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Semi Retired after 50 years in the marine and coal industries. Spent 10 years at sea before settling for ashore. Worked in IT and related





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Looks like the siterubix widget does not work. Anyone else having the same problem?

Works fine. I had a sign up only yesterday pal

Thanks Wayne - yes it does work fine. As I noted below you have to put in a proposed site name before anything happens

Answered my own question - you need to put a site name in before the link becomes active and takes you to siterubix - trap for you players :(

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Is the site rubix widget broken?

Is the site rubix widget broken?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Looks like the siterubix widget does not work. Anyone else having the same problem?

Works fine. I had a sign up only yesterday pal

Thanks Wayne - yes it does work fine. As I noted below you have to put in a proposed site name before anything happens

Answered my own question - you need to put a site name in before the link becomes active and takes you to siterubix - trap for you players :(

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

When you use Jaaxy you do not always get a QSR Red, Yellow or Green button. Instead you get a link which says Get QSR. What makes it work for some results of the keywork search

You have to click on the qsr in order to get the other information unless you have the more expensive program which also allows you to sort by column and a couple of other features.

Thanks for replying gomohr. As I said to San above it now makes sense.

I think it has something to with the level of membership you have. Are you $19/mo or the other?
It does not give you all the information without clicking on it for the lesser membeship.


Hi San

Thanks for the reply. That makes sense. I bought 12 months Pro - not the top level version.


I use the same level, I do not require to have the enterprise just yet, but when I can afford I will probably upgrade.


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Why does jaaxy sometimes only show qsr link?

Why does jaaxy sometimes only show qsr link?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

When you use Jaaxy you do not always get a QSR Red, Yellow or Green button. Instead you get a link which says Get QSR. What makes it work for some results of the keywork search

You have to click on the qsr in order to get the other information unless you have the more expensive program which also allows you to sort by column and a couple of other features.

Thanks for replying gomohr. As I said to San above it now makes sense.

I think it has something to with the level of membership you have. Are you $19/mo or the other?
It does not give you all the information without clicking on it for the lesser membeship.


Hi San

Thanks for the reply. That makes sense. I bought 12 months Pro - not the top level version.


I use the same level, I do not require to have the enterprise just yet, but when I can afford I will probably upgrade.


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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have a few other websites outside of WA. Is it permissible to put them in your profile?

This would be very interesting to run by Kyle as I've been advised by top Ambassadors that website links NOT be posted on your profile, but rather be posted on the right hand side under Websites by 'You', just above the blue 'Manage My Sites' button.

I've seen many links in profiles and have wondered if it is permitted.

Some say yes, some say no.

It would be great to get final clarity on this matter.

Thanks for asking Ian.

Yes, as he stated, he is asking about placing it on his profile where you have mentioned. Placing links in comments is not permitted as this is self-promotion.

As far as I know it is not a problem, one of the sites I have listed on my profile is not hosted here.

Hi Angela, Thanks for the quick and helpful comment

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Can you put non wa hosted websites in your profile?

Can you put non wa hosted websites in your profile?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have a few other websites outside of WA. Is it permissible to put them in your profile?

This would be very interesting to run by Kyle as I've been advised by top Ambassadors that website links NOT be posted on your profile, but rather be posted on the right hand side under Websites by 'You', just above the blue 'Manage My Sites' button.

I've seen many links in profiles and have wondered if it is permitted.

Some say yes, some say no.

It would be great to get final clarity on this matter.

Thanks for asking Ian.

Yes, as he stated, he is asking about placing it on his profile where you have mentioned. Placing links in comments is not permitted as this is self-promotion.

As far as I know it is not a problem, one of the sites I have listed on my profile is not hosted here.

Hi Angela, Thanks for the quick and helpful comment

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

The new comment option is great. However when I check comments that have gone live on someone's site the commenters name is not an active link. And there does not appear to be a wa

Thats correct what Skighler just mentioned and as for important back links that only applies if it comes from prestigious websites that carry big impact from who they are in the Internet community.

That's actually a really great question. I have been told by Carson himself that back links are really not important anymore when I asked about them so maybe that is why that feature is not enabled.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Most helpful. I do recall a comment somewhere about the reduced value of backlinks these days. Having Carson confirm this is great. It also highlights how important it is to be up to date. Which I guess means that much of the SEO training being marketed is out of date.

I think their is definitely more to learn outside of WA but I also think we need to be cautious that we don't hurt what we have already established by following outdated techniques!

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Why doesn't the new comment functon add a webpage link?

Why doesn't the new comment functon add a webpage link?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

The new comment option is great. However when I check comments that have gone live on someone's site the commenters name is not an active link. And there does not appear to be a wa

Thats correct what Skighler just mentioned and as for important back links that only applies if it comes from prestigious websites that carry big impact from who they are in the Internet community.

That's actually a really great question. I have been told by Carson himself that back links are really not important anymore when I asked about them so maybe that is why that feature is not enabled.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Most helpful. I do recall a comment somewhere about the reduced value of backlinks these days. Having Carson confirm this is great. It also highlights how important it is to be up to date. Which I guess means that much of the SEO training being marketed is out of date.

I think their is definitely more to learn outside of WA but I also think we need to be cautious that we don't hurt what we have already established by following outdated techniques!

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