Understanding Parkinson's Law: Are You Slowing Down by Design?

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Hey everyone!

Today, I want to delve into the fascinating concept of Parkinson's Law and how it can shape your online business when you're just starting out.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "What...in...the...heck...is...Parkinson's Law?" , and how will knowing and understanding this impact your business. I feel this is something that everyone should understand, and that everyone can gain some level of value from.

So let's explore this powerful principle together!

Time Expands or Contracts: How Parkinson's Law Can Work in Your Favor

You know how sometimes, you find yourself procrastinating and taking forever to complete a task, while other times you manage to get things done at lightning speed?

Well, that's the essence of Parkinson's Law right there. Simply put, it states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. In other words, if you give yourself a week to finish a project, it'll most likely take you a week, but if you challenge yourself to complete it in a day, miraculously, you'll find a way to make it happen.

So, how does this relate to your online business journey?

Well, when you're just starting out, time is always of the essence. You don't have the luxury of an unlimited timeline. You need to hit the ground running and make the most of the time you have.

By leveraging Parkinson's Law, you can supercharge your productivity and achieve more in less time. Trust me, it's a game-changer!

The Power of Setting Short-Term Goals: Harnessing Parkinson's Law to Fuel Your Success

Let me share a little secret with you: setting long-term goals can be overwhelming and demotivating, especially in the early stages of your online business. They are great to have, and yes, we recommend that you have ambitious goals, but they are not going to lead you to short term accomplishment.

Instead, your core focus should be set on short-term goals that are achievable within a shorter time frame. This is where Parkinson's Law comes into play again.

When you set short-term goals, you create a sense of urgency and a clear target to strive for. You'll find yourself naturally prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, and working with laser-like focus to meet those goals. By breaking down your big aspirations into manageable milestones, you'll be amazed at how much progress you can make in a short period.

Remember, the old adage that Rome wasn't built in a day....and it certainly wasn't built without a plan and a sense of urgency either. Embrace Parkinson's Law, set those short-term goals, and watch your online business soar to new heights!

I hope this dive into the power of Parkinson's Law has left you feeling inspired and ready to take action. To set shorter term goals. And to put a bit of pressure into your schedule. That is what leads to accomplishment, and you getting things done in a timely manner.

By understanding and harnessing this incredible principle, you can turbocharge your productivity, accomplish more in less time, and achieve your business goals with ease.

You are now armed with the knowledge of Parkinson's Law. Set those short-term goals, challenge yourself, and watch as your online business blossoms before your very eyes. Remember, time is your most precious resource, so make every moment count. Here's to your ongoing success!

On an aside, I would love to hear how Parkinson's law may have crept into your work schedule. Do you find when you have more time to accomplish something, that you use up all the allotted time? And conversely, when you are under the gun with pressure, that you can miraculously get the job of 3 people done in a matter of hours?

I would love to hear your stories, comments and insights about your goal setting patterns and their relationship to your productivity.

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Most interesting and a way to set goals and have them completed in a certain time frame is a good idea to complete such goals. Setting goals and a time frame to have them completed and then onto something else. Things are possible if someone has the drive to complete things.

Confidence is always a good thing to have and to overcome obstacles you need to get finished with things.

Definitely, you have to have the drive to complete the goals, but you also have to set them in the first place. The shorter the time period you give yourself to achieve the goals, naturally the quicker they will happen.

If we give ourselves 2 weeks and 2 months to complete the same project, it will get done way quicker on the shorter time frame...because it adds that intrinsic pressure to get things done, quicker.

I'm in the process of building what ultimately will be a huge content site. If I stop to think about all the pages I've yet to do, it can be overwhelming. However breaking it into small bites enables me to achieve the goals I've set on the schedule I've planned. Just today I completed a huge, critical goal. It took all day but I knew I could power through and finish, and I did. For me, this law works!

That is excellent jeannine, and thanks for sharing your real world example as to how you overcome the drawback of Parkinson's Law. Too many people set big goals, but tend to sit there and spin their wheels when it comes to the tangible work and productivity because they have failed to set more realistic, smaller bite goals.

Sounds like you are working on a really exciting project as well! :)

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time!

Yup, this project has been in the works for a long time and it's so exciting to see it finally grow closer to our vision. Having a manageable plan on how to get there is the only way to stay sane while creating it!

Great topic and article, @Kyle. Thank you for that.

I personally have studied and used Parkinson's Law (or principle).
It's always so true.

Therefore, I plan my projects in bursts. I learn, study and collect data, plan the projects, and ensure they are achievable but always with a tight schedule when it comes to execution.

To solidify things, I have a group with whom we hold each other accountable every morning.

That is a good approach, burst productivity. I think when we have too much time, even if it is an hour to complete a task that should take 15 minutes, we end up taking the entire hour. That leads to 25% productivity.

The same thing happens over and over again, so I do like your burst approach and I bet that leads to a lot more focus. :)

As a newbie in this platform, I was just doing short term goals, as I never knew how to manage big goals since I have a full time job (doing the graveyard shift). I never realized that there was a name for it.

In my mind, doing short term goals now, would allow me to build the business gradually, growing it slowly, so it would be manageable and I don’t get burned out.

I am thankful for having brilliant leaders in Wealthy Affiliate that provide a platform for learning, motivation and support that no one can find elsewhere.

Maria 🌹

Absolutely, it is back to the "one foot in front of the other approach"...versus trying to leap across the grand canyon. Too many people set overly ambitious and not specific goals, and that leads to lack of productivity.

Also, giving ourselves too much time to complete a tasks, leads to lack of activity as well. Productivity happens best when there is some level of urgency, and we can manufacture that urgency in our day.

We are thankful to have such brilliant people as part of the community and family here at WA! :)

Kyle, first off, we need a ❤️ button in WA. 😂

Some great points here and I hope that many of our members take heed.
In my opinion. it is the CONSISTENT "small" steps that have the most impact.

A big wave hitting a rock a couple of times may not do much to move it.
However, a small stream that runs over or under it every day will cause it to fall apart over time.

I do set big goals when I am working on my strategy and direction.
That's when I adjust my sails, depending on the wind that comes my way.

BUT . . . big BUT . . . every day, I do something, (sometimes a lot, sometimes a little), to move my work and my business forward.

It could be learning or making a purchase or sharing or asking a question or writing a blog post or commenting on my Social Media platform(s).

EVERY day!

Without CONSISTENT ACTION we might as well pack up and move on.

Thank you for sharing.

I hear you on the Love button, something that we are actually considering and I also got back to your thread about this as well.

Like you, I set big goals...and every day I aim to do something to move the needle towards those goals. We all have really productive days, and we have days that are not so much. But I think a lot of the time if we looked at the days that we were really productive it was the result of being put under some level of time constraints. So why not do that with some level of frequency...to push yourself to achieve more?

Thanks for sharing your insights Cassi, I definitely know that you are a go-getter and folks can learn a lot from you on the goal setting and accomplishment side of things. :)

I appreciate your feedback and comments on the ❤️ button, Kyle.

There is a coaching model I apply to my own life that is simple.
Achieve - Avoid - Act.

For my business goals, I want to achieve success because I want to AVOID being in a position where I have very limited or no choice.
For example, I do not enjoy staying at home because I HAVE to because I cannot afford to choose to go out.

To own my power to choose, I HAVE to take ACTION and do what is required to succeed so I can earn the income I need to enjoy having the choice I want.

Perhaps, my "time constraint" is the fact that I am an older, single parent wanting to make up for lost time and past choices and decisions.

I do agree that with that kind of positive - (eu) - stress applied, we can achieve much more.

Thank you for the acknowledgement and your kind words.


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