Know Your WAudience- Maslow's-"Hierarchy of Personal Growth Needs, all.WA, too!"
If, you, had Health, in high school, possibly...sometimes, things information, may still be recalled!! .....say Whaaa?Maslov' s theory, was simply this, this...Man has , basic , needs, for living, the most basic, being the bottom of the pyramid!
Base for physical existence...sperm?egg...hello!...! Food, water and shelter!...I don't see cellphones...down there! Hmm... what's the point? Get, this folks, knowledge applied, is gold...not applied...nugget, down the toilet! If, I've lost you somewhere, on occasion as, we've been traveling this little journey, we don't know the passengers, we've, gathered, along, the way..."Don't need, no ticket, get on board..."!.. Faith!...I know,...
I Can' myself, who's driving this train? MajorBarbara...Hope, my English teachers' enjoy, their acknowledgment...George B Shaw!...don't dismiss info, but, stick away away 'til, needed!! I have a full shelf of great info, here...not ready, for that, yet,... box it 'til, needed, or it will mess with where I'm going an is an, unneeded diversion...not a joyful, side, trip! TMI!
A master-of, Human Irony!...Rule # 62..."Don't take yourself, so seriously"!!.. Ha-ha-a-a!
Alert, now, you're human too, It, fits!...remember "MASH"....Drs. Pierce and Hawk-eye! Lieutents!!...Frank Burns Margaret Hollahan - Majors!....and Col Potter!! Classic!...God, help the MASH,...its, Primary purpose... work together as as team and help others, oh, people from death! so directed by, GOD!.... unit...when, the Col. went ...for, even a, brief, while...the Majors, stepped, right, in as Colonels! .., not knowing where you, are this continuum, may, be very toxic to self and others...come to the "foxhole!!" Unadultrated...arrogance...the worse form of pride! the first, of the seven deadly sins!! God, always the conductor! .. No Apologies!! PC....people, if you, haven't gotten, off before this...this this station...We, are stopping now, at Blind/Ignorance...Depot!...suggest you get out now, before a truth has enter, your , mind...that train is heading back to Egypt!...enjoy the trip!
"Everyone, back on board..." .....Mission, continues...God always the conductor!! Blame it on Him!! He, can take it ME...just the messenger!!...Ducking, the dirt bombs!, you're turning the fan on high!! Ah-Haaa!
Now, there's another book!
...stopping, for a garbage dump... Not, forgetting, who's in charge!! ..
Back to the example...Person, with no direction, living at home with folks...on their buck!...My parents, have worked, their buns, off for our, family, now, I'll just bask in their hard=work, suck them dry...Instead,of, saying, Thank-you for taking me, back, in , after, I spent the last 4 years, partying! The big shot!...are you, impressed with me now!...Prodigal, Son, Returns? In, the , Bible-reference book!!...that, son, got a great taste of humility! willing to come home and work as a servant for his Dad!
Someday, I will be able, to share, many of Mom's nuggets, of Wisdom!...point taken, end of discussion...just because, I have Money..."Doesn't mean, You, have money!!"...may I borrow the car, the car, Mom, Little Caesar's is hiring?...One, one condition...Band, Tuxis, Italian, Club...committed activities, for your further growth...not suffer! ...I, did it, all, and also, loved, doing it...Just a marvelous, experience, to be among, people, that have, a vast amount of wisdom,,,and still Desire more...see, you all at your Centennial celebration!...long mission of Joy! Always, even in marriage, have your own resources!!
Okay, I think I've made a very basic point!, always, goes, oh, a song!! "Back to the basics!!...of love!!"
"Luckenbach, Texas"- Waylon Jennings
The only, two, things in life that make it worth, livin'
Is a guitar, that tune good and firm feelin' women!
I don't need name ... in the marquis, lights.
I got my song, and got you with me tonight!..
Maybe, it's time we got, back to the basics, of, Love!
Let's, go, to Luckenbach, Texas!
Waylon and Willie, and the boys...
This, successful, life, we're living,
Got us feuding like the Hatfield's and McCoy's
Between, Hank Williams" pain,
song, and Newberry train, songs, Blue eyes cryin' in
the rain
Out in Luckenbach, Texas,
Feelin', No pain!!
A little joy and chuckle, to lighten this load...Thanks! God!... Those, needs, have to fulfilled, or, next level is the "ship/train" ....wreck!! See it, coming?
Passport photo, July 6 1960...September, we sail, away!!...Milan, Italy...for a year!
Okay, everyone...Signing, off on another , beautiful, day!...Day, unfolding, with, A friend, moving, in, ...getting a bookcase, and gift, that happened, while, returning with the guys, from Ft. Stockton, ...made arrangement to pick-up, this errands, under way.
Roomie, is a tech wiz!! before, her help, however! I, created the WA custom affiliate site, greeting, and site name, uploaded, a picture, ..I learned, about this little thingy, you can press that show the picture, and hold to download that chart,above...It's really does help, when you can find picture first!! Baby steps, in the progress, but slow and steady...
Part 2..Maslow's-Hierarchy of needs...continues, tomorrow.
Thank you, all!
God Bless!
Recent Comments
Oh, course, it's about time!!
Partied, day/night, at Fleeky's!!
Get your beauty, rest! Wink!
When the student is ready, Louisa, the teacher will appear!
Great, student!
Thank, you!
I don't see cellphones down there. I love it.
Didn't get the guitar strings yesterday too much rain and the firm feelin' went amiss as well. he he
I'm not out running around looking for couches, either!
News, flash!! Call friend, Paul!! Rooms to go!!
Do, you remember the yellow pages ads...Maybe just an American thing...Yellow Phone books for Businesses...
"Let your friends do th walking!" ..calls, are in...
Waiting here at home in my Sandbox...
Results will come...without screaming babies and chaos!
Unless, I Choose to let it in!! Ha! Haaa
is the rain. letting-up! Jae, in New Zealand...same, downpours!!
Texas, morning...raining, a little, with sunshine!! I see, a rainbow, coming, soon!!
Make it, a bit of Awesomeness!!, Brad!!
just, stay with us, Nick, this may span a little longer..with shorter. Time to process!
Thank, you! Nick...Note to myself!
Love the pyramid Barb, you must let me in on the secret of that little thingy you hold down to get the picture, must be a quick way is it?
Glad you have a fine day, it rained so hard here today, streams flooded onto the roads, windows fogged up, (no heater) so I have to run the air cond directed to the front window brrr of course I didn't need a raincoat today did I, no umbrella in the car, not even a hat to keep the rain of my blonde blow dried hairdo. I called into my butcher, and he said I looked stressed and tired. Yeah well I looked like a drowned rat I say.
Anyhow good blog.
Cheers Jae
Appearances, are very, deceiving!!
This, drown, rat, as a happy heart!!
Where waders, and a Mack!!
Little thingy...
When site says your personal pics!
All are bar to right not corner...not much up but this tab..
Click it will say photo view or something but, many wrong, downloads, before I found the pyramid!!
Good, little thingy!! Right up there with Cont+ Z...for deleted material, mistakes!!
Full moon over backyard this morning, opposite of morning sun!
Perfect polarity, Gemini/moon...Sag/ sun...
Elementary learning to higher education!!!
Later! Chat, soon!
Hi, William!
Grow where you're planted! This seems to have been to the best choice, yet!
Southern, hospitality, in Tejas...means friendly!
I take requests!!..
G'night! William! This party's over...
See more comments
Barb, love the energy. Please send me some. Jay
Hang around the sandbox, more often!! Jay!
what's your specialty, Jay... closet, disco King!!
I know you're out there!!
It's a group, effort! It's fun to go visiting...
Who, knows, you may be next..on "Candid, Camera!!!
Barb, I can dance when I drink. I rode submarines so I have many closets. Jay
OH, isn't it great!!!", that rule#62
So, submarine dancing lessons...I'm thinking Limbo, lower!!
My, ex#2...6'5"...submarine during korea..58. He was older!
Country ! Dancing in a submarine...Yellow, by chance??Jay??
- can dance anywhere, if I need a pick me up...BeeGee's concert!!
Beats gym! I get the yoga, without the OM!!
The toe touches...pulling weeds! stretching clean the pool, up and down workout on the biceps!! Saves on pool, guy...Psst!! Not hot!!
And gym membership and time expense! Utilize time wisely..
Barb, Have a great night.... loved the Yellow Submarine movie when I was young... have not watched forever and need to. Listened to hours of the Monkees and Sonny & Cher yesterday which was sad I guess but enjoyed.... When we want our kids to go home, I turn on YouTube with Donny & Marie or Hee Haw to move them a little quicker... Is that bad of me? Jay
Monkee"s forst, concert!!
Molly's dad, nextdoor, neighbor, took, 4 screaming, 7th, graders!!
He, took, his place, roaming, around, behind,...while, smoking, his pipe!!! Fond, memory! Thank, for the flashback!! and. "I, Got you, Babe.. bum, bu, bu, bum, bu, bu!!
Renee (bride) took Ali (daughter) to concerts and embarrassed her. I was lucky, took Nate (son) to wrestling and Weird Al concerts. Jay
We, really, appreciated, Mr, Maurer's, keeping a fade...
He kinda, reminds one of Inspector, Cleusau...
.engineer, black-rimmed, glasses.Han