The Nose Knows


What's this got to do with anything? Why, it's as plain as the nose on your face!

Some noses, though, aren't quite so plain...

Steve Martin, as well-equipped Cyrano De Bergerac...nice perch!

Samantha from "Bewitched," twitching up some magic!

Horrors! Marcia of "The Brady Bunch" gets hit in the nose with a football!

The typical red clown nose...

Why you should never "HONK" a clown's nose!

The mesmerizing, magical "nose touch"

Pinocchio's nose grew, every time he told a lie! Walk the straight and narrow, kid!

Uses of "NOSE"

Proboscis monkey...quite a schnozz!

"that that the other one again..."

Hold it...HOLD IT...

Harry Hedgehog never stops wigglin' and sniffin'...

Bingo, the Bernese Mountain Dog...B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O...

"Butterfly nose" (the kid is not happy about it!)

I think this dog may have a future with the Harlem Globetrotters!

Nicole Kidman's take on Tabitha...She made Tom Cruise disappear, didn't she?

Ah...young love...a kiss on the nose!

Can you do it?


The longest nose on the planet...

Here's a full-grown elephant...they're very talented with their noses!

Wiggling noses...This guy's intense!

Here's a pretty good nose wiggler!

No, sweetheart, that's not a...OUCH, you've got a tooth!

The Taming Of The Shrew...

Bunny noses...

"Tiny bubbles..." (Where's Don Ho when you need him?)

"I got your nose!"..."Give it back, Daddy!"

Peter Pan gets an "Eskimo Kiss" from a Native American...

That feeling when you're about to sneeze, but then you don't...

But then you do!

Crinkling your nose...

Nose to nose with James Dean!

Left jab...left jab...left jab...kitty's going down for the count!

Thumbing her nose, like a boxer...GET OUTTA THE CORNER!

Got a "ski nose" like Bob Hope? Just push it in! Oops!

Should have "ducked!"

Who's back there?

'Nuff said.

Nose job episode on "Seinfeld."

Tweaking the nose...

The tragic case of the girl with the extra long nose and no mouth! (She actually has to "snort" her food!)

Sloth nose, 3 toes, he goes slow where ere he goes...

How To Lose Your Nose 101

Nose balancing...

Peanut race!

Anteater...Whew, he might be second only to the elephant!

The Shadow Nose ("The Shadow Knows")

"I know there's a noodle there somewhere!"

The prairie dog nose kiss ritual...

Itchy nose means you're going to have company...

"He don't need that carrot nose, does he?"

That's enough nosin' around this Blog...get that nose back to the grindstone!

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Recent Comments


Amazing!!!!! Who knew????

You can make an entertaining story out of anything!

That takes skill.

Nicely done!


Thanks so much, Susan! :)

Funny stuff. Your list of "nose" phrases is so complete. I've heard of them all but I wouldn't have been able to say all those if asked. But, that's why we have you! Enjoy the weekend! Debbie

Thanks, Debbie-You have a good weekend, too! :)

You make me laugh, Rick and continue to give me my morning happy pill :)) I thought you may have mentioned Jimmy 'Snozzle' Durante "Make someone Happy" and the traditional New Zealand Maori 'Nose' Kiss called a Hongi. I think the Eskimos have a similar greeting ...
Anyway, thanks for the laugh :))

Thanks, Carol. I was thinking about Durante when I put in the monkey picture! Eskimos do rub noses, too. Some images are harder to find, though those two ought to be easy. Thanks for the additional ideas! :))

Rick - Nice post. Very funny. All I knows is that clown has a lawsuit on his hands (no pun intended). Thanks for sharing.

That clown could be in trouble, though the young lady didn't seem to mind. I'm not condoning it, mind you. :)


Thanks, Luba. :)

Great post, I love your sense of humor! :)

Thank you so much, Cathy! :)

Enjoyed the post. Some funny stuff right there!

Thank you, Randy!

A great post Rick. Nasally inspired!

Nasally inspired it was, Mike!

Fabulous blog, Rick.Feel sorry for that girl with no mouth...

Imagine snorting a filet mignon, Vera! :)

No....poor girl...

Thanks for sharing, Rick.

My pleasure, Rog.

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