I Never Really Expected To Build A Million Dollar Company


When I joined WA in August 2012, I was looking for a way to make money online, like everyone else who has walked (surfed?) through WA's doors before, and since that fateful day.

I raced through what was then a 10-day trial, and signed up for premium straight away.

I was full of hope, and dreams, and a ton of excitement, but in the back of my mind there was always doubt.

The doubt wasn't that internet marketing worked.

The doubt wasn't that WA could teach me.

The doubt was that I myself would be able to make it work.

I think this is what most people struggle with really, and it was a battle I faced every single day, and sometimes still face.

"Will I be able to make this work?"

"I'm not as diligent as these successful people. I'm too impatient. I'm not talented enough. I can't come up with a good enough idea. My content isn't good enough. I don't know how to network. Waa waaa waaah."

But in 2017, my company, recorded $1,067,286.00 US dollars in revenue.

So if I was able to get over my doubts, and learn how to build a business, and in five years be able to say, hey, I have a 7 figure business, then so can you.

For the rest of this post, I'd like to talk about some of the things I think you'll need to learn and develop in order to get to a similar place as I'm in.

1.) Never Give Up Hoping

This is similar to advice you may have seen before about knowing your "why", and it goes back to remembering your motivation. I have said many times that being passionate about your niche isn't as important as being passionate about WHY you are building a niche site in the first place.

This kind of passion is what keeps you going when you have your inevitable periods of wanting to quit.

Let me just say this right now. You WILL want to quit.

2.) Execution of an idea is infinitely more important than the idea itself.

Let's do some simple maths based on some of my experiences.

- A bad idea is worth $5

- An average idea is worth $10

- A good idea is worth $15

- A great idea is worth $20

- Bad execution has a multiple of 1

- Average execution is 10

- Good execution is 50

- Great execution is 100

With this in mind, we can see that a bad idea with excellent execution is worth $500, whereas a great idea with bad execution is only worth $20.

This simple math(s) is here to remind you that sitting around waiting for the perfect idea and clarity is much less important than just getting out there and working on your ideas. Even if they're bad, you'll end up with something reasonable..and on top of that, you'll get better at learning how to execute on your ideas.

Doing this means that when you DO have a good idea, you'll be much better set up to execute on it.

So just get out there and start working on your site and your niche and learning how to get better at everything, and stop worrying if it's a great idea or not.

3.) Don't Be Arrogant Because You Learned One Thing

I see a lot of people in the world who learn something, and then take it as gospel. Always play devil's advocate and ask yourself if the opposite is actually true. Go out and see what the arguments are in favor and against something, and get different opinions.

You'll learn a lot more, and you'll learn from more sources.

For example, some people say Amazon isn't the best affiliate program because it only gives a 24 hour cookie. Fair enough, that's their opinion.

I've seen people arguing against Amazon for the above reason, and they've never even used it. Go out there and learn from people who love it instead, and even better, try it for yourself.

This is true for almost everything in Internet Marketing.

Learn by doing and seeing for yourself.

4.) If something isn't working, it might just be because you need more time, or it might just be because you're doing it wrong...or it might be because it doesn't work.

There are quite a few possibilities, and this is what makes Internet Marketing frustrating sometimes.

The feedback loop is long, we sometimes have to wait 6 months before we find out if something is going to yield the results we want.

I don't really have an answer for this other than to try to consider all options. Don't be too quick to throw in the towel on something, but also don't just sit there hitting your head against the wall assuming it will work eventually. Just be aware that there could be several reasons behind your lack of success so far.

I did a podcast about this with @AlexSol as well, and we debated quite a few ways of figuring out how to troubleshoot your journey so far.

5.) Always Keep Learning

This one is self explanatory. Keep learning from as many sources as you can, don't just rely on WA, but understand that WA is the backbone and the foundation, and you need to self educate as well.

... On that note, I'm going to be writing a new blog post every week on here about the journey from $0 to $1,000,000 per year. I'll start tomorrow (Monday Jan 15) with the first few months of HPD and how I came up with the idea, and will then walk you all through the journey from there to here.

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Recent Comments


WHOA!!! Those are great points, Dom!

I often hear people express discouragement because they feel...well...discouraged. The feeling in itself is powerless, it's really how you respond to that feeling that matters.

I totally agree with #3!!! I've heard of people who almost seem offended if you mention another source outside of WA. That's crazy! I think there's a mentality of "either/or" as opposed to seeing how you can make both sources work together.

Definitely looking forward to your upcoming posts, Dom! Thank you so much for sharing a part of your success!

Yep everything can complement each other

So awesome Dom and probably want I needed to hear right now!
Thanks so much for sharing your success with us and the fact you are going to share your journey as well is just fantastic.

There will be something for all of us to take, but more importantly "do" with what you share. Looking forward to it!
Cheers Sharon

I looked up your site Human Proof Design. I really admire the way you designed the site. If there is one area of building my niche site and its content I obsess over the most, it's "architecting" it.

But also I noticed a little detail that tickled me ... When I came back to this tab to read the rest of your post, I noticed your HPD tab said "Hey, come back!" And I had to click it. That kind of detail is genius. Love it! Reminds me of Steve Jobs.

I look forward to read your upcoming posts, Dom. Cheers.

Thanks, glad you like it. The homepage design was done by one of my employees, I'm terrible at designing sites myself ha.

That's awesome.

Dear Dom,

Congratulations for all of your hard-earned and well-deserved success!

I have watched you along the way - this is very kind of you to share with us your thought processes and become the mentor!

I will be following along your new posts with eager anticipation!

I have learned how to earn online but 2018 is my year to scale monetization and earnings!

Sincere Thanks,

Barb of Easy-moneys

Really motivating man. Love to hear the experiences of someone who has actually been there and has something of substance to share. I don't mean to offend other people who blog inside WA, but sometimes they talk just to talk and they haven't built anything substantial yet. Can't wait for the series of posts. It seems to me that the most successful in WA are actually the silent ones!

Dom, I'd like to echo what others have said here along with a thanks of my own. The more experience I gain (now in my 2nd year at WA and a few years online), the better I understand the wisdom you're sharing. This is some next level advice here :-)

This is really great. I always enjoy your posts, so thank you for sharing this. I know the feelings that you talk about, of thinking WA works, just maybe not for me. Been there. Thought that. Still working my way through it.

I look forward to reading your coming series.

Congrats on your amazing success.

Hi Dom , Thank you for your insight and giving the importance of trying. Looking forward to your upcoming analysis of what you have accomplished. You certainly have a lot to be proud. Thank you for your willingness to share how your business developed for the rest of us to implement. stawhu (Scott)

WOOHOO!!! Congrats Dom, thanks for the nuggets, when I see people struggling it is often precisely because of some of the points you mentioned.

However it's hard to believe you face those inner battles when one look at your work and all I see is someone projecting extreme confidence and courage, as with most people who succeed

...to use the vernacular: every time I look at a successful person's website my first reaction is usually 'that guy has a pair!', and for the females out there the same applies, just think what Negan said to Sasha [for Walking Dead fans!]

We're all like ducks swimming, you only see the graceful gliding on the surface. Nobody likes to show off the feet kicking like mad underwater.

Great analogy! Love it.......Donna

...I may screenshot your rank so newbies can get a good example of just who is who here ;)

Not going to lie, this took me by surprise. A million dollar business from WA! Incredible!

I'm gong to have to reset my long term goals fast.

This is what it's all about. Succeed then share and teach so others can too.

Thank you for sharing. I'm sure your time is extremely valuable, and limited.

Well done sir, I'm a fan!

WA was the starting point and gave me my initial education, but I also can't lie and say I got 100% of that million from my WA training. It was a long journey and I invested a lot in my training and growth..which is what I'll be blogging about over the next weeks

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