My Dedication Badge For 6 Months!


Time passes so quickly when you are enjoying yourself!

It has been and still is a steep learning curve for me but from the beginning I was here for the long haul.

I do not know where there is a better forum than here in WA where we have virtually unending friending. I have over 2000 followers now, that is amazing to me! Where there is a worldwide community of like-minded folk liberated by enlightened thinking.
Wealthy Affiliate provides virtually an unlimited learning Classroom and advanced learning together with fantastic Webinars. Additionally, we have the help to our many questions and Tutorials by experienced members. WOW!

I am so grateful to have stumbled on Wealthy Affiliate and thankful for the opportunity that Kyle and Carson have given every one of us to be able to build a successful online business from scratch.

Finally thank you to all who have given me assistance on this very interesting and fun journey :)

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Recent Comments


Very cool. J

Thank you, Jay. :)

well done and congrats
here's to the next six

Hi, Phil. Thank you and looking forward to the next 6 months :)


Thank you, Alexander :)

Congrats Carol! :-)

Thank you, Bob :)

Hello Carol, that’s fantastic news and thank you for sharing your milestone and a little more of yourself in your post. Congratulations and best wishes for the next 6-months - Gary

Thank you, Gary. It sure is an interesting fun journey :)

It sure is :)

Hello Carol and huge congrats to you! Your work and determination is really glowing! May you be showered in blessings of success and joy always! ariel

Thank you so much for your lovely words, Ariel. Best wishes to you also, you are such an inspiration :)

you are so very kind..many thanks..and keep it up..I am looking to you for inspiration too!

Hi Carol, congrats to you. Imagine the amazing achievements ahead of you in the next 6 months. Exciting times ahead :)

Hi, Anthony, I'm looking forward to the challenge! Thanks for your best wishes :)

I too stumbled here and am forever grateful for the that stumble. Whilst I am here for the long haul I have not yet reached 6 months. Congratulations to you for sticking with the plan.
With Grace and Gratitude

Thank you, Karen, for your best wishes. We will look forward to the challenges ahead together :)

Congratulations for this awesome achievement.

Hello, H, Thank you for your kind words. Best wishes to you also :)

Wow Carol! So many achievements. I can breathe your excitement. Congrats!

Thank you so much, Marcus for your kind words :)

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