Daily Commissions? PROOF That Patience Pays

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When I see new people coming to Wealthy Affiliate I see them asking all sorts of questions - like how much can I make? How quickly can I make it? Etc...

They're all pretty valid questions, especially for somebody new to this.

But what I also often see is new people getting deterred when they hear it might take a few months - or even several months before they start earning their first commissions.

The main reason (in my opinion) for that is because these days we live in a world of instant gratification. These days you can order something from Amazon & it can be delivered by tomorrow - you can put a meal in the microwave & it can be cooked in under 5 minutes...

Everything seams to be geared around speed - so I guess it's only natural for people to want to see results quickly when it comes to building an income online.


I want to share something with you - I want to share some proof I discovered this morning that shows a little patience truly pays - and that a little patience could ultimately change your life.

You see, back around November 2018 I setup a brand new website... I added a few pages (about, privacy policy etc - as per the training here)... And I added 13 posts.

That's it... A few pages, and 13 posts...

Admittedly I made each of the posts pretty detailed & helpful to the visitor - making sure to include as much relevant information as possible (and present it to them in a nice format)...

But all in all it didn't take me very long to do - in fact if you actually added up the time spent writing the posts then it probably could have all been done in one long weekend (if I really put my nose to the grindstone)... Or maybe over the course of 1 week if I didn't want to bust a gut.

Since then I have done NOTHING to the website.

In fact to be honest, because I've been so busy with other stuff I actually almost forgot about it.

But I was just recently reminded about it when I checked an old email account as it turns out that for the most of March I have been making DAILY commissions from that one site.

Yep, that's right...

I set the site up in around November time, added 13 (pretty high quality) posts, did NOTHING else to the site since then... And around 4 months later have found myself with a completely passive income from that one-time small effort that I actually almost forgot about.

Take a look below at the graph which shows how the traffic to the site has grown:

The traffic has its ups & downs but it's clear to see that it's consistently rising...

And once again just to reiterate, I haven't worked on (or promoted) this site during any of that time. The growth has been entirely natural - all spiraling from that small one-time effort.

Now, is the site making me rich? No - of course not - but it is providing me with an additional, stable source of revenue... An additional revenue stream that 4 months ago I didn't have.

And can you imagine what those stats might have looked like if I had remained consistent & had been adding fresh content each day or even each week for all of those days?

The results could have been life-changing.

And by life-changing I'm not talking about being enough to buy mansions or supercars - I'm talking about a passive stream of income that for example could provide you with enough to potentially reduce your hours at your job - or allow you to travel more & get to see the world.

In my opinion that's life-changing all the same.

So What Am I Trying To Say?

Am I trying to tell you that all you need to do is start a website, add a few posts & then leave it - expecting to then find yourself living the high-life just a few short months down the line?


What I am simply saying is that rather than focusing on your immediate situation & immediate results, you should shift your focus onto where you could be with this in 6 months or 12 months time. What could that extra income do for you, and what would it mean to you?

I can tell you that time flies, and 12 months will soon have passed before you know it...

What you do in that time is of course up to you, but I know with 100% certainity that if you do stick at the training here for that time then you will certainly find yourself at a great advantage.

And in the same breath - if worse comes to worst - if you no longer have the time to add content or no longer have the drive - just make sure you keep your site online!

The graph that I included earlier in this post really shows that if you do give up & close your site, you could truly find yourself stopping 3 feet from gold... And you definitely don't want that!

So, to summarise...

  1. Start your site! (as per the training)
  2. Add content with the visitor in mind - forget a little bit about word counts & rules - think about what you would want to see if you were the visitor arriving to that page having searched the keyword that your targeting. This is super, super important. Give them all the information they could want, in the most easiest accessible format for them to navigate.
  3. Stay consistent.
  4. Have patience!

Put your trust in the process, give it time - and I know you will be rewarded.

...and I'm signing out with this:

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

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Recent Comments


Thank you, Dale, for sharing your results.

This is really inspiring and what this does is
that it keep beginners and those who are
not get results stick to the training.

I like to highlight the most important thing
you said in this post in addition to patience:

"I made each of the posts pretty detailed & helpful to the visitor"

I guess this is exactly the reason Google ranked
your site & send you consistent traffic which is
good enough for daily commissions.

The most amazing thing is that you did it without
any social shares or backlinks.

This really proves that the training at WA really works!

Since you linked your post to OEC training, I like to
know whether you build the site using OEC training or

Once again, thank you so much Dale :)

Please continue to share your results, you may be
changing someone's life even without you knowing :)

Yep, always put the visitor first & if you do that, money will find its way towards you for sure. I would recommend going through both courses, as the more knowledge the better! :)

thank you, Dale :)

Dale I agree that there is a lot of why can I not get from point a to z NOW!
I was not looking at this for instant money
I am looking at this as a down the road process to keep me busy when I get ready to retire which now could be sooner then I wanted to.
I have no real computer skills other than what I have from work.
So all of this is really new to me, but I see the real potential of this for me.
I am just struggling with the process, and have to go back to the beginning as I just do not understand all that is going on as I go thru the lessons. So I feel the need to always start over.

Thanks for the comment - I wish you the best success here :)

Thank you for the encouragement, I too was getting anxious and constantly checking the visitors to my page, only this week i decided to stop checking and just focus on the lessons and adding more content.
i have 7 post and 3 is already indexed in google so that's not a bad start.
As you have said patients is the key, i will now water my website and leave it to grow.
all the best Dale

Yep - sometimes the best way is just to forget about it & focus on the content. Maybe check once per month at most :)

Great analogy about watering your website & watching it grow :)

Thanks Dale very valuable lesson 😁

Thank you! :)

Thank you Dale for a most encouraging post. Saying in laymans terms what we needed to hear and grasp.
Well done to you too, in your work that lead to this.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Ken :)

Thanks a lot for the great inspiring post.

You're welcome :)

Beautifully written, well thought out post! Thank you.

Thank you :)

Thanks, Dale :) Really encouraging post and highlights the importance of doing 'small' things well.....Giving the customer what they want!
Best wishes

Yep, always put the visitor first - give them what they want & money will find its way to you in return :)

Yes exactly..thanks Dale:).

You're welcome :)

Thank you for this inspiring post! :)

Anytime Alenka :)

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