About Cebu Man
Rank 25558
664 followers Joined November 2013
I've recently become unemployed due to a corporate decision that my position as a security guard was no longer needed. Previously, I worked as an





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Can anybody tell me what the difference is here in my stats between the red lines and the blue lines?

Move your mouse over the red dot and a graph will appear that explains each color.

The red line says "Clicks Raw" and the blue one says "Homepage Referrals". I don't understand what the difference is.

Where is the RED dot

Hi Cebu Man -

See if this sheds any light on the matter: Let us know...


I'm not sure if I understand the question, Johannes. The graph we've been looking at can be found by clicking on the airplane icon in the top menu, clicking on "My Stats" in the menu for the new page, and clicking on "Detailed Stats" in the menu under the page menu.

If that didn't resolve the problem, try it again with a bit more description of the problem.


Hey Dennis.
Thanks for that link. Believe it or not, I had read that a while back and was looking for it again the other day but couldn't find it!
Unfortunately, It doesn't help me much.
I'm just wondering what the blue line was that said "Homepage Referrals". That was the first time I'd ever seen anything other than red in my stats.
Either way, I guess it's a good sign that something is showing no matter what the color is! lol.

We need more of a clue, Cebu Man. Where was the graph taken from? Can you make a bigger snip of your screen? If you need a bit of software to help with getting a screen capture, you can try monosnap.com.

Post back, and perhaps someone can identify the colors (and perhaps even interpret their meaning :-)

It's from the graph on the "My Stats" under the "Detailed Stats" here at WA. I enlarged the pic.....

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Can anyone explain this to me?

Can anyone explain this to me?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Can anybody tell me what the difference is here in my stats between the red lines and the blue lines?

Move your mouse over the red dot and a graph will appear that explains each color.

The red line says "Clicks Raw" and the blue one says "Homepage Referrals". I don't understand what the difference is.

Where is the RED dot

Hi Cebu Man -

See if this sheds any light on the matter: Let us know...


I'm not sure if I understand the question, Johannes. The graph we've been looking at can be found by clicking on the airplane icon in the top menu, clicking on "My Stats" in the menu for the new page, and clicking on "Detailed Stats" in the menu under the page menu.

If that didn't resolve the problem, try it again with a bit more description of the problem.


Hey Dennis.
Thanks for that link. Believe it or not, I had read that a while back and was looking for it again the other day but couldn't find it!
Unfortunately, It doesn't help me much.
I'm just wondering what the blue line was that said "Homepage Referrals". That was the first time I'd ever seen anything other than red in my stats.
Either way, I guess it's a good sign that something is showing no matter what the color is! lol.

We need more of a clue, Cebu Man. Where was the graph taken from? Can you make a bigger snip of your screen? If you need a bit of software to help with getting a screen capture, you can try monosnap.com.

Post back, and perhaps someone can identify the colors (and perhaps even interpret their meaning :-)

It's from the graph on the "My Stats" under the "Detailed Stats" here at WA. I enlarged the pic.....

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

When adding WA links to my affiliate site, which is better? Links that open to WA on the same page or links that open WA on a new page?

I agree with Jude. If you are linking to an outside website, open in a new window. If you are linking to a page within your website, no need to open a new window.

I always select to have the window open in a new window when a visitor is leaving my site via one of my affiliate links to an external site.

This way Google sees that visitor as still remaining on your site. The longer a visitor stays on your website, the better for ranking.

The only time I would not open a new window is when I am pointing visitors to an internal page on my own site. Any time you are inviting a visitor to leave your site to visit web page outside of your site, I recommend that you always have the link open in a new window. ~Jude

I didn't know that about Google. Thanks for the advice Jude. I think I'll be linking in new windows from now on.

+1 for opening a new window when linking externally, for the reason Jude stated. Keep the clock ticking for the visitor's time on your site!

Hey Pete,

I've always linked straight to my WA page. If they want to come back to my website, all they have to do is press the back button.

That's true too Keith. I think I'm going to try both ways and see if I notice any difference. Thanks for the reply.

some may not know to press the back button --- I like them to consciously exit my site, not accidentally by wandering off thru links

That is exactly right and my point is, (and I have to constantly remind myself) once visitors lands on your site,(and congratulations, you must be doing something right) you have the most control of your visitors (probably not because they're people just like us) more than any other site--so, why then should you throw your visitors around?

Just make it easier for your visitors (and of course they're people just like us. They're going to do whatever they want.) and send them to your Affiliate link and if that is the case, you don't want them to come back. You want them to sign up for whatever you have to offer.

And did you know that your webpages refreshes every 15 minutes making it irrelevant that Google would think that your visitors are still on that page? How could that be since it expires after the first 15 minutes when it becomes a bounce rate statistic?

Google is not that dumb!

If you're going to send your visitors to another site other than your affiliate site then I suggest installing "Simple Link" plug-in to your Wordpres and create a blog roll to these other sites-so that your visitors (who are people just like us: can make their own choices).

Google likes it when you're willing to let others play in your backyard. This is why they call it "www" meaning "The World Wide Web".

Your content is what's going to bring them back. Make it engaging, ask questions, ask them to leave a comment and share it and do surveys, do everything you can to engage them. They're people just like us; they like to be social.

If you write compelling content that keeps them interested they'll find your site again and again. Don't be afraid to lose those who aren't interested. You don't want them anyway ruining your bounce rate.

My best experience is to have at least four pages linking to other pages (including your affiliate links) in your site and one outbound link going to your Affiliate link and about 10 outbound links to other sites. This is where your "Simple Link" Plug-in will come into play.

Basically you funnel all your pages to one or two of your main affiliate pages. always allowing your visitors (who are people just like us) to make their own decisions. We simply do what we do best. That is to help visitors (people just like us) to find what they want.

Just keep writing and stay persistent

Hi Pete. It is better to open in a new window. If you open on the same page visitors will have to leave your site to view your page.

Hi Thomas. That's what I was thinking as well but I figured I'd see how others felt. Thanks again for the feedback.

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Is it better to have my links open on the same page or a new page?

Is it better to have my links open on the same page or a new page?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

When adding WA links to my affiliate site, which is better? Links that open to WA on the same page or links that open WA on a new page?

I agree with Jude. If you are linking to an outside website, open in a new window. If you are linking to a page within your website, no need to open a new window.

I always select to have the window open in a new window when a visitor is leaving my site via one of my affiliate links to an external site.

This way Google sees that visitor as still remaining on your site. The longer a visitor stays on your website, the better for ranking.

The only time I would not open a new window is when I am pointing visitors to an internal page on my own site. Any time you are inviting a visitor to leave your site to visit web page outside of your site, I recommend that you always have the link open in a new window. ~Jude

I didn't know that about Google. Thanks for the advice Jude. I think I'll be linking in new windows from now on.

+1 for opening a new window when linking externally, for the reason Jude stated. Keep the clock ticking for the visitor's time on your site!

Hey Pete,

I've always linked straight to my WA page. If they want to come back to my website, all they have to do is press the back button.

That's true too Keith. I think I'm going to try both ways and see if I notice any difference. Thanks for the reply.

some may not know to press the back button --- I like them to consciously exit my site, not accidentally by wandering off thru links

That is exactly right and my point is, (and I have to constantly remind myself) once visitors lands on your site,(and congratulations, you must be doing something right) you have the most control of your visitors (probably not because they're people just like us) more than any other site--so, why then should you throw your visitors around?

Just make it easier for your visitors (and of course they're people just like us. They're going to do whatever they want.) and send them to your Affiliate link and if that is the case, you don't want them to come back. You want them to sign up for whatever you have to offer.

And did you know that your webpages refreshes every 15 minutes making it irrelevant that Google would think that your visitors are still on that page? How could that be since it expires after the first 15 minutes when it becomes a bounce rate statistic?

Google is not that dumb!

If you're going to send your visitors to another site other than your affiliate site then I suggest installing "Simple Link" plug-in to your Wordpres and create a blog roll to these other sites-so that your visitors (who are people just like us: can make their own choices).

Google likes it when you're willing to let others play in your backyard. This is why they call it "www" meaning "The World Wide Web".

Your content is what's going to bring them back. Make it engaging, ask questions, ask them to leave a comment and share it and do surveys, do everything you can to engage them. They're people just like us; they like to be social.

If you write compelling content that keeps them interested they'll find your site again and again. Don't be afraid to lose those who aren't interested. You don't want them anyway ruining your bounce rate.

My best experience is to have at least four pages linking to other pages (including your affiliate links) in your site and one outbound link going to your Affiliate link and about 10 outbound links to other sites. This is where your "Simple Link" Plug-in will come into play.

Basically you funnel all your pages to one or two of your main affiliate pages. always allowing your visitors (who are people just like us) to make their own decisions. We simply do what we do best. That is to help visitors (people just like us) to find what they want.

Just keep writing and stay persistent

Hi Pete. It is better to open in a new window. If you open on the same page visitors will have to leave your site to view your page.

Hi Thomas. That's what I was thinking as well but I figured I'd see how others felt. Thanks again for the feedback.

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