3 YEARS At Wealthy Affiliate - SUCCESS All Around!

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It doesn't seem like 3 years at Wealthy Affiliate (WA) at all. It feels like forever.

There are many WA members who I now consider to be my friends and that makes this journey we are on much more enjoyable.

Time flies when you are having fun, doesn't it?

Read About My First 2 Years

If you missed my first 2 years' summaries, you can find them by clicking the links below:

1st Year


2nd Year


For those of you who want to fully understand how far I have come, then you can read my very first WA blog post by clicking HERE.

What a journey it continues to be!

So, Where Am I Now?


I started a bit differently.

When I discovered that there were many ways to earn online, I cheated and picked the lowest hanging fruits first.

During my first year, I started to help people to grow their online presence, learn about the power of SEO and create online content.

That made a big difference and I was able to grow my revenue to 5 figures by adding new revenue streams for my business.

Those services continue to expand as I learn more and more.


At the start of this year, motivated mainly by Prince Partha's WA blog posts, I made a conscious decision to get serious about my websites.

After diving into his articles, I started to write differently and really payed attention to what people were asking or querying in my niche.

The results speak for themselves.

Things started to take off in June 2022 and after about 5 months of consistent blogging, I am receiving many rewards from Google.

This was our first featured snippet. The blog post is one of our best performers and is helping to build our Domain Authority and increase our Backlinks.

In September 2022, Google estimated that 25 of our Pages had first page impressions.

Really exciting developments!

This week, my first website attains over 10,000 impressions per month and I will be monetizing it with Ezoic.

ADDITIONAL READING: Earnings Skyrocketing With Ezoic - Kevin(zshan).

I intend to keep building and scaling this website and look forward to earning 5 figures with it in 2023.


I have not joined many Affiliate programs - as yet.

My goal was to first increase my traffic and find my rhythm with developing my websites.

To-date, I have earned Affiliate income from WA Referrals and 5 other Affiliate Programs.

Last month, I was accepted into Canva's Affiliate Program on a trial basis. That one means a lot to me and I am working towards qualifying as a permanent Canva Affiliate.

I love their Program and it can bring a lot of credibility to my business.


This, by far, has been my biggest growth area with my online business in the past year.

People are seeing my success, reading my content and they want to do the same.

I have also been using LinkedIn to share my content, connect with like-minded professionals and groups and that has been an profitable decision.

You can see how my LinkedIn Impressions and Engagements have increased over the past 90 days, just by being consistent.

This is also helping me to build my Brand, learn what people are interested in and want to know and create connections that are getting me more Referrals, speaking engagements and Clients.


I have been a WAmbassador for 524 days. Today, my WA Rank is 24.

It has been bobbing up and down as it is not a priority for me at this time but, I continue to help as much as I can.

Every now and then, I do share some thoughts and experiences to help others along their journey.

My Senior Year

I have now entered my Senior Year in WA College.

Earlier this month, I joined Eben Pagan's Inner Circle and in 3 months time, I will earn my Certificate as a Certified International Virtual Coach.

It would be great if WA could offer something similar as it does a lot for your credibility and authority.

Now, I feel confident that I can continue to scale my business and position my Brand, Cassi Of Troy, as an expert and experienced resource to support the needs, goals and objectives of people who want to create and grow a sustainable online business.

I would earn the right to call myself a Qualified and Successful Online Entrepreneur and help you to Change Your Script.

Forever Grateful

As always, I am forever grateful to everyone in WA who has supported me and helped me to stand strong where I am today.

I look forward to celebrating another 17 years - and more - with you as we continue to rise, shine and succeed, together.


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Recent Comments


Classy Cassi,

Thank you for sharing your amazing Wealthy Affiliate journey.
The way you organized and tracked all of your
successes and progresses each year are very impressive.

I will use your posts to draw inspiration and knowledge.
Thank you for extending your roadmap and call to action to help us
newbies on our journey.

However, this is a hard act to follow. You have put in your heart and soul
into your business model and it has paid off. CassiOfTroy, you got it going on, baby!!!

p.s. Happy Cha Ching! 💗^_~

Rachele, if I can do it, anyone can.

It requires following the training and being consistent with implementation.
Keep your head down and keep focused.

You will achieve success. 🙂

Thank you.

Thank you, Cassi.

Your encouragement is much appreciated.


You are welcome, Rachele.


Well done, Cassi, I am not surprised that your first page impressions continue to grow. (Thanks, Partha....) I also love Canva. It is a great resource and is getting better all the time. I use it) almost) on every post I make.

WA does allow us to drive towards our potential easily and effectively.

I look forward to your next installment.


Alex, Canva is great!

I am working towards meeting their objectives and finding at least 3 referrals to become a permanent Affiliate. 🙂

Like you, I use Canva in every post now.
They have improved video creation and that is serving me well also.

I appreciate all of your support.

Thank you.


Hi Cassi,

Congrats on your 3-year WAnniversary! It's great to read about your progress, and I love reading your posts from time to time.

I love your energy and passion for what you're doing right now. Whether inside WA or elsewhere (i.e. Linkedin), you're a role model for all of us here.

Keep doing what you're doing- the future looks very bright for you ahead.

All the best for your continued success moving forward :)



Eric, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your sentiments.
Thank you!

My "Why?" is what keeps me motivated and pressing on.
That and a structured plan for how I want to build and scale my business and serve others.

There is so much potential for us!


All of a sudden I feel that I am circling around with a bunch of wonderful human beings with that I can share my strengths and weaknesses with the goal in mind of making ourselves better human beings. This is awesome. Thank you for your warm welcome

De repente siento que estoy dando vueltas con un montón de seres humanos maravillosos con los que puedo compartir mis fortalezas y debilidades con el objetivo de hacernos mejores seres humanos. Esto es genial. Gracias por tu cálida bienvenida.

You are very welcome, Juan.

I wish you much success with your online endeavours.


Hello Cassi,

Congrats on 3 Years at Wealthy Affiliate. Your pathway to success shows there is no one way to success. We all have to create our own path since we are all unique individuals.

Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. It is up to us to figure this out and develop a plan that will make the best use of our strengths and find ways to shore up our weaknesses.

When I read the posts for your 2 and 3 Years awards at Wealthy Affiliate I was stunned by two discoveries.

1) I was nowhere to be found in the messages! What was I doing? How could that be?
2) There were so many members who responded to your post that are not here now.

Since I connected with you it seems like I have known you forever. I follow your business growth intently because I can learn from you. Not to duplicate what you do, nobody can do that. But to learn from your thinking and work ethic.

Nathaniell is a great mentor. I have discovered that all the successful members of WA have just a few things in common.

1) They all can see clearly what they want to achieve.
2) Creating strategic plans for each part of their journey is something they all do.
3) They use discipline to work their plans consistently to completion.

You Cassi have all these three critical attributes. I wish you continued success in your business journey.

Go, Cassi Go!


Edwin, you are always there supporting, even if you are "nowhere to be found in the messages". 🙂
You are one of my WAnchors and I treasure your friendship.

This point resonates with me all the time:
"2) There were so many members who responded to your post that are not here now."

I quietly watch many people "pass-through" WA.
Who knows what they are searching for and what their circumstances are?

One thing is certain, "passing through" will not take you to the gateway to success.
You have to earn it by investing time, effort, sweat, tears and persistence.

That is the only model for sustainable success that works.

Thank you, for always being so generous and supportive.


Good morning Cassie,

First of all, congratulations on being at Wealthy Affiliate for three years! That's gone quickly, although it seems like you have been here longer! I think that is probably because you have been so active on the Wealthy Affiliate platform!

Well done on your achievements; it just shows what we can do me put our minds to something! Very inspiring indeed!

I will have to come back to your article Cassie, as you have so much information on there. I have just added it to my to-do list as there are some things I would like to check out.

Incidentally, I was looking at your screenshot, regarding LinkedIn analytics. I know that when I go to my profile page, I can go to my analytics. But I can't see what you are seeing as in content performance. How did you arrive at that page, please? I think I missing something!

Have a great day and thank you so much for the great post.


Hi Roy,

Thank you for your ongoing support and your kind words.
They mean a lot to me.

A lot has happened in 3 years and a lot of opportunities continue to present themselves as I travel along this path.
It is quite exciting.

To get the Google Search Console Performance graph I show there, follow these steps:

1. Log into your WP Dashboard.
2. Using Site Kit, click on Dashboard.
3. Go down to Search Traffic.
4. Click on the link (bottom, left corner) to go to Search Console.

It should be the first chart that you see.
If not, click on Performance on the left, (right under Overview).

Let me know if you got to it.


Hello Cassie,

It's a pleasure to encourage and help others, as many of us do on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. It means a lot to me, too!

It's great that so much as happened in the last three years and that opportunities keep presenting themselves. Work shouldn't be drudgery, it should be enjoyed as we spend a lot of time working. I appreciate that we all have to do things that we don't always want to do or like!

I was reading one of my daily devotionals last night and sharing it with my wife. The man is a South African farmer (Angus Buchan) of Scottish descent and a Christian evangelist; we have a lot in common, being a man countryman. He was saying about enjoying every opportunity and being grateful for what we have. Each day we wake up is a new opportunity to do something good for others and also in business! I tried to do this, but I don't always get it right!

Thank you so much for your detailed instructions; however, I was actually looking for the LinkedIn analytics, as you show in your screenshot. (See link below) I actually use Google search console quite frequently, so I normally just go straight there.


Out of interest, are you using the Wealthy Affiliate hosting?

Thank you for your help and reply, it's appreciated.


Ahhhhh . . . my apologies, Roy.

For LinkedIn Analytics:

From your Homepage Feed:

1. Look at the very left column.
2. You will see 'Impressions of your Posts'
3. Click on 'Impressions of your Posts' and it will take you to the Analytics Page.
4. You can choose the period that you want to see.

I do use WA hosting for most of my domains and websites.
What about you?


Hello again Cassie,

That was a very prompt reply; thank you very much!

It never fails to amaze me how blind we can be when it comes to webpages! Thank you, your instructions make it very clear, I can see where to go now.

Just for your interest, yesterday, I put up a post that links to my website and that has received 494 impressions in 26 hours. I know impressions are not clicks, but at least it's being shown.

I do have a few websites that are basically dormant and sitting on Wealthy Affiliate hosting. However, my main websites are hosted on a dedicated server. I tried the Wealthy Affiliate hosting, which is definitely okay to get started. However, I use a data feed on some of the websites, which is quite server heavy. (Probably not very fair for the Wealthy Affiliate server.) I ended up being restricted with the Wealthy Affiliate hosting, hence why I moved to a dedicated server.

Have a great day and thank you for your help.


Hi, Cassi

What fabulous accomplishments in just three years!👍👍👏😊

My guitar site is at 10,000 visits per month on GA-4 but I’m still unsure about Ezoic.

I have been reading online about their speed issues, WA server and WP Rocket incompatibilities, and spammy ad practices.

I’ll check out the link you posted above for more info.

Please keep me up to date on your progress with Ezoic.

Once again, Big Congrats on a super job well done ! 😊


Thank you very much, Frank!
It means a lot coming from my Class Date. 🙂

Yes, I am seeing a few "not so good" reviews popping up about Ezoic.
The best way to get the experience is to dive in.

I did try AdSense and it slowed down my site a lot.
But, back then, I hardly had Visitors.

So, let us see what happens.

My next goal is to join Mediavine.
That should be 2023, once all goes well.

Let me know what you decide.


Hi, Cassi

Mediavine is what I was thinking, too. If we can get 10,000 visits, we can get 50,000.

I’m using AdSense and not making much money, but I don’t have my site overloaded with ads. I manually placed a few only.


I was thinking the same about Mediavine, Frank.
Do I wait and keep pushing or do I work with Ezoic.

I have been reading a lot of Neil Patel's blog posts and watching his videos.
He is a Believer in Ezoic.

The most effective way, if you host your website in WA, is Cloudflare as Kevin shared.
He is having some great results.

I am not deciding until the weekend, so I will just leave the choices at the back of my mind for now.

Whichever I choose, building more quality content will continue.

Thank you for all of your support.

Wishing you a good day ahead.

Hi, Cassi

Yes, I did read that Neil Patel article some time ago and it was excellent. However, he does not talk about implementing Cloudflare. The Cloudflare reviews I read a while back were mixed, especially in relation to their free account.

I did notice that on the Ask Dave Taylor site the display ads seem to load smarter with Ezoic. However, when I loaded the article on "HOW CAN I EASILY CHECK MY IPHONE BATTERY’S CHARGE HEALTH?" into Google PageSpeed Insights, it failed the Core Vitals and showed a site speed performance of "24!" That's horrible and would surely affect the Google rankings of sites that have a low DA.

It's a bit of a double-edged sword, no matter which way we proceed.

Let me know what you decide about Ezoic. You may be able to tempt me into trying it, too. I the meantime, I'll do a bit more research. 😊

Frank 🎸

I am finding the same mixed reviews, Frank and that is what has me walking on the fence at the moment.

Perhaps, I will send Prince Partha a PM and ask for his advice.
A Speed Performance of 24 will definitely not do it!

I am also looking into some other ad monetization sites to see what else is out there between the 10K to 50K length of our journey.

Let's keep researching and sharing our findings.


That sounds great, Cassi! 👍

I'm in no real hurry to monetize since I have money coming in from the medical field, but it is something to consider seriously at this point.


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