Editing Tricks (Infographic)
If you're someone that gets carried away when writing blog posts or articles you may find these editing tricks useful. You may not want to change your overall style of writing but it's important to remember that many of your readers will be in a hurry when they land on your site - so if you can keep to the essence of what you want to say, but say it in fewer words - that's got to be good.
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I'm not sure. Doesn't more words = more content? I know the content needs to be good but isn't more of it more likely to be better for the search engines?
More words - does mean more content - but it doesn't necessarily equate to quality content and there are times when cutting down the word count will make it a better article. You're writing for readers not for search engines.
Yes you are writing for readers but it's search engines, not readers that need to rate the content initially to get it up the rankings i.e. Google ranks on content.
Looking at the above example I would say that "The dress looked extremely beautiful on her" was better content than "She rocked that dress" so conversely, cutting down doesn't necessarily make it better content.
I would just go with what I thought sounded best and in that example I think the first, longer, statement reads better.
That's just my opinion of that example of course but the trouble is I'm not sure which of the two examples the search engines would rank higher, that's the part I struggle with. If you cut something down and it doesn't necessarily read better how do we know if the search engines are going to rank it higher or lower?
I agree with you - I would probably go with that too - but that's why I say - you wouldn't use them all of the time. There are times when people write too much and need to cut down - but you have to do it in the right way. Those examples just illustrate how it could be done.
You worry about - which would rank higher. That would never occur to me - I just don't work like that and I have never had any problem getting posts and articles to page one of Google.
I don't worry about it, I just try to write naturally and I would worry more about changing it, even it meant using less words. As long as it sounds right I think that's the most important thing. If the content is compelling enough people will read it. e.g. you don't put a good book down because it's "too long".
I'm not knocking the concept but I'm just concerned that it is one more thing for people to think about, maybe unnecessarily and we can get too wrapped up in trying to be too perfect sometimes.
Hard to explain but I wonder if some people would start to alter their copy when they really don't need to, I personally would find it difficult when to change it and when to leave it as it is.
Good job. I tend to write as I'm thinking then look at my word count (this of course after I worried about not having enough to say. lol). Then I proof read to shorten, which adds to my already limited time. Hopefully with these tips in mind I can cut out the middle man. lol
Too wordy? lol
LoL - You don't want to do anything that stifles you're creativity. Just write as normal and then edit.
I didn't think it was too wordy but couldn't resist trying to cut it down. LoL
"Good job. I write, then look at my word count (after I've worried about not having enough). Then I proof read, which adds to my limited time. Hopefully I can now cut out the middle man. LoL"
Yours 55 words - Mine - 37
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Nice .. I know i need to work on my writting grammar but its a lil hard for me due to Engish not being my 1st language ! I will get there Naturally ;)
Thanks for Advices,
Julio (SuccessDeus)
As I'm the world's wordiest writer I tend to go for the first option of each pair every time.
I mean, I do that.
You and me both Paul.
I was at a meeting the other day when someone quoted something I had written and the person who was giving the presentation (not knowing I was sitting there) said no one could have written anything so wordy! I spoiled the moment by bursting out laughing. I had to admit it was wholly accurate!
I'm curious to know if I'm the reason you made this infographic...LOL. I'm guilty of every single one and I'm constantly reminding myself to do these edits.
Sometimes I'm so wordy I even bore myself while I'm proofreading....HA.
Good tips and I'm printing this one too! My office wall will be filled with Beverley graphics...LOVE it. :)
Patty :)
Hi Patty
No - it wasn't written specifically with you in mind. But I'm just like you - if I can say it in 15 words rather than 5, I will always go for the 15. LOL
I think most of use need to cut it down at some point!
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These are great. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you. Glad you like them.