About Beccany
Rank 16316
151 followers Joined January 2018
Hi, my name is Rebecca, I also go by Becca . I live in New York State currently but was born and raised in





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Somfrom what I understand it is not looked at well by goggle to have multiple affiliate links in content. So only choose one or two links on existing content to use for review

Yes. The best strategy in my opinion is to have individual product reviews with you affiliate links in them.

Then, when you write other posts and are talking about a product you are reviewing in it, you send a link from that post to that review on your site.

That's what Kyle is teaching, And it's also good in Google eyes.

Thanks, that’s what I’m going to do.

I have the same problem with them, if U have to many affiliate links on the post they call it spam and could kick you off.

It does seem to work a little better if you have some pages without them. Or even some pages where they are not constant through them.

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How to link reviews and affiliate links to existing content?

How to link reviews and affiliate links to existing content?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Somfrom what I understand it is not looked at well by goggle to have multiple affiliate links in content. So only choose one or two links on existing content to use for review

Yes. The best strategy in my opinion is to have individual product reviews with you affiliate links in them.

Then, when you write other posts and are talking about a product you are reviewing in it, you send a link from that post to that review on your site.

That's what Kyle is teaching, And it's also good in Google eyes.

Thanks, that’s what I’m going to do.

I have the same problem with them, if U have to many affiliate links on the post they call it spam and could kick you off.

It does seem to work a little better if you have some pages without them. Or even some pages where they are not constant through them.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Do you think its a better idea in the All in one SEO to check index NOFOLLOW? I just wanted some opinions on this.


Becca, my understanding is you only want to use No Follow and No Index on your Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosure.

Not clear on your question.

It is a good idea on the Privacy Policy page because that is so similar to the pages of others. I am not sure if that is what your asking. I hope it helps.

I agree. The NOINDEX AND NOFOLLOW should only be checked off on the Privacy Policy and the Disclaimer pages.


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All in one seo index nofollow?

All in one seo index nofollow?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Do you think its a better idea in the All in one SEO to check index NOFOLLOW? I just wanted some opinions on this.


Becca, my understanding is you only want to use No Follow and No Index on your Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosure.

Not clear on your question.

It is a good idea on the Privacy Policy page because that is so similar to the pages of others. I am not sure if that is what your asking. I hope it helps.

I agree. The NOINDEX AND NOFOLLOW should only be checked off on the Privacy Policy and the Disclaimer pages.


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asked in
Getting Started

I was just looking for some ideas?

That's going to be different for everyone. One of my niche websites is about Stroke Prevention Nutrition so I write about ways to reduce your risk of a stroke, improving your nutrition, recovery and product reviews. I'm still new at this but I have stayed busy with all kinds of ideas to write about.

This is where your niche needs to be something you have some interest in. It will be easier to write about.

I hope that helps some.


research your niche then post all the relevant data in your own words

What type of content should be on your account homepage?

What type of content should be on your account homepage?

asked in
Getting Started

I was just looking for some ideas?

That's going to be different for everyone. One of my niche websites is about Stroke Prevention Nutrition so I write about ways to reduce your risk of a stroke, improving your nutrition, recovery and product reviews. I'm still new at this but I have stayed busy with all kinds of ideas to write about.

This is where your niche needs to be something you have some interest in. It will be easier to write about.

I hope that helps some.


research your niche then post all the relevant data in your own words

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