Just wondering, where do people go?

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Greetings to the Wealthy Affiliate Community,

I have been at Wealthy Affiliate for almost ONE YEAR now and every time a new member joins their rank number seems to be just under 450,000 but Wealthy Affiliate has over 2,500,000 members and I see people improving their WA rank in just a few months, myself included.

I can see that there are a hardcore group of people here that have been at WA for over ten years, which is great if they want to make a living out of WA, which for me at least is a great opportunity and MUCH BETTER than working as a corporate slave for another organisation.

The best thing that anybody can do is invest your time and money into yourself and show commitment, dedication and focus and after a few years your efforts will be rewarded.

Things are looking good for WA members already as we see the potential of Wealthy Affiliate and what it can and will become.

But my point of this post is: "Where do people go" that started at least five years ago? Do they just give up on WA? I don't understand why they would do that?

Especially with the referral program to give other people the best start or beginning in life and reap financial security at the same time.

I guess they have their own reasons as to why they leave?

I feel that a lot of dormant accounts in Wealthy Affiliate are just missed opportunities and I think to myself, where could that person be financially today if they had carried on with WA?



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Most new businesses have a 95% attrition rate, and I doubt WA is any different.

Hey Brian, Good point. I think they don't give up o WA. Unfortunately, they give up on themselves, and perhaps some become ill. Maybe get their training and move on.


Others likely work on their businesses exclusively, while others also join and keep the membership active, but for one reason or another, they don't do much. My first year and a half was like that!


Hi Brian.
Yes, everyone has their reasons.
Whether they are present or not, some members have success, I'm sure of that.

Kyle explained and answered your question better.

Slavka 👋

Not everyone that joins does something, and not everyone that does something, ends up following through with it. In a perfect world we would have 2.7MM full time members here, but the reality is that people end up giving up, and some people never do anything.

I wrote about this last week, the people that succeed are those that commit to themselves. The easiest thing in business is to "give up", there is no resistance to doing that, and it requires the least amount of work. Those that stick with it, are those that succeed and those are the 2, 3, 5, 10, and even 15 year members here at WA!

Thanks Kyle,

I just watched a youtube video of a boy who got into stock trading at 18 because he was inspired after his father bought a Lamborghini Aventador for himself.

The boy started trading at 18 and by the age of 20 bought his first home just under $1,000,000 and he said he felt he was dreaming , he sold that home in 2022 and at the beginning of July 2023 bought another home at just over $3,000,000 and did a video about where he has come from to where he is now.

It took him seven years to be where he is today and admits that it was a long road getting where he is today, his age now is 24.

Bought My Dream Home at 24, by LamboRaul

If this does not inspire anybody, nothing will



Might have helped that he has a millionaire dad to bounce ideas off and get some much needed loans to start him off. Sure he said his dad didn't help him at all along the way (I didn't watch any of his videos), just that that's what the ones who make it MUST say, to sound more legitimate.

Not being a Debby Downer here, but let's get real, any kid who started at 18 and bought his first "dream home" before the age of 21, had to have either 💰 to begin with (his dad comes to mind) or at the very least, some amazing advice, like insider info as to what stocks, crypto, or other investments will yield massive returns.

You could have included someone like Gary Vaynerchuk who comes from a background less silly than that kid, because at least with Gary, he started with next to 0, as his parents were quite poor as well.

Anyhow, at least we know there's some young kid out there more well off than 99.999% of everyone in America, along with 99.9999% of his peers.

I look at this business as one that will be best served by successful mentors. Our community is a great surrogate for mentors. People succeed emulating those that are successful. It sounds as though the kid had a mentor (his father) that is extremely valuable. That emulation led to success.

With all of the members that are active, I like to pick their brains for tip to succeed. That is my plan and I am sticking to this endeavor.

One final point about where people go. I .am certain that many people have gone on to succeed and no longer feel a need to stay active. They have a feeling of accomplishment and their business and life takes the time that in the beginning was dedicated to learning on WA.

Just a thought.

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