback. Sometimes we just don't want to be uncomplimentary, you know.
However, I have pm'd members when I had suggestions for improvements.
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Hey Darlene, I completely agree with you. So far, I've only asked one member here to review a page/post for me and he did a great job. He told me what needed changing and made some suggestions. He also told me the good stuff and why its 'good'.
As a newbie, I would like to hear both because both are useful to me at the stage and will always be useful to me. Also, I prefer to PM someone instead of putting it in a discussion. That's just me.
Yuwn xxx