How Will You End 2023? 5 Ways To 'CHANGE Your Script' And END STRONG!

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We Are Almost There

Can you believe it?

We are less than 6 months away from the end of 2023.

That is, 25 work weeks and 181 days.

Time does indeed fly when you are having fun.

This week, I am completing a mid-year review of my goals and making adjustments to them based on what I have achieved so far.

Thankfully, I am ahead of all my 2023 targets, except 1 and I am working on catching up with that one.

5 Ways To Get Back On Track

Life can get in the way sometimes. That causes us to fall off course and lose our balance.

In case you missed it, Kyle recently shared how you can benefit from applying the concept of Parkinson's Law to your business. It is a powerful way in which to approach accomplishing your goals.

Here are 5 other actions you can take to help you move closer to your goals and objectives for 2023.

1. Choose 1 'Must-Do'

You cannot DO everything.

When time is against you it may be worthwhile to choose the single most important thing that will give you the biggest leap forward. After deciding what that is, invest most of your time and energy into that ONE thing and watch it come into being.

2. Wake Up 1 Hour Earlier Each Day

For the next 181 days, wake up 1 hour earlier. That's 7½ days gained. A full week and a drop.

You can do a lot of catching up with that extra time.

3. Appoint an Accountability Buddy

My daughter holds me accountable for achieving the goals I set. I do the same for her with her goals.

There is a lot of added motivation when you know you have to report and account for your actions and achievements.

Plus, it takes the loneliness away and gives you something to look forward to.

4. Take a Break and Celebrate

As odd as this sounds, sometimes when you are lagging, taking a break may do you a world of good.

leave the work behind and get out for a day or two. Use the time to rejuvenate and recharge.

Return fresh and with a clear head to push on through to year-end.

5. Be Grateful

Living through a pandemic for a couple of years deepened my gratitude for the simple things in life.

Gratitude puts a smile on my face and the face of others. It engenders feelings of joy and happiness and they give me reasons to push on to the finish line.

Keep life simple and be thankful for who you are and what you have.

Any Other Suggestions?

These are only a few ways to 'Change Your Script' and get your self back on track.

I would love to hear how you adjust and reposition yourself to finish 2023 strong.

Let me know in the comments below if you are on track or if there are changes that you are making changes to meet your timelines.


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Hi there Cassi,

Your post really resonates with me because I believe that we all need accountable buddies, we need to choose 1 must do, we need to take a break at times and need to be grateful.

My trouble is that I will try to do too many things at one time and end up doing nothing. So, we all could benefit from a nice dose of Parkinson's Law. It does take some practice though.

Thank you for sharing.

Yes, Rachele, it does take practice to develop habits and establish healthy routines.

Being mindful and consistent are critical enablers.

Thank you for sharing.


Absolutely, Cassie


Good morning Cassi,

Thank you for your blog post and wise words!

I must admit I knew that we were approximately halfway through the year, but I hadn't worked out the precise days! Time does go quickly when we are having fun.

Being a morning person, I really like the idea of getting up early, I know how much I can achieve first thing in the morning! There are no disturbances and no telephone calls!

I agree, we can't do everything and we do need to prioritise. It's good to get help with the tasks that we can't manage.

I believe that accountability is very powerful, we need to be accountable for our actions in life. If we are not, we can just drift off in all directions and that doesn't end well! I find that a timer will often work well, as I know I only have a certain time to do that particular task. It helps to keep me focused! Or knowing that the wife will be back soon!!!

Taking a break or doing something different is always good. Since the Internet arrived, it's very easy to potentially work seven days a week with laptops and smartphones. However, I think it's highly important that we take regular breaks. I have always said that I can achieve more in five or six days than I can seven, it's important to rest.

Even just going for a walk or meeting with a friend can help to increase productivity in the long term. We just need to make sure that our friends are positive and not negative people!

I couldn't agree more, Cassi, it's good to be grateful and thankful for life in general. I could say more about the Spamdemic, but is not appropriate here! It's always good to encourage others, which is something that many of us do on this great platform.

Wishing you a fantastic day and a very productive six months.


Such a great summary, Roy.

Thank you for sharing.

I take frequent breaks if even to stretch my legs and my eyes.
It does make a difference.

I hope that your week is progressing well.


Thank you, Cassi!

Yes, I can imagine even just stretching your legs etc can make a difference. I have carried out physical work most of my life, although it's much easier than it used to be! Sometimes I think being in front of the screen all day is more tiring than physical work! I appreciate it's a different type of tiredness!

However, whatever we do, it's good to take a few moments to stop.

A very happy Friday to you.


Today, I am in Winter Haven, Florida.

After not sleeping very well last night, I woke at 5 am, spent some time in the sauna, then a cold shower and now sitting outside in the sun enjoying a cup of coffee. 🙂

Working outdoors helps me when I have a lot of online work to do.
Perhaps it is all the vitamin D and being able to stretch in the sun.

Have a great week!


That sounds nice, Cassi!

I'm sure the sun does many good things to most of us, it is certainly very uplifting to wake up to a sunny day! I know that Kyle has mentioned about working in different places, from a change of room in the house, to a coffee shop and outside! It's good to have a change!

Have a great week.


That is the beauty of working online.
We can do it anywhere, once we have a good internet connection, Roy.

The week is moving ahead nicely for me and I hope for you also.

Thank you.

Working online is such an amazing opportunity! So many people are working from home now, even if it's not their own business! It really is a luxury being able to potentially work from anywhere!

I'm glad your week is going well, Cassi! My wife is currently in Greece, I'm going to join her on Sunday, which will make a nice break!

Have a great day.


Enjoy your break in Greece, Roy.

It is a beautiful country.
What part of Greece are you going to?

I have been to mainland Greece and also sailed through the Greek Isles.
Absolutely breathtaking and such embracing culture.


Thank you, Cassi; much appreciated!

I agree with you, it is a beautiful country. My wife disagrees with me that England is prettier than Greece! However, to be fair, I don't think I can really make a fair comparison as the two countries both have something good to offer!

My wife comes from near Thessaloniki; (which is mainland northern Greece) they are right on the edge of Halkidiki, which is often referred to as the three fingers! We will stay a few days at the house and then go to Halkidiki for a few days, where we will have a good sea view from the mountain!

Most people I speak to seem to have been to the islands rather than the mainland. I would like to visit the islands one day.

The Greeks seem like a wonderful race of people! I really like the Greek food and the weather is not too bad either! I still can't believe how fantastic and clear the sea is. However, you are probably used to the Caribbean-type seas, which I believe are similar!

Have a fantastic weekend.


Hi Cassi, you are right that we can't do everything, but setting smaller goals seem more doable than the big ones. I appreciate the five actions. I use the number 1, the daily must-do list, and check off when it's done. It takes work to accomplish that. 4. Taking breaks often helps I can recharge my energy. I take naps. That helps. Thanks for sharing.

Nothing beats a solid nap, Brenda.
I love them too.
Not getting many of them these days though. 🙂

Keep moving forward.


Great suggestions, only #2 is out for me. I'm not a morning person and waking up an hour earlier would only leave me feeling grumpy. I actually get my best work done afternoon and evenings. I'm sure this suggestion would help others though.

Thanks for the mid-year push. 🙂

You are welcome, Cynthia.

The important thing is to TAKE ACTION.
If what you are doing is working, do a little bit more of it.
If not, Change Your Script!


Actually everything is geared up for a good year end. I just have to keep pushing.

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